execute-batch! (clj)
(execute-batch! ps param-groups)
(execute-batch! ps param-groups opts)
(execute-batch! connectable sql param-groups opts)
Given a `PreparedStatement` and a vector containing parameter groups,
i.e., a vector of vector of parameters, use `.addBatch` to add each group
of parameters to the prepared statement (via `set-parameters`) and then
call `.executeBatch`. A vector of update counts is returned.
An options hash map may also be provided, containing `:batch-size` which
determines how to partition the parameter groups for submission to the
database. If omitted, all groups will be submitted as a single command.
If you expect the update counts to be larger than `Integer/MAX_VALUE`,
you can specify `:large true` and `.executeLargeBatch` will be called
Alternatively, given a connectable, a SQL string, a vector containing
parameter groups, and an options hash map, create a new `PreparedStatement`
(after possibly creating a new `Connection`), and execute the SQL with
the specified parameter groups. That new `PreparedStatement` (and the
new `Connection`, if created) will be closed automatically after use.
By default, returns a Clojure vector of update counts. Some databases
allow batch statements to also return generated keys and you can attempt that
if you ensure the `PreparedStatement` is created with `:return-keys true`
and you also provide `:return-generated-keys true` in the options passed
to `execute-batch!`. Some databases will only return one generated key
per batch, some return all the generated keys, some will throw an exception.
If that is supported, `execute-batch!` will return a vector of hash maps
containing the generated keys as fully-realized, datafiable result sets,
whose content is database-dependent.
May throw `java.sql.BatchUpdateException` if any part of the batch fails.
You may be able to call `.getUpdateCounts` on that exception object to
get more information about which parts succeeded and which failed.
For additional caveats and database-specific options you may need, see:
Not all databases support batch execution.