trim (clj)
(trim s)
Removes whitespace from both ends of string.
(ns clojure.test-clojure.string
(:require [clojure.string :as s])
(:use clojure.test))
(deftest t-trim-newline
(is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo\n")))
(is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo\r\n")))
(is (= "foo" (s/trim-newline "foo")))
(is (= "" (s/trim-newline ""))))
(deftest t-triml
(is (= "foo " (s/triml " foo ")))
(is (= "" (s/triml " ")))
(is (= "bar" (s/triml "\u2002 \tbar"))))
(deftest t-trimr
(is (= " foo" (s/trimr " foo ")))
(is (= "" (s/trimr " ")))
(is (= "bar" (s/trimr "bar\t \u2002"))))
(deftest t-trim
(is (= "foo" (s/trim " foo \r\n")))
(is (= "bar" (s/trim "\u2000bar\t \u2002"))))
(deftest nil-handling
(are [f args] (thrown? NullPointerException (apply f args))
s/reverse [nil]
s/replace [nil #"foo" "bar"]
s/replace-first [nil #"foo" "bar"]
s/re-quote-replacement [nil]
s/capitalize [nil]
s/upper-case [nil]
s/lower-case [nil]
s/split [nil #"-"]
s/split [nil #"-" 1]
s/trim [nil]
s/triml [nil]
s/trimr [nil]
s/trim-newline [nil]))
(deftest char-sequence-handling
(are [result f args] (let [[^CharSequence s & more] args]
(= result (apply f (StringBuffer. s) more)))
"paz" s/reverse ["zap"]
"foo:bar" s/replace ["foo-bar" \- \:]
"ABC" s/replace ["abc" #"\w" s/upper-case]
"faa" s/replace ["foo" #"o" (StringBuffer. "a")]
"baz::quux" s/replace-first ["baz--quux" #"--" "::"]
"baz::quux" s/replace-first ["baz--quux" (StringBuffer. "--") (StringBuffer. "::")]
"zim-zam" s/replace-first ["zim zam" #" " (StringBuffer. "-")]
"\\\\ \\$" s/re-quote-replacement ["\\ $"]
"Pow" s/capitalize ["POW"]
"BOOM" s/upper-case ["boom"]
"whimper" s/lower-case ["whimPER"]
["foo" "bar"] s/split ["foo-bar" #"-"]
"calvino" s/trim [" calvino "]
"calvino " s/triml [" calvino "]
" calvino" s/trimr [" calvino "]
"the end" s/trim-newline ["the end\r\n\r\r\n"]
true s/blank? [" "]
["a" "b"] s/split-lines ["a\nb"]
"fa la la" s/escape ["fo lo lo" {\o \a}]))
(ns frontend.components.diff
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.diff :as diff]
[frontend.handler.file :as file]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[frontend.util :as util]
[medley.core :as medley]
[rum.core :as rum]))
(rum/defcs local-file < rum/reactive
{:will-unmount (fn [state]
(reset! disk-value nil)
(reset! db-value nil)
[state repo path disk-content db-content]
(when (nil? @disk-value)
(reset! disk-value disk-content)
(reset! db-value db-content))
(str "File " path " has been modified on the disk.")]]
(when (not= (string/trim disk-content) (string/trim db-content))
[ "Check diff"]
(fn []
(let [local-content (or db-content "")
content (or disk-content "")
diff (medley/indexed (diff/diff local-content content))
diff? (some (fn [[_idx {:keys [added removed]}]]
(or added removed))
(when diff?
[:div {:style {:max-height "65vh"}}
(diff-cp diff)]])))
{:default-collapsed? true
:title-trigger? true}))
(ns quo.components.inputs.recovery-phrase.component-spec
[clojure.string :as string]
[oops.core :as oops]
[quo.components.inputs.recovery-phrase.view :as recovery-phrase]
[test-helpers.component :as h]))
(h/test "Marked when words exceed the limit given"
(h/render [recovery-phrase/recovery-phrase-input
{:mark-errors? true
:word-limit 4}
"these are ok words, these words exceed the limit"])
(let [children-text-nodes (-> (h/get-by-label-text :recovery-phrase-input)
(oops/oget "props" "children" "props" "children")
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true))
{:keys [ok-words error-words]} (group-by #(if (string? %) :ok-words :error-words)
(h/is-equal (string/trim (apply str ok-words))
"these are ok words,")
(h/is-equal (->> error-words
(map #(-> % :props :argv second))
(interpose " ")
(apply str))
"these words exceed the limit")))))
(ns koans.02-strings
(:require [koan-engine.core :refer :all]
[clojure.string :as string]))
"Sometimes you don't want whitespace cluttering the front and back"
(= __ (string/trim " \nhello world \t \n"))
(require '[selmer.parser :as p])
(require '[ :as io])
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(require '[clojure.edn :as edn])
(def version (str/trim (slurp (io/file "resources/CLJ_KONDO_VERSION"))))
(def stable-version (str/trim (slurp (io/file "resources/CLJ_KONDO_RELEASED_VERSION"))))
(ns examples.7guis-converter
[clojure.string :as str]
[io.github.humbleui.core :as core]
[io.github.humbleui.ui :as ui]))
(add-watch *celsius ::update
(fn [_ _ old new]
(when-not *editing*
(when (not= (:text old) (:text new))
(binding [*editing* true]
(if-some [c (parse-long (str/trim (:text new)))]
(let [f (-> c (* 9) (quot 5) (+ 32) str)]
(swap! *fahrenheit assoc
:text f
:from (count f)
:to (count f)))
(swap! *fahrenheit assoc
:text ""
:from 0
:to 0)))))))
(add-watch *fahrenheit ::update
(fn [_ _ old new]
(when-not *editing*
(when (not= (:text old) (:text new))
(binding [*editing* true]
(if-some [f (parse-long (str/trim (:text new)))]
(let [c (-> f (- 32) (* 5) (quot 9) str)]
(swap! *celsius assoc
:text c
:from (count c)
:to (count c)))
(swap! *celsius assoc
:text ""
:from 0
:to 0)))))))