
execute-batch! (clj)



(execute-batch! ps param-groups) (execute-batch! ps param-groups opts) (execute-batch! connectable sql param-groups opts)
Given a `PreparedStatement` and a vector containing parameter groups, i.e., a vector of vector of parameters, use `.addBatch` to add each group of parameters to the prepared statement (via `set-parameters`) and then call `.executeBatch`. A vector of update counts is returned. An options hash map may also be provided, containing `:batch-size` which determines how to partition the parameter groups for submission to the database. If omitted, all groups will be submitted as a single command. If you expect the update counts to be larger than `Integer/MAX_VALUE`, you can specify `:large true` and `.executeLargeBatch` will be called instead. Alternatively, given a connectable, a SQL string, a vector containing parameter groups, and an options hash map, create a new `PreparedStatement` (after possibly creating a new `Connection`), and execute the SQL with the specified parameter groups. That new `PreparedStatement` (and the new `Connection`, if created) will be closed automatically after use. By default, returns a Clojure vector of update counts. Some databases allow batch statements to also return generated keys and you can attempt that if you ensure the `PreparedStatement` is created with `:return-keys true` and you also provide `:return-generated-keys true` in the options passed to `execute-batch!`. Some databases will only return one generated key per batch, some return all the generated keys, some will throw an exception. If that is supported, `execute-batch!` will return a vector of hash maps containing the generated keys as fully-realized, datafiable result sets, whose content is database-dependent. May throw `java.sql.BatchUpdateException` if any part of the batch fails. You may be able to call `.getUpdateCounts` on that exception object to get more information about which parts succeeded and which failed. For additional caveats and database-specific options you may need, see: Not all databases support batch execution.


(ns next.jdbc-test
  "Basic tests for the primary API of `next.jdbc`."
  (:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]
            [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
            [next.jdbc.connection :as c]
             :refer [with-test-db db ds column
                     default-options stored-proc?
                     derby? hsqldb? jtds? mssql? mysql? postgres? sqlite?]]
            [next.jdbc.prepare :as prep]
            [next.jdbc.result-set :as rs]
            [next.jdbc.specs :as specs]
            [next.jdbc.types :as types])
  (:import (com.zaxxer.hikari HikariDataSource)
           (com.mchange.v2.c3p0 ComboPooledDataSource PooledDataSource)
           (java.sql ResultSet ResultSetMetaData)))

(deftest execute-batch-tests
  (testing "simple batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
               (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                     ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                     ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                     ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                     ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                     ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                     ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                     ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                     ["fruit9" "nine"]])]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "small batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
               (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                     ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                     ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                     ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                     ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                     ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                     ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                     ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                     ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                 {:batch-size 3})]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "big batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
               (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                     ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                     ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                     ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                     ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                     ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                     ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                     ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                     ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                 {:batch-size 8})]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "large batch insert"
    (when-not (or (jtds?) (sqlite?))
      (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
               (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
                 (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                       ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                       ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                       ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                       ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                       ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                       ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                       ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                       ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                   {:batch-size 4
                                                    :large true})]
                   (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
      (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))))
  (testing "return generated keys"
    (when-not (or (mssql?) (sqlite?))
      (let [results
            (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
              (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
                                           {:return-keys true})]
                (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                      ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                      ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                      ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                      ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                      ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                      ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                      ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                      ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                  {:batch-size 4
                                                   :return-generated-keys true})]
                  (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))]
        (is (= 13 (last results)))
        (is (every? map? (butlast results)))
        ;; Derby and SQLite only return one generated key per batch so there
        ;; are only three keys, plus the overall count here:
        (is (< 3 (count results))))
      (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))))

(deftest execute-batch-connectable-tests
  (testing "simple batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (ds)
                                               "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                               [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                ["fruit9" "nine"]]
               (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
               (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "batch with-options"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (jdbc/with-options (ds) {})
                                               "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                               [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                ["fruit9" "nine"]]
               (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
               (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "batch with-logging"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (jdbc/with-logging (ds) println println)
                                               "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                               [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                ["fruit9" "nine"]]
               (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
               (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "small batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (ds)
                                               "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                               [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                               {:batch-size 3})]
               (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
               (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "big batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (ds)
                                               "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                               [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                               {:batch-size 8})]
               (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
               (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "large batch insert"
    (when-not (or (jtds?) (sqlite?))
      (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
               (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (ds)
                                                 "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                                 [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                  ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                  ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                  ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                  ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                  ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                  ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                  ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                  ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                 {:batch-size 4
                                                  :large true})]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
                 (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))))
      (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))))
  (testing "return generated keys"
    (when-not (or (mssql?) (sqlite?))
      (let [results
              (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (ds)
                                                "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                                [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                 ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                 ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                 ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                 ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                 ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                 ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                 ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                 ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                ;; note: we need both :return-keys true for creating
                                                ;; the PreparedStatement and :return-generated-keys
                                                ;; true to control the way batch execution happens:
                                                {:batch-size 4 :return-keys true
                                                 :return-generated-keys true})]
                (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
                (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))]
        (is (= 13 (last results)))
        (is (every? map? (butlast results)))
        ;; Derby and SQLite only return one generated key per batch so there
        ;; are only three keys, plus the overall count here:
        (is (< 3 (count results))))
      (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))))

(deftest folding-test
  (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit"])
  (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))
              ps  (jdbc/prepare con ["insert into fruit(name) values (?)"])]
    (jdbc/execute-batch! ps (mapv #(vector (str "Fruit-" %)) (range 1 1001))))
  (testing "foldable result set"
    (testing "from a Connection"
      (let [result
            (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
               (r/map (column :FRUIT/NAME)
                      (jdbc/plan con ["select * from fruit order by id"]
        (is (= 1000 (count result)))
        (is (= "Fruit-1" (first result)))
        (is (= "Fruit-1000" (last result)))))
    (testing "from a DataSource"
      (doseq [n [2 3 4 5 100 300 500 700 900 1000 1100]]
        (testing (str "folding with n = " n)
          (let [result
                  (r/fold n r/cat r/append!
                          (r/map (column :FRUIT/NAME)
                                 (jdbc/plan (ds) ["select * from fruit order by id"]
                  (catch java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException _
            (is (= 1000 (count result)))
            (is (= "Fruit-1" (first result)))
            (is (= "Fruit-1000" (last result)))))))
    (testing "from a PreparedStatement"
      (let [result
            (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))
                        stmt (jdbc/prepare con
                                           ["select * from fruit order by id"]
               (r/map (column :FRUIT/NAME)
                      (jdbc/plan stmt nil (default-options)))))]
        (is (= 1000 (count result)))
        (is (= "Fruit-1" (first result)))
        (is (= "Fruit-1000" (last result)))))
    (testing "from a Statement"
      (let [result
            (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))
                        stmt (prep/statement con (default-options))]
               (r/map (column :FRUIT/NAME)
                      (jdbc/plan stmt ["select * from fruit order by id"]
        (is (= 1000 (count result)))
        (is (= "Fruit-1" (first result)))
        (is (= "Fruit-1000" (last result)))))))
  The tests for the deprecated version of `execute-batch!` are here
  as a guard against regressions."
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]
            [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
             :refer [with-test-db ds jtds? mssql? sqlite?]]
            [next.jdbc.prepare :as prep]
            [next.jdbc.specs :as specs]))

(deftest execute-batch-tests
  (testing "simple batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
               (let [result (prep/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                     ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                     ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                     ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                     ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                     ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                     ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                     ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                     ["fruit9" "nine"]])]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "small batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
               (let [result (prep/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                     ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                     ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                     ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                     ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                     ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                     ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                     ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                     ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                 {:batch-size 3})]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "big batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
               (let [result (prep/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                     ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                     ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                     ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                     ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                     ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                     ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                     ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                     ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                 {:batch-size 8})]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "large batch insert"
    (when-not (or (jtds?) (sqlite?))
      (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
               (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
                 (let [result (prep/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                       ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                       ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                       ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                       ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                       ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                       ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                       ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                       ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                   {:batch-size 4
                                                    :large true})]
                   (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
      (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))))
  (testing "return generated keys"
    (when-not (or (mssql?) (sqlite?))
      (let [results
            (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
              (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
                                           {:return-keys true})]
                (let [result (prep/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                      ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                      ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                      ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                      ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                      ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                      ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                      ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                      ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                  {:batch-size 4
                                                   :return-generated-keys true})]
                  (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))]
        (is (= 13 (last results)))
        (is (every? map? (butlast results)))
        ;; Derby and SQLite only return one generated key per batch so there
        ;; are only three keys, plus the overall count here:
        (is (< 3 (count results))))
      (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))))
  The tests for the deprecated version of `execute-batch!` are here
  as a guard against regressions."
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]
            [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
             :refer [with-test-db ds jtds? mssql? sqlite?]]
            [next.jdbc.prepare :as prep]
            [next.jdbc.specs :as specs]))

(deftest execute-batch-tests
  (testing "simple batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
               (let [result (prep/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                     ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                     ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                     ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                     ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                     ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                     ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                     ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                     ["fruit9" "nine"]])]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "small batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
               (let [result (prep/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                     ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                     ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                     ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                     ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                     ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                     ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                     ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                     ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                 {:batch-size 3})]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "big batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
               (let [result (prep/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                     ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                     ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                     ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                     ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                     ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                     ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                     ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                     ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                 {:batch-size 8})]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "large batch insert"
    (when-not (or (jtds?) (sqlite?))
      (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
               (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
                 (let [result (prep/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                       ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                       ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                       ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                       ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                       ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                       ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                       ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                       ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                   {:batch-size 4
                                                    :large true})]
                   (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
      (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))))
  (testing "return generated keys"
    (when-not (or (mssql?) (sqlite?))
      (let [results
            (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
              (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
                                           {:return-keys true})]
                (let [result (prep/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                      ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                      ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                      ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                      ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                      ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                      ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                      ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                      ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                  {:batch-size 4
                                                   :return-generated-keys true})]
                  (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))]
        (is (= 13 (last results)))
        (is (every? map? (butlast results)))
        ;; Derby and SQLite only return one generated key per batch so there
        ;; are only three keys, plus the overall count here:
        (is (< 3 (count results))))
      (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))))
(ns next.jdbc-test
  "Basic tests for the primary API of `next.jdbc`."
  (:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]
            [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
            [next.jdbc.connection :as c]
             :refer [with-test-db db ds column
                     default-options stored-proc?
                     derby? hsqldb? jtds? mssql? mysql? postgres? sqlite?]]
            [next.jdbc.prepare :as prep]
            [next.jdbc.result-set :as rs]
            [next.jdbc.specs :as specs]
            [next.jdbc.types :as types])
  (:import (com.zaxxer.hikari HikariDataSource)
           (com.mchange.v2.c3p0 ComboPooledDataSource PooledDataSource)
           (java.sql ResultSet ResultSetMetaData)))

(deftest execute-batch-tests
  (testing "simple batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
               (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                     ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                     ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                     ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                     ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                     ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                     ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                     ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                     ["fruit9" "nine"]])]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "small batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
               (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                     ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                     ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                     ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                     ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                     ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                     ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                     ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                     ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                 {:batch-size 3})]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "big batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
               (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                     ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                     ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                     ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                     ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                     ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                     ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                     ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                     ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                 {:batch-size 8})]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "large batch insert"
    (when-not (or (jtds?) (sqlite?))
      (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
               (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
                 (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                       ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                       ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                       ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                       ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                       ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                       ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                       ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                       ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                   {:batch-size 4
                                                    :large true})]
                   (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))))
      (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))))
  (testing "return generated keys"
    (when-not (or (mssql?) (sqlite?))
      (let [results
            (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
              (with-open [ps (jdbc/prepare t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)
                                           {:return-keys true})]
                (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! ps [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                      ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                      ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                      ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                      ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                      ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                      ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                      ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                      ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                  {:batch-size 4
                                                   :return-generated-keys true})]
                  (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! t ["select * from fruit"]))))))]
        (is (= 13 (last results)))
        (is (every? map? (butlast results)))
        ;; Derby and SQLite only return one generated key per batch so there
        ;; are only three keys, plus the overall count here:
        (is (< 3 (count results))))
      (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))))

(deftest execute-batch-connectable-tests
  (testing "simple batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (ds)
                                               "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                               [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                ["fruit9" "nine"]]
               (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
               (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "batch with-options"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (jdbc/with-options (ds) {})
                                               "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                               [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                ["fruit9" "nine"]]
               (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
               (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "batch with-logging"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (jdbc/with-logging (ds) println println)
                                               "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                               [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                ["fruit9" "nine"]]
               (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
               (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "small batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (ds)
                                               "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                               [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                               {:batch-size 3})]
               (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
               (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "big batch insert"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
             (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (ds)
                                               "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                               [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                               {:batch-size 8})]
               (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
               (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "large batch insert"
    (when-not (or (jtds?) (sqlite?))
      (is (= [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13]
               (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (ds)
                                                 "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                                 [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                  ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                  ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                  ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                  ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                  ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                  ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                  ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                  ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                 {:batch-size 4
                                                  :large true})]
                 (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
                 (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))))
      (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))))
  (testing "return generated keys"
    (when-not (or (mssql?) (sqlite?))
      (let [results
              (let [result (jdbc/execute-batch! (ds)
                                                "INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance) VALUES (?,?)"
                                                [["fruit1" "one"]
                                                 ["fruit2" "two"]
                                                 ["fruit3" "three"]
                                                 ["fruit4" "four"]
                                                 ["fruit5" "five"]
                                                 ["fruit6" "six"]
                                                 ["fruit7" "seven"]
                                                 ["fruit8" "eight"]
                                                 ["fruit9" "nine"]]
                                                ;; note: we need both :return-keys true for creating
                                                ;; the PreparedStatement and :return-generated-keys
                                                ;; true to control the way batch execution happens:
                                                {:batch-size 4 :return-keys true
                                                 :return-generated-keys true})]
                (conj result (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
                (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit where id > 4"])))]
        (is (= 13 (last results)))
        (is (every? map? (butlast results)))
        ;; Derby and SQLite only return one generated key per batch so there
        ;; are only three keys, plus the overall count here:
        (is (< 3 (count results))))
      (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))))

(deftest folding-test
  (jdbc/execute-one! (ds) ["delete from fruit"])
  (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))
              ps  (jdbc/prepare con ["insert into fruit(name) values (?)"])]
    (jdbc/execute-batch! ps (mapv #(vector (str "Fruit-" %)) (range 1 1001))))
  (testing "foldable result set"
    (testing "from a Connection"
      (let [result
            (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
               (r/map (column :FRUIT/NAME)
                      (jdbc/plan con ["select * from fruit order by id"]
        (is (= 1000 (count result)))
        (is (= "Fruit-1" (first result)))
        (is (= "Fruit-1000" (last result)))))
    (testing "from a DataSource"
      (doseq [n [2 3 4 5 100 300 500 700 900 1000 1100]]
        (testing (str "folding with n = " n)
          (let [result
                  (r/fold n r/cat r/append!
                          (r/map (column :FRUIT/NAME)
                                 (jdbc/plan (ds) ["select * from fruit order by id"]
                  (catch java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException _
            (is (= 1000 (count result)))
            (is (= "Fruit-1" (first result)))
            (is (= "Fruit-1000" (last result)))))))
    (testing "from a PreparedStatement"
      (let [result
            (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))
                        stmt (jdbc/prepare con
                                           ["select * from fruit order by id"]
               (r/map (column :FRUIT/NAME)
                      (jdbc/plan stmt nil (default-options)))))]
        (is (= 1000 (count result)))
        (is (= "Fruit-1" (first result)))
        (is (= "Fruit-1000" (last result)))))
    (testing "from a Statement"
      (let [result
            (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))
                        stmt (prep/statement con (default-options))]
               (r/map (column :FRUIT/NAME)
                      (jdbc/plan stmt ["select * from fruit order by id"]
        (is (= 1000 (count result)))
        (is (= "Fruit-1" (first result)))
        (is (= "Fruit-1000" (last result)))))))