
trim-newline (clj)



(trim-newline s)
Removes all trailing newline \n or return \r characters from string. Similar to Perl's chomp.


(ns clojure.test-clojure.string
  (:require [clojure.string :as s])
  (:use clojure.test))

(deftest t-trim-newline
  (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo\n")))
  (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo\r\n")))
  (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo")))
  (is (= "" (s/trim-newline ""))))

(deftest nil-handling
  (are [f args] (thrown? NullPointerException (apply f args))
       s/reverse [nil]
       s/replace [nil #"foo" "bar"]
       s/replace-first [nil #"foo" "bar"]
       s/re-quote-replacement [nil]
       s/capitalize [nil]
       s/upper-case [nil]
       s/lower-case [nil]
       s/split [nil #"-"]
       s/split [nil #"-" 1]
       s/trim [nil]
       s/triml [nil]
       s/trimr [nil]
       s/trim-newline [nil]))

(deftest char-sequence-handling
  (are [result f args] (let [[^CharSequence s & more] args]
                         (= result (apply f (StringBuffer. s) more)))
       "paz" s/reverse ["zap"]
       "foo:bar" s/replace ["foo-bar" \- \:]
       "ABC" s/replace ["abc" #"\w" s/upper-case]
       "faa" s/replace ["foo" #"o" (StringBuffer. "a")]
       "baz::quux" s/replace-first ["baz--quux" #"--" "::"]
       "baz::quux" s/replace-first ["baz--quux" (StringBuffer. "--") (StringBuffer. "::")]
       "zim-zam" s/replace-first ["zim zam" #" " (StringBuffer. "-")]
       "\\\\ \\$" s/re-quote-replacement ["\\ $"]
       "Pow" s/capitalize ["POW"]
       "BOOM" s/upper-case ["boom"]
       "whimper" s/lower-case ["whimPER"]
       ["foo" "bar"] s/split ["foo-bar" #"-"]
       "calvino" s/trim ["  calvino  "]
       "calvino  " s/triml ["  calvino  "]
       "  calvino" s/trimr ["  calvino  "]
       "the end" s/trim-newline ["the end\r\n\r\r\n"]
       true s/blank? [" "]
       ["a" "b"] s/split-lines ["a\nb"]
       "fa la la" s/escape ["fo lo lo" {\o \a}]))
(ns clojure.test-clojure.string
  (:require [clojure.string :as s])
  (:use clojure.test))

(deftest t-trim-newline
  (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo\n")))
  (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo\r\n")))
  (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo")))
  (is (= "" (s/trim-newline ""))))

(deftest nil-handling
  (are [f args] (thrown? NullPointerException (apply f args))
       s/reverse [nil]
       s/replace [nil #"foo" "bar"]
       s/replace-first [nil #"foo" "bar"]
       s/re-quote-replacement [nil]
       s/capitalize [nil]
       s/upper-case [nil]
       s/lower-case [nil]
       s/split [nil #"-"]
       s/split [nil #"-" 1]
       s/trim [nil]
       s/triml [nil]
       s/trimr [nil]
       s/trim-newline [nil]))

(deftest char-sequence-handling
  (are [result f args] (let [[^CharSequence s & more] args]
                         (= result (apply f (StringBuffer. s) more)))
       "paz" s/reverse ["zap"]
       "foo:bar" s/replace ["foo-bar" \- \:]
       "ABC" s/replace ["abc" #"\w" s/upper-case]
       "faa" s/replace ["foo" #"o" (StringBuffer. "a")]
       "baz::quux" s/replace-first ["baz--quux" #"--" "::"]
       "baz::quux" s/replace-first ["baz--quux" (StringBuffer. "--") (StringBuffer. "::")]
       "zim-zam" s/replace-first ["zim zam" #" " (StringBuffer. "-")]
       "\\\\ \\$" s/re-quote-replacement ["\\ $"]
       "Pow" s/capitalize ["POW"]
       "BOOM" s/upper-case ["boom"]
       "whimper" s/lower-case ["whimPER"]
       ["foo" "bar"] s/split ["foo-bar" #"-"]
       "calvino" s/trim ["  calvino  "]
       "calvino  " s/triml ["  calvino  "]
       "  calvino" s/trimr ["  calvino  "]
       "the end" s/trim-newline ["the end\r\n\r\r\n"]
       true s/blank? [" "]
       ["a" "b"] s/split-lines ["a\nb"]
       "fa la la" s/escape ["fo lo lo" {\o \a}]))
(ns clojure.string-test
  (:require [cljs.test :as test
             :refer-macros [deftest is testing]]
            [clojure.test.check :as tc]
            [clojure.test.check.clojure-test :refer-macros [defspec]]
            [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
            [ :as prop :include-macros true]
            [clojure.string :as s]))

  (testing "Testing string trim-newline"
    (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo\n")))
    (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo\r\n")))
    (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo")))
    (is (= "foo\r " (s/trim-newline "foo\r ")))
    (is (= "" (s/trim-newline ""))))

  (testing "Testing string trim-newline"
    (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo\n")))
    (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo\r\n")))
    (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo")))
    (is (= "foo\r " (s/trim-newline "foo\r ")))
    (is (= "" (s/trim-newline ""))))

(deftest char-sequence-handling
  (are [result f args] (let [[^CharSequence s & more] args]
                         (= result (apply f (StringBuffer. s) more)))
       "paz" s/reverse ["zap"]
       "foo:bar" s/replace ["foo-bar" \- \:]
       "ABC" s/replace ["abc" #"\w" s/upper-case]
       "faa" s/replace ["foo" #"o" (StringBuffer. "a")]
       "baz::quux" s/replace-first ["baz--quux" #"--" "::"]
       "baz::quux" s/replace-first ["baz--quux" (StringBuffer. "--") (StringBuffer. "::")]
       "zim-zam" s/replace-first ["zim zam" #" " (StringBuffer. "-")]
       "Pow" s/capitalize ["POW"]
       "BOOM" s/upper-case ["boom"]
       "whimper" s/lower-case ["whimPER"]
       ["foo" "bar"] s/split ["foo-bar" #"-"]
       "calvino" s/trim ["  calvino  "]
       "calvino  " s/triml ["  calvino  "]
       "  calvino" s/trimr ["  calvino  "]
       "the end" s/trim-newline ["the end\r\n\r\r\n"]
       true s/blank? [" "]
       ["a" "b"] s/split-lines ["a\nb"]
       "fa la la" s/escape ["fo lo lo" {\o \a}]))
(ns clojure.test-clojure.string
  (:require [clojure.string :as s])
  (:use clojure.test))

(deftest t-trim-newline
  (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo\n")))
  (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo\r\n")))
  (is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo")))
  (is (= "" (s/trim-newline ""))))

(deftest nil-handling
  (are [f args] (thrown? Exception (apply f args))                  ;;; NullPointerException
       s/reverse [nil]
       s/replace [nil #"foo" "bar"]
       s/replace-first [nil #"foo" "bar"]
       ;;;s/re-quote-replacement [nil]                              ;;; CLR no-op
	   s/capitalize [nil]
       s/upper-case [nil]
       s/lower-case [nil]
       s/split [nil #"-"]
       s/split [nil #"-" 1]
       s/trim [nil]
       s/triml [nil]
       s/trimr [nil]
       s/trim-newline [nil]))
;(deftest char-sequence-handling                                              ;;; This tests StringBuffer : CharSequence -- irrelevant for ClojureCLR
;  (are [result f args] (let [[^String s & more] args]                        ;;; CharSequence
;                         (= result (apply f (StringBuffer. s) more)))
;       "paz" s/reverse ["zap"]
;       "foo:bar" s/replace ["foo-bar" \- \:]
;       "ABC" s/replace ["abc" #"\w" s/upper-case]
;       "faa" s/replace ["foo" #"o" (StringBuffer. "a")]
;       "baz::quux" s/replace-first ["baz--quux" #"--" "::"]
;       "baz::quux" s/replace-first ["baz--quux" (StringBuffer. "--") (StringBuffer. "::")]
;       "zim-zam" s/replace-first ["zim zam" #" " (StringBuffer. "-")]
;       "\\\\ \\$" s/re-quote-replacement ["\\ $"]
;       "Pow" s/capitalize ["POW"]
;       "BOOM" s/upper-case ["boom"]
;       "whimper" s/lower-case ["whimPER"]
;       ["foo" "bar"] s/split ["foo-bar" #"-"]
;       "calvino" s/trim [" calvino "]
;       "calvino " s/triml [" calvino "]
;       " calvino" s/trimr [" calvino "]
;       "the end" s/trim-newline ["the end\r\n\r\r\n"]
;       true s/blank? [" "]
;       ["a" "b"] s/split-lines ["a\nb"]
;       "fa la la" s/escape ["fo lo lo" {\o \a}]))
  (:require [markdown.core :as markdown]
            [markdown.transformers :as transformers]
            [clojure.string :as string]
            [clojure.test :refer :all]))

(deftest img-references
  (let [wrt (]
    (markdown/md-to-html (str "test/files" "") wrt :reference-links? true)
    (is (= (clojure.string/trim-newline
            (slurp (str "test/files" "img_references.html")))
           (.toString wrt)))))
(ns maria.repl-specials
  "Special forms that exist only in the REPL."
  (:require [lark.eval :as e :refer [defspecial]]
            [maria.views.repl-specials :as special-views]
            [maria.friendly.kinds :as kinds]
            [ :as ns-utils]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [maria.editors.code :as code]
            [ :as repl-ui]
            [maria.util :as util]
            [chia.view.hiccup :as hiccup]
            [chia.view :as v]))

(defspecial doc
  "Show documentation for given symbol"
  [c-state c-env name]
  (if-let [the-var (ns-utils/resolve-var-or-special c-state c-env name)]
    {:value (special-views/doc (merge {:expanded?   true
                                       :standalone? true}
    {:error (js/Error. (if (symbol? name) (str "Could not resolve the symbol `" (str/trim-newline (with-out-str (prn name))) "`. Maybe it has not been defined?")
                                          (str (str "`doc` requires a symbol, but a " (cljs.core/name (kinds/kind name)) " was passed."))))}))

(defspecial source
  "Show source code for given symbol"
  [c-state c-env name]
  (if-let [the-var (and (symbol? name) (ns-utils/resolve-var-or-special c-state c-env name))]
    {:value (hiccup/element [:div {:class (str repl-ui/card-classes
                                               " ph3")}
                             (special-views/var-source the-var)])}
    {:error (js/Error. (str "Could not resolve the symbol `" (str/trim-newline (with-out-str (prn name))) "`"))}))