with-test-out (clj)
(with-test-out & body)
Runs body with *out* bound to the value of *test-out*.
(:require [clojure.test :as t :refer :all]
[ :as report]
[kaocha.type :as type]
[kaocha.test-util :refer [with-test-out-str]]
[kaocha.output :as output]
[kaocha.hierarchy :as hierarchy]
[kaocha.history :as history]
[kaocha.testable :as testable]
[slingshot.slingshot :refer [try+]]))
(deftest dispatch-extra-keys-test
(testing "it dispatches to custom clojure.test/report extensions"
(.addMethod report/clojure-test-report
(fn [m]
(println "YOLO expected"
(:expected m)
(:actual m)))))
(is (= "YOLO expected :x actual :y\n"
(report/dispatch-extra-keys {:type ::yolo
:expected :x
:actual :y})))))
(testing "it does nothing if there is no matching multimethod implementation"
(is (= ""
(report/dispatch-extra-keys {:type ::nolo})))))
(testing "it does nothing if it's a key known to Kaocha"
(hierarchy/derive! ::knowlo :kaocha/known-key)
(.addMethod report/clojure-test-report
(fn [m] (clojure.test/with-test-out (println "KNOWLO"))))
(is (= ""
(report/dispatch-extra-keys {:type ::knowlo})))))
(testing "it does nothing if the key is globally marked as \"known\""
(derive ::knowlo :kaocha/known-key)
(.addMethod report/clojure-test-report
(fn [m] (clojure.test/with-test-out (println "KNOWLO"))))
(is (= ""
(report/dispatch-extra-keys {:type ::knowlo}))))))
(deftest dots*-test
(is (= "."
(report/dots* {:type :pass}))))
(is (= "[31mF[m"
(report/dots* {:type :fail}))))
(is (= "[31mE[m"
(report/dots* {:type :error}))))
(is (= "[33mP[m"
(report/dots* {:type :kaocha/pending}))))
(is (= "("
(report/dots* {:type :kaocha/begin-group}))))
(is (= ")"
(report/dots* {:type :kaocha/end-group}))))
(is (= "["
(report/dots* {:type :begin-test-suite}))))
(is (= "]"
(report/dots* {:type :end-test-suite}))))
(is (= "\n"
(report/dots* {:type :summary})))))
(deftest result-test
(is (= "[31m5 tests, 9 assertions, 2 errors, 1 pending, 3 failures.[m\n"
(binding [history/*history* (atom [])]
(report/result {:type :summary :test 5 :pass 4 :fail 3 :error 2 :pending 1})))))
(is (= "[32m5 tests, 5 assertions, 0 failures.[m\n"
(binding [history/*history* (atom [])]
(report/result {:type :summary :test 5 :pass 5 :fail 0 :error 0 :pending 0}))))))
(deftest result-failures-test
(is (= "\n[31mFAIL[m in foo/bar-test (foo.clj:42)\nit does the thing\nNumbers are not equal\nExpected:\n [36m1[0m\nActual:\n [31m-1[0m [32m+2[0m\n[31m5 tests, 6 assertions, 1 failures.[m\n"
(binding [
history/*history* (atom [{:type :fail
:file "foo.clj"
:line 42
:kaocha/testable {:kaocha.testable/id :foo/bar-test}
:testing-contexts ["it does the thing"]
:expected '(= 1 (+ 1 1))
:actual '(not (= 1 2))
:message "Numbers are not equal"}])]
(report/result {:type :summary :test 5 :pass 5 :fail 1 :error 0 :pending 0}))))))
(deftest doc-test
(is (= "--- xxx ---------------------------"
(report/doc {:type :begin-test-suite
:kaocha/testable {:kaocha.testable/desc "xxx"}}))))
(is (= "\nxxx"
(report/doc {:type :begin-test-ns
:kaocha/testable {:kaocha.testable/desc "xxx"}}))))
(is (= "\n"
(report/doc {:type :end-test-ns
:kaocha/testable {:kaocha.testable/desc "xxx"}}))))
(is (= "\n xxx"
(report/doc {:type :begin-test-var
:kaocha/testable {:kaocha.testable/desc "xxx"}}))))
(is (= "\n level1\n level2"
(with-redefs [report/doc-printed-contexts (atom nil)]
(binding [t/*testing-contexts* ["level2" "level1"]]
(report/doc {:type :pass}))))))
(is (= "\n level1\n level2[31m ERROR[m"
(with-redefs [report/doc-printed-contexts (atom nil)]
(binding [t/*testing-contexts* ["level2" "level1"]]
(report/doc {:type :error}))))))
(is (= "\n level1\n level2[31m FAIL[m"
(with-redefs [report/doc-printed-contexts (atom nil)]
(binding [t/*testing-contexts* ["level2" "level1"]]
(report/doc {:type :fail}))))))
(is (= "\n"
(report/doc {:type :summary})))))
(deftest tap-test
(is (= "ok (foo.clj:20)\n"
(binding [output/*colored-output* false]
(report/tap {:type :pass
:file "foo.clj"
:line 20})))))
(is (= (str "not ok (foo.clj:20)\n"
"# FAIL in (foo.clj:20)\n"
"# Expected:\n"
"# 3\n"
"# Actual:\n"
"# -3 +4\n")
(binding [output/*colored-output* false]
(report/tap {:type :fail
:file "foo.clj"
:line 20
:expected '(= 3 4)
:actual '(not (= 3 4))}))))))
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as spec]
[ :as w]
[kaocha.platform :as platform]
[kaocha.test-util :as util]
[ :as ctn-dir]
[ :as shell]
[ :as ctn-track]
[ :as ctn-reload]
[kaocha.integration-helpers :as integration]
[ :as io]
[kaocha.config :as config]
[clojure.test :as t]
[clojure.string :as str]
[slingshot.slingshot :refer [try+]])
(:import ( File)))
(future (deliver out-str (util/with-test-out-str
(w/run* config finish? q))))))
(future (deliver out-str (util/with-test-out-str
(let [[ec finish!] (w/run config)]
(loop []
(Thread/sleep 100)
(if @finish?
(deliver exit-code @ec)))))))
(ns kaocha.test-util
(:require [clojure.test :as t]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as spec]
[expound.alpha :as expound]
[ :as report]
[kaocha.testable :as testable]
[kaocha.output :as output]
[kaocha.type :as type]))
(defmacro with-test-out-str
"Evaluates exprs in a context in which [[clojure.test/*test-out*]] is bound to a
fresh StringWriter. Returns the string created by any nested printing calls
that use [[clojure.test/with-test-out]]."
[& body]
`(let [s# (new]
(binding [clojure.test/*test-out* s#]
(str s#))))
(ns features.steps.kaocha-integration
^{ false false}
(:require [clojure.edn :as edn]
[ :as io]
[ :as shell]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :as t :refer :all]
[kaocha.integration-helpers :refer :all]
[kaocha.output :as output]
[kaocha.shellwords :refer [shellwords]]
[lambdaisland.cucumber.dsl :refer :all]
[me.raynes.fs :as fs]))
(Then "print output" [m]
(println "----out---------------------------------------")
(println (:out m))
(println "----err---------------------------------------")
(println (:err m)))
(:require ;cljs-macros
[clojure.string :as str]
;cljs-include [goog.string] ;cljs bug?
[speclj.components :refer [new-characteristic new-description]]
[speclj.core :refer [-new-exception -new-failure describe it should-contain should= with]]
[ :refer [new-clojure-test-reporter]]
[speclj.reporting :refer [report-error report-fail report-pass report-pending report-runs]]
[speclj.results :refer [error-result fail-result]]
[ :refer [run-specs]]))
(defmacro with-test-out-str [& body]
`(let [s# (new]
(binding [clojure.test/*test-out* s#]
(str s#))))
(it "reports pass"
(with-test-out-str (report-pass @reporter nil))
(should= 1
(:pass (deref (.report-counters @reporter)))))
(it "reports pending"
(with-test-out-str (report-pending @reporter nil))
(should= 1
(:pending (deref (.report-counters @reporter)))))
(it "reports fail"
(with-test-out-str (report-fail @reporter @a-failure))
(should= 1
(:fail (deref (.report-counters @reporter)))))
(it "reports failure message"
(let [lines (str/split-lines (with-test-out-str (report-fail @reporter @a-failure)))]
(should-contain "FAIL in (Crazy flips)" (nth lines 1))
(should-contain "Expected flips" (nth lines 2))))
(it "reports error"
(with-test-out-str (report-error @reporter @an-error))
(should= 1
(:error (deref (.report-counters @reporter)))))
(it "reports error message"
(let [lines (str/split-lines (with-test-out-str (report-error @reporter @an-error)))]
(should-contain "ERROR in (unknown)" (nth lines 1))
(should-contain "Compilation failed" (nth lines 2))
(should-contain "actual: java.lang.Exception: Compilation failed" (nth lines 4))))
(it "reports run results"
(report-pending @reporter nil)
(report-pass @reporter nil)
(report-fail @reporter @a-failure)
(report-error @reporter @an-error))
(let [output (with-test-out-str (report-runs @reporter nil))
lines (str/split-lines output)]
(should= 3 (count lines))
(should= "Ran 3 tests containing 3 assertions." (nth lines 1))
(should= "1 failures, 1 errors." (nth lines 2))))