
Public Variable Short Description
->GeneralRelation (clj)
GeneralRelation (clj)
IDivisibleInterval (clj)
IGroupable (clj)
IIntervalOps (clj)
am (clj)
basic-relation (clj) A function to determine the (basic) relation between two intervals.
basic-relations (clj)
bounds (clj)
complement (clj)
complement-r (clj) Return the complement of the general relation.
compose-r (clj) Return the composition of r and s.
concur (clj) Return the interval representing the interval, if there is one, representing the interval of time the given intervals are concurrent.
concur? (clj)
concurrencies (clj) Return a sequence of occurances where intervals coincide (having non-nil concur intervals).
conj (clj)
contains? (clj)
conv (clj) The converse of a basic relation.
converse-r (clj) Return the converse of the given general relation.
difference (clj) Return an interval set that is the first set without elements of the remaining sets.
disjoin (clj) Split s1 across the grating defined by s2.
disjoint? (clj)
divide (clj)
divide-by (clj)
divide-by-divisor (clj)
divide-by-duration (clj) Divide an interval by a duration, returning a sequence of intervals.
divide-by-period (clj)
divide-interval (clj) Divide an interval by a given divisor.
during? (clj)
equals? (clj)
extend (clj)
finished-by? (clj)
finishes? (clj)
flatten (clj)
group-by (clj)
group-by-intervals (clj) Divide intervals in s1 by (disjoint ordered) intervals in s2, splitting if necessary, grouping by s2.
intersection (clj) Return a time-ordered sequence of disjoint intervals where two or more intervals of the given sequences are concurrent.
intersection-r (clj) Return the intersection of the r with s.
intersects? (clj)
interval (clj)
map->GeneralRelation (clj)
meets? (clj)
met-by? (clj)
new-interval (clj)
new-interval-group (clj) Return an interval group.
new-relation (clj)
normalize (clj) Within a time-ordered sequence of disjoint intervals, return a sequence of interval groups, splicing together meeting intervals.
not-yet-implemented (clj)
ordered-disjoint-intervals? (clj) Are all the intervals in the given set time-ordered and disjoint? This is a useful property of a collection of intervals.
overlapped-by? (clj)
overlaps? (clj)
pm (clj)
preceded-by? (clj)
precedes-or-meets? (clj)
precedes? (clj)
relation (clj)
relation->kw (clj)
scale (clj)
slice (clj) Fit the interval between beginning and end, slicing off one or both ends as necessary.
slice-interval (clj)
splice (clj) Splice another interval on to this one.
split (clj) Split ival into 2 intervals at t, returned as a 2-element vector.
split-interval (clj)
split-with-assert (clj)
started-by? (clj)
starts? (clj)
union (clj) Merge multiple time-ordered sequences of disjoint intervals into a single sequence of time-ordered disjoint intervals.
unite (clj) Unite concurrent intervals.