
replace (clj)



(replace s match replacement)
Replaces all instance of match with replacement in s. match/replacement can be: string / string char / char pattern / (string or function of match). See also replace-first. The replacement is literal (i.e. none of its characters are treated specially) for all cases above except pattern / string. For pattern / string, $1, $2, etc. in the replacement string are substituted with the string that matched the corresponding parenthesized group in the pattern. If you wish your replacement string r to be used literally, use (re-quote-replacement r) as the replacement argument. See also documentation for java.util.regex.Matcher's appendReplacement method. Example: (clojure.string/replace "Almost Pig Latin" #"\b(\w)(\w+)\b" "$2$1ay") -> "lmostAay igPay atinLay"


(ns clojure.test-clojure.transducers
  (:require [clojure.string :as s]
            [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [clojure.test.check :as chk]
            [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
            [ :as prop]
            [clojure.test.check.clojure-test :as ctest]))

(def gen-take (fbind (literal gen/s-pos-int) take))
(def gen-drop (fbind (literal gen/pos-int) drop))
(def gen-drop-while (fbind gen-predfn drop-while))
(def gen-map (fbind gen-mapfn map))
(def gen-mapcat (fbind gen-mapcatfn mapcat))
(def gen-filter (fbind gen-predfn filter))
(def gen-remove (fbind gen-predfn remove))
(def gen-keep (fbind gen-predfn keep))
(def gen-partition-all (fbind (literal gen/s-pos-int) partition-all))
(def gen-partition-by (fbind gen-predfn partition-by))
(def gen-take-while (fbind gen-predfn take-while))
(def gen-take-nth (fbind (literal gen/s-pos-int) take-nth))
(def gen-keep-indexed (fbind gen-indexedfn keep-indexed))
(def gen-map-indexed (fbind gen-indexedfn map-indexed))
(def gen-replace (fbind (literal (gen/return (hash-map (range 100) (range 1 100)))) replace))
(def gen-distinct (gen/return {:desc 'distinct :seq (partial distinct) :xf (distinct)}))
(def gen-dedupe (gen/return {:desc 'dedupe :seq (partial dedupe) :xf (dedupe)}))
(def gen-interpose (fbind (literal gen/s-pos-int) interpose))
(ns clojure.test-clojure.string
  (:require [clojure.string :as s])
  (:use clojure.test))

(deftest t-replace
  (is (= "faabar" (s/replace "foobar" \o \a)))
  (is (= "foobar" (s/replace "foobar" \z \a)))
  (is (= "barbarbar" (s/replace "foobarfoo" "foo" "bar")))
  (is (= "foobarfoo" (s/replace "foobarfoo" "baz" "bar")))
  (is (= "f$$d" (s/replace "food" "o" "$")))
  (is (= "f\\\\d" (s/replace "food" "o" "\\")))
  (is (= "barbarbar" (s/replace "foobarfoo" #"foo" "bar")))
  (is (= "foobarfoo" (s/replace "foobarfoo" #"baz" "bar")))
  (is (= "f$$d" (s/replace "food" #"o" (s/re-quote-replacement "$"))))
  (is (= "f\\\\d" (s/replace "food" #"o" (s/re-quote-replacement "\\"))))
  (is (= "FOObarFOO" (s/replace "foobarfoo" #"foo" s/upper-case)))
  (is (= "foobarfoo" (s/replace "foobarfoo" #"baz" s/upper-case)))
  (is (= "OObarOO" (s/replace "foobarfoo" #"f(o+)" (fn [[m g1]] (s/upper-case g1)))))
  (is (= "baz\\bang\\" (s/replace "bazslashbangslash" #"slash" (constantly "\\")))))

(deftest t-replace-first
  (is (= "faobar" (s/replace-first "foobar" \o \a)))
  (is (= "foobar" (s/replace-first "foobar" \z \a)))
  (is (= "z.ology" (s/replace-first "zoology" \o \.)))
  (is (= "barbarfoo" (s/replace-first "foobarfoo" "foo" "bar")))
  (is (= "foobarfoo" (s/replace-first "foobarfoo" "baz" "bar")))
  (is (= "f$od" (s/replace-first "food" "o" "$")))
  (is (= "f\\od" (s/replace-first "food" "o" "\\")))
  (is (= "barbarfoo" (s/replace-first "foobarfoo" #"foo" "bar")))
  (is (= "foobarfoo" (s/replace-first "foobarfoo" #"baz" "bar")))
  (is (= "f$od" (s/replace-first "food" #"o" (s/re-quote-replacement "$"))))
  (is (= "f\\od" (s/replace-first "food" #"o" (s/re-quote-replacement "\\"))))
  (is (= "FOObarfoo" (s/replace-first "foobarfoo" #"foo" s/upper-case)))
  (is (= "foobarfoo" (s/replace-first "foobarfoo" #"baz" s/upper-case)))
  (is (= "OObarfoo" (s/replace-first "foobarfoo" #"f(o+)" (fn [[m g1]] (s/upper-case g1)))))
  (is (= "baz\\bangslash" (s/replace-first "bazslashbangslash" #"slash" (constantly "\\")))))

(deftest nil-handling
  (are [f args] (thrown? NullPointerException (apply f args))
       s/reverse [nil]
       s/replace [nil #"foo" "bar"]
       s/replace-first [nil #"foo" "bar"]
       s/re-quote-replacement [nil]
       s/capitalize [nil]
       s/upper-case [nil]
       s/lower-case [nil]
       s/split [nil #"-"]
       s/split [nil #"-" 1]
       s/trim [nil]
       s/triml [nil]
       s/trimr [nil]
       s/trim-newline [nil]))

(deftest char-sequence-handling
  (are [result f args] (let [[^CharSequence s & more] args]
                         (= result (apply f (StringBuffer. s) more)))
       "paz" s/reverse ["zap"]
       "foo:bar" s/replace ["foo-bar" \- \:]
       "ABC" s/replace ["abc" #"\w" s/upper-case]
       "faa" s/replace ["foo" #"o" (StringBuffer. "a")]
       "baz::quux" s/replace-first ["baz--quux" #"--" "::"]
       "baz::quux" s/replace-first ["baz--quux" (StringBuffer. "--") (StringBuffer. "::")]
       "zim-zam" s/replace-first ["zim zam" #" " (StringBuffer. "-")]
       "\\\\ \\$" s/re-quote-replacement ["\\ $"]
       "Pow" s/capitalize ["POW"]
       "BOOM" s/upper-case ["boom"]
       "whimper" s/lower-case ["whimPER"]
       ["foo" "bar"] s/split ["foo-bar" #"-"]
       "calvino" s/trim ["  calvino  "]
       "calvino  " s/triml ["  calvino  "]
       "  calvino" s/trimr ["  calvino  "]
       "the end" s/trim-newline ["the end\r\n\r\r\n"]
       true s/blank? [" "]
       ["a" "b"] s/split-lines ["a\nb"]
       "fa la la" s/escape ["fo lo lo" {\o \a}]))
(ns clojure.test-clojure.rt
  (:require [clojure.string :as string]
  (:use clojure.test clojure.test-helper))

(deftest ns-intern-policies
  (testing "you can replace a core name, with warning"
    (let [ns (temp-ns)
          replacement (gensym)
          e1 (with-err-string-writer (intern ns 'prefers replacement))]
      (is (string/starts-with? e1 "WARNING"))
      (is (= replacement @('prefers (ns-publics ns))))))
  (testing "you can replace a defined alias"
    (let [ns (temp-ns)
          s (gensym)
          v1 (intern ns 'foo s)
          v2 (intern ns 'bar s)
          e1 (with-err-string-writer (.refer ns 'flatten v1))
          e2 (with-err-string-writer (.refer ns 'flatten v2))]
      (is (string/starts-with? e1 "WARNING"))
      (is (string/starts-with? e2 "WARNING"))
      (is (= v2 (ns-resolve ns 'flatten)))))
  (testing "you cannot replace an interned var"
    (let [ns1 (temp-ns)
          ns2 (temp-ns)
          v1 (intern ns1 'foo 1)
          v2 (intern ns2 'foo 2)
          e1 (with-err-string-writer (.refer ns1 'foo v2))]
      (is (string/starts-with? e1 "REJECTED"))
      (is (= v1 (ns-resolve ns1 'foo))))))
(ns frontend.components.lazy-editor
  (:require [clojure.string :as string]
            [rum.core :as rum]
            [shadow.lazy :as lazy]
            [frontend.ui :as ui]
            [frontend.config :as config]
            [frontend.state :as state]
            [frontend.handler.plugin :refer [hook-extensions-enhancer-by-type]]
            [promesa.core :as p]))

(rum/defc editor <
   (fn [state]
     (lazy/load lazy-editor
                (fn []
                  (if-not @loaded?
                     (p/all (when-let [enhancers (and config/lsp-enabled?
                                                      (seq (hook-extensions-enhancer-by-type :codemirror)))]
                              (for [{f :enhancer} enhancers]
                                (when (fn? f) (f (. js/window -CodeMirror))))))
                     (fn []
                       (-> (p/delay 200)
                           (p/then #(reset! loaded? true)))))
                    (reset! loaded? true))))
  [config id attr code options]
  (let [loaded? (rum/react loaded?)
        theme   (state/sub :ui/theme)
        code    (or code "")
        code    (string/replace-first code #"\n$" "")]      ;; See-also: #3410
    (if loaded?
      (@lazy-editor config id attr code theme options)
      (ui/loading "CodeMirror"))))
(ns changelog
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]))

(let [changelog (slurp "")
      replaced (str/replace changelog
                            #" #(\d+)"
                            (fn [[_ issue after]]
                              (format " [#%s]("
                                      issue issue (str after))))
      replaced (str/replace replaced
                            #"@([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)([, \.)])"
                            (fn [[_ name after]]
                              (format "[@%s]("
                                      name name after)))]
  (spit "" replaced))
(ns changelog
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]))

(let [changelog (slurp "")
      replaced (str/replace changelog
                            #" #(\d+)"
                            (fn [[_ issue]]
                              (format " [#%s]("
                                      issue issue)))
      replaced (str/replace replaced
                            #"@(\w+)([, .\)]|$)"
                            (fn [[_ name after]]
                              (format "[@%s]("
                                      name name after)))]
  (spit "" replaced))
(ns clojupyter.install.local-specs
  (:require [clojupyter.install.filemap :as fm]
            [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [io.simplect.compose :refer [p]]))

(def IDENT-CHAR-REGEX-STR   "[\\w\\d-_\\.=]")
(def IDENT-CHAR-REGEX       (re-pattern IDENT-CHAR-REGEX-STR))
(def IDENT-REGEX        (re-pattern (str "^" IDENT-CHAR-REGEX-STR "+$")))
(def DEFAULT-TARGET-JARNAME "clojupyter-standalone.jar")
(def KERNEL-JSON        "kernel.json")
(def CONDA-JARNAME-RE       (re-pattern (str (str/replace DEFAULT-TARGET-JARNAME "." "\\.") "$")))
(def LOGO-ASSET         "clojupyter/assets/logo-64x64.png")
(def SCRIPT-ASSETS      ["clojupyter/assets/conda-build/"
(ns dommy.core
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [dommy.utils :as utils]))

(defmacro by-id
  "Returns the DOM node with id in document if it exists, otherwise nil.
   `id` can be a string or keyword. Expands to `document.getElementById`."
  (let [id (-> id utils/as-str (str/replace #"#" ""))]
    `(js/document.getElementById ~id)))

(defmacro by-class
  "Returns a sequence of DOM nodes selected by `class`. `class` can be
   a string or keyword and should not include the . selector prefix.
   Expands to `base.getElementsByClassName`. If `base` node is given,
   selection is limited to its descendant nodes."
  ([class] `(by-class js/document ~class))
  ([base class]
     (let [class (-> class utils/as-str (str/replace "." ""))]
         (.getElementsByClassName ~base ~class)))))