get-datasource (clj)
(get-datasource spec)
Given some sort of specification of a database, return a `DataSource`.
A specification can be a JDBC URL string (which is passed to the JDBC
driver as-is), or a hash map.
For the hash map, there are two formats accepted:
In the first format, these keys are required:
* `:dbtype` -- a string indicating the type of the database
* `:dbname` -- a string indicating the name of the database to be used
The following optional keys are commonly used:
* `:user` -- the username to authenticate with
* `:password` -- the password to authenticate with
* `:host` -- the hostname or IP address of the database (default: ``);
can be `:none` which means the host/port segment of the JDBC URL should
be omitted entirely (for 'local' databases)
* `:port` -- the port for the database connection (the default is database-
specific -- see below); can be `:none` which means the port segment of
the JDBC URL should be omitted entirely
* `:classname` -- if you need to override the default for the `:dbtype`
(or you want to use a database that next.jdbc does not know about!)
The following optional keys can be used to control how JDBC URLs are
assembled. This may be needed for `:dbtype` values that `next.jdbc`
does not recognize:
* `:dbname-separator` -- override the `/` or `:` that normally precedes
the database name in the JDBC URL
* `:host-prefix` -- override the `//` that normally precedes the IP
address or hostname in the JDBC URL
* `:property-separator` -- an optional string that can be used to override
the separators used in `jdbc-url` for the properties (after the initial
JDBC URL portion); by default `?` and `&` are used to build JDBC URLs
with properties; for SQL Server drivers (both MS and jTDS)
`:property-separator ";"` is used
In the second format, this key is required:
* `:jdbcUrl` -- a JDBC URL string
Any additional options provided will be passed to the JDBC driver's
`.getConnection` call as a `java.util.Properties` structure.
Database types supported (for `:dbtype`), and their defaults:
* `derby` -- `org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver` -- also pass `:create true`
if you want the database to be automatically created
* `duckdb` -- `org.duckdb.DuckDBDriver` -- embedded database
* `h2` -- `org.h2.Driver` -- for an on-disk database
* `h2:mem` -- `org.h2.Driver` -- for an in-memory database
* `hsqldb`, `hsql` -- `org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver`
* `jtds:sqlserver`, `jtds` -- `net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver` -- `1433`
* `mariadb` -- `org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver` -- `3306`
* `mysql` -- `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver`, `com.mysql.jdbc.Driver` -- `3306`
* `oracle:oci` -- `oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver` -- `1521`
* `oracle:thin`, `oracle` -- `oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver` -- `1521`
* `oracle:sid` -- `oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver` -- `1521` -- uses the legacy `:`
separator for the database name but otherwise behaves like `oracle:thin`
* `postgresql`, `postgres` -- `org.postgresql.Driver` -- `5432`
* `pgsql` -- `com.impossibl.postgres.jdbc.PGDriver` -- no default port
* `redshift` -- `` -- no default port
* `sqlite` -- `org.sqlite.JDBC`
* `sqlserver`, `mssql` -- `` -- `1433`
* `timesten:client` -- `com.timesten.jdbc.TimesTenClientDriver`
* `timesten:direct` -- `com.timesten.jdbc.TimesTenDriver`
* `xtdb` -- `xtdb.jdbc.Driver` -- an XTDB wrapper around `postgresql`
For more details about `:dbtype` and `:classname` values, see: