
disjoin (clj)



(disjoin s1) (disjoin s1 s2) (disjoin s1 s2 & sets)
Split s1 across the grating defined by s2


(ns tick.alpha.interval-test
   [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
   [tick.core :as t]
   [tick.protocols :as p]
    :refer [deftest is testing run-tests]
    :refer-macros [deftest is testing run-tests]]
   [tick.alpha.interval :as ti]
   #?@(:cljs [[java.time :refer [Instant LocalDateTime LocalTime]]]))
     (:import [java.time LocalDateTime Instant LocalTime])))

(deftest disjoint-test []
  (is (ti/disjoint?
        (ti/new-interval (instants 0) (instants 1))
        (ti/new-interval (instants 2) (instants 3))))
  (is (= (ti/disjoint?
           (ti/new-interval (instants 0) (instants 1))
           (ti/new-interval (instants 2) (instants 3))) ti/precedes?))
  (is (nil?
          (ti/new-interval (instants 0) (instants 2))
          (ti/new-interval (instants 1) (instants 3)))))
  (is (nil?
          (ti/new-interval (instants 0) (instants 3))
          (ti/new-interval (instants 1) (instants 2))))))

;; concur is really the complement to disjoint, but we'll test it
;; anywhere to ensure the complement function is working as expected.

(deftest ordered-disjoint-intervals?-test
    (ti/ordered-disjoint-intervals? []))
      [(ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T09:00:00Z")
                        (t/instant "2017-07-30T10:00:00Z"))]))
      [(ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T09:00:00Z")
                        (t/instant "2017-07-30T10:00:00Z"))
       (ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T11:00:00Z")
                        (t/instant "2017-07-30T13:00:00Z"))]))
      [(ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T09:00:00Z")
                        (t/instant "2017-07-30T11:00:00Z"))
       (ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T11:00:00Z")
                        (t/instant "2017-07-30T13:00:00Z"))]))
      [(ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T09:00:00Z")
                        (t/instant "2017-07-30T11:00:00Z"))
       (ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T11:00:00Z")
                        (t/instant "2017-07-30T13:00:00Z"))
       (ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T16:00:00Z")
                        (t/instant "2017-07-30T18:00:00Z"))]))
        [(ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T09:00:00Z")
                          (t/instant "2017-07-30T12:00:00Z"))
         (ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T11:00:00Z")
                          (t/instant "2017-07-30T13:00:00Z"))])))

        [(ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T11:00:00Z")
                          (t/instant "2017-07-30T13:00:00Z"))
         (ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T09:00:00Z")
                          (t/instant "2017-07-30T10:00:00Z"))]))))

(deftest union-test
  (testing "counts"
    (let [coll1 [(ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T09:00:00Z")
                                  (t/instant "2017-07-30T12:00:00Z"))]
          coll2 [(ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T11:00:00Z")
                                  (t/instant "2017-07-30T15:00:00Z"))]
          coll3 [(ti/new-interval (t/instant "2017-07-30T17:00:00Z")
                                  (t/instant "2017-07-30T19:00:00Z"))]]
      (is (= 1 (count (ti/union coll1 coll2))))
      (is (ti/ordered-disjoint-intervals? (ti/union coll1 coll2)))
      (is (= 2 (count (ti/union coll1 coll2 coll3))))
      (is (ti/ordered-disjoint-intervals? (ti/union coll1 coll2 coll3)))))

;; We are reclaiming 'disjoin' to mean to 'end the joining of' or 'to become disjoint'.

(deftest complement-test
  (testing "complement through max of type"
    (is (= [(ti/new-interval (t/time "01:00") (t/max-of-type (t/time "00:00")))]
           (ti/complement [(ti/new-interval (t/time "00:00") (t/time "01:00"))]))))
  (testing "complement ordered disjoint intervals"
    (is (= [(ti/new-interval (t/time "00:00") (t/time "01:00"))
            (ti/new-interval (t/time "02:00") (t/time "03:00"))
            (ti/new-interval (t/time "04:00") (t/max-of-type (t/time "00:00")))]
           (ti/complement [(ti/new-interval (t/time "01:00") (t/time "02:00"))
                        (ti/new-interval (t/time "03:00") (t/time "04:00"))]))))
  (testing "complement meeting intervals"
    (is (= [(ti/new-interval (t/time "00:00") (t/time "01:00"))
            (ti/new-interval (t/time "03:00") (t/max-of-type (t/time "00:00")))]
           (ti/complement [(ti/new-interval (t/time "01:00") (t/time "02:00"))
                        (ti/new-interval (t/time "02:00") (t/time "03:00"))]))))
  (testing "complement empty interval round trip"
    (is (= [] (ti/complement (ti/complement []))))))