
deftest- (clj)



(deftest- name & body)
Like deftest but creates a private var.



  (:use clojure.test)
  (:require [ :as data]
            [clojure.pprint :as pp]
            [clojure.set :as set]
            [clojure.test-clojure.proxy.examples :as proxy-examples])
  (:import java.util.Base64
           (java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicLong AtomicInteger)))

(defmacro deftest-type-array [type-array type]
  `(deftest ~(symbol (str "test-" type-array))
      ; correct type
      #_(is (= (class (first (~type-array [1 2]))) (class (~type 1))))

(deftest-type-array int-array int)
(deftest-type-array long-array long)
;todo, fix, test broken for float/double, should compare to 1.0 2.0 etc
#_(deftest-type-array float-array float)
#_(deftest-type-array double-array double)
(ns frontend.fs-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [is use-fixtures]]
            [frontend.test.fixtures :as fixtures]
            [frontend.test.helper :as test-helper :include-macros true :refer [deftest-async]]
            [frontend.test.node-helper :as test-node-helper]
            [frontend.fs :as fs]
            [promesa.core :as p]
            ["fs" :as fs-node]
            ["path" :as node-path]))

(deftest-async create-if-not-exists-creates-correctly
  ;; dir needs to be an absolute path for fn to work correctly
  (let [dir (node-path/resolve (test-node-helper/create-tmp-dir))
        some-file (node-path/join dir "something.txt")]

(deftest-async create-if-not-exists-does-not-create-correctly
  (let [dir (node-path/resolve (test-node-helper/create-tmp-dir))
        some-file (node-path/join dir "something.txt")]
    (fs-node/writeFileSync some-file "OLD")
(ns clj-kondo.test-test
   [clj-kondo.core :as clj-kondo]
   [clj-kondo.test-utils :refer [assert-submaps lint!]]
   [ :as io]
   [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]))

(deftest missing-test-assertion-test
  (doseq [lang ["clj" "cljs"]]
    (let [lint! #(lint! % "--lang" lang)]
      (is (empty? (lint! "(ns foo (:require [clojure.test :as t])) (t/deftest foo (t/is (odd? 1)))")))
      (is (empty? (lint! "(ns foo (:require [clojure.test :as t])) (t/deftest- foo (t/is (odd? 1)))")))
       '({:file "<stdin>", :row 1, :col 57, :level :warning, :message "missing test assertion"})
       (lint! "(ns foo (:require [clojure.test :as t])) (t/deftest foo (odd? 1))"))
       '({:file "<stdin>", :row 2, :col 21, :level :warning, :message "missing test assertion"})
       (lint! "(ns foo (:require [clojure.test :as t] [clojure.set :as set]))
     (t/deftest foo (set/subset? #{1 2} #{1 2 3}))"))
       '({:file "<stdin>", :row 2, :col 38, :level :warning, :message "missing test assertion"})
       (lint! "(ns foo (:require [clojure.test :as t] [clojure.set :as set]))
     (t/deftest foo (t/testing \"foo\" (set/subset? #{1 2} #{1 2 3})))"))
       '({:file "<stdin>", :row 2, :col 49, :level :warning, :message "missing test assertion"})
       (lint! "(ns foo (:require [clojure.test :as t] [clojure.set :as set]))
     (t/deftest foo (t/testing \"foo\" (let [x 1] (set/subset? #{1 2} #{1 2 3}))))"))
       '({:file "<stdin>", :row 2, :col 35, :level :warning, :message "missing test assertion"})
       (lint! "(ns foo (:require [clojure.test :as t]))
                   (t/deftest foo (not (= 1 2)))"))
       (lint! "(ns foo (:require [clojure.test :as t]))
                   (t/deftest foo (t/testing (str \"foo\" 1 2 3)
                                    (is (not (= 1 2)))))"))
       (lint! "(require '[clojure.test :refer :all]) (deftest foo (swap! (atom 1) inc))")))))

(deftest deftest-test
  (is (empty? (lint! (io/file "corpus" "deftest.cljc")
                     '{:linters {:unresolved-symbol {:level :error}}}))))
(ns kaocha.private-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [kaocha.testable :as testable]))

(deftest- private-test
  (is true))
(ns com.wsscode.pathom.diplomat.http.fetch-test
    [clojure.test :refer [is are testing]]
    [com.wsscode.async.async-cljs :refer [let-chan <!p go-catch <? <?maybe deftest-async]]
    [com.wsscode.pathom.diplomat.http :as p.http]
    [com.wsscode.pathom.diplomat.http.fetch :as fetch]
    [nubank.workspaces.core :as ws]))

(deftest-async test-request-async
  (is (= (<? (fetch/request-async {::p.http/url "data:application/json,{\"json\": \"data\"}"
                                   ::p.http/as  ::p.http/json}))
         {::p.http/status 200
          ::p.http/body   {:json "data"}})))
;   Copyright (c) Alan Thompson. All rights reserved. 
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
;   License 1.0 ( which can be found in the
;   file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.  By using this software in any
;   fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns tupelo.test
  "Testing functions."
  #?(:cljs (:require-macros [tupelo.test]))
    [tupelo.core :as t]
    [tupelo.string :as ts]
    [clojure.test :as test]

(defmacro ^:deprecated dotest-focus ; #todo README & tests
  "Alias for tupelo.test/deftest-focus "
  [& body]
  (let [test-name-sym (symbol (str "dotest-line-" (:line (meta &form))))]
    `(def ~(vary-meta test-name-sym assoc
             :test `(fn [] ~@body)
             :test-refresh/focus true)
       (fn [] (test/test-var (var ~test-name-sym))))))