
with-test (clj)



(with-test definition & body)
Takes any definition form (that returns a Var) as the first argument. Remaining body goes in the :test metadata function for that Var. When *load-tests* is false, only evaluates the definition, ignoring the tests.


(ns metabase.test.transforms
   [clojure.test :refer :all]
   [metabase.transforms.specs :as tf.specs]))

(defmacro with-test-transform-specs
  "Evaluate `body` in a context where `transforms.specs/transform-specs` have been swapped for `test-transform-specs`"
  [& body]
  `(testing "with-test-transform-specs\n"
     (with-redefs [tf.specs/transform-specs (delay [test-transform-spec])]
(ns metabase.transforms.core-test
   [clojure.test :refer :all]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.domain-entities.core :as de]
   [metabase.domain-entities.specs :as de.specs]
   [metabase.models.card :as card :refer [Card]]
   [metabase.models.collection :refer [Collection]]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.models.table :as table :refer [Table]]
   [metabase.query-processor :as qp]
   [metabase.test :as mt]
   [metabase.test.domain-entities :refer [with-test-domain-entity-specs]]
   [metabase.test.transforms :refer [test-transform-spec with-test-transform-specs]]
   [metabase.transforms.core :as tf]
   [metabase.transforms.specs :as tf.specs]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]
   [ :as t2.with-temp]))

(def ^:private test-bindings
      (let [table (m/find-first (comp #{(mt/id :venues)} u/the-id) (#'tf/tableset (mt/id) "PUBLIC"))]
        {"Venues" {:dimensions (m/map-vals de/mbql-reference (get-in table [:domain_entity :dimensions]))
                   :entity     table}}))))

(deftest find-tables-with-domain-entity-test
    (testing "Can we filter a tableset by domain entity?"
      (is (= [(mt/id :venues)]
             (map u/the-id (#'tf/find-tables-with-domain-entity (#'tf/tableset (mt/id) "PUBLIC")
                                                                (@de.specs/domain-entity-specs "Venues"))))))
    (testing "Gracefully handle no-match"
        (is (= nil
                (#'tf/find-tables-with-domain-entity [] (@de.specs/domain-entity-specs "Venues")))))))))

(deftest resulting-entities-test
  (testing "Can we extract results from the final bindings?"
      (is (= [(mt/id :venues)]
             (map u/the-id (#'tf/resulting-entities {"VenuesEnhanced" {:entity     (t2/select-one Table :id (mt/id :venues))
                                                                       :dimensions {"D1" [:field 1 nil]}}}
                                                    (first @tf.specs/transform-specs))))))))

(deftest tables-matching-requirements-test
  (testing "Can we find a table set matching requirements of a given spec?"
        (is (= [(mt/id :venues)]
               (map u/the-id (#'tf/tables-matching-requirements (#'tf/tableset (mt/id) "PUBLIC")
                                                                (first @tf.specs/transform-specs)))))))))

(deftest tableset->bindings-test
  (testing "Can we turn a tableset into corresponding bindings?"
      (is (= @test-bindings
             (#'tf/tableset->bindings (filter (comp #{(mt/id :venues)} u/the-id) (#'tf/tableset (mt/id) "PUBLIC"))))))))

(deftest validation-test
      (testing "Is the validation of results working?"
        (is (#'tf/validate-results {"VenuesEnhanced" {:entity     (mi/instance
                                                                   {:result_metadata [{:name "AvgPrice"}
                                                                                      {:name "MaxPrice"}
                                                                                      {:name "MinPrice"}]})
                                                      :dimensions {"D1" [:field 1 nil]}}}
                                   (first @tf.specs/transform-specs))))

(deftest transform-test
  (testing "Run the transform and make sure it produces the correct result"
    (mt/with-test-user :rasta
        (is (= [[1 "Red Medicine" 4 10.065 -165.374 3 1.5 4 3 2 1]
                [2 "Stout Burgers & Beers" 11 34.1 -118.329 2 1.1 11 2 1 1]
                [3 "The Apple Pan" 11 34.041 -118.428 2 1.1 11 2 1 1]]
               (mt/formatted-rows [int str int 3.0 3.0 int 1.0 int int int int]
                (-> (tf/apply-transform! (mt/id) "PUBLIC" test-transform-spec)

(deftest correct-transforms-for-table-test
  (testing "Can we find the right transform(s) for a given table"
        (is (= "Test transform"
               (-> (tf/candidates (t2/select-one Table :id (mt/id :venues)))
(ns metabase.test.domain-entities
   [clojure.test :refer :all]
   [metabase.domain-entities.specs :as de.specs]))

(defmacro with-test-domain-entity-specs
  "Evaluate `body` in a context where `domain-entities.specs/domain-entity-specs` have been swapped for
  [& body]
  `(testing "with-test-domain-entity-specs\n"
     (with-redefs [de.specs/domain-entity-specs (delay test-domain-entity-specs)]
(ns metabase.pulse.render.color-test
   [clojure.test :refer :all]
   [metabase.pulse.render.color :as color]
   [metabase.pulse.render.js-engine :as js]))

(defmacro ^:private with-test-js-engine
  "Setup a javascript engine with a stubbed script useful making sure `get-background-color` works independently from
  the real color picking script"
  [script & body]
  `(with-redefs [color/js-engine (let [delay# (delay (doto (js/context)
                                                       (js/load-js-string ~script ~(name (gensym "color-src")))))]
                                   (fn [] @delay#))]

(deftest color-test
  (testing "The test script above should return red on even rows, green on odd rows"
    (with-test-js-engine test-script
      (let [color-selector (color/make-color-selector {:cols [{:name "test"}]
                                                       :rows [[1] [2] [3] [4]]}
                                                      {"even" red, "odd" green})]
        (is (= [red green red green]
               (for [row-index (range 0 4)]
                 (color/get-background-color color-selector "any value" "any column" row-index))))))))

(deftest convert-keywords-test
  (testing (str "Same test as above, but make sure we convert any keywords as keywords don't get converted to "
                "strings automatically when passed to a JavaScript function")
    (with-test-js-engine test-script
      (let [color-selector (color/make-color-selector {:cols [{:name "test"}]
                                                       :rows [[1] [2] [3] [4]]}
                                                      {:even red, :odd  green})]
        (is (= [red green red green]
               (for [row-index (range 0 4)]
                 (color/get-background-color color-selector "any value" "any column" row-index))))))))
(ns ^:mb/once metabase.util.embed-test
   [buddy.sign.jwt :as jwt]
   [clojure.test :refer :all]
   [crypto.random :as crypto-random]
   [metabase.config :as config]
   [metabase.public-settings.premium-features :as premium-features]
    :as premium-features-test]
   [metabase.test :as mt]
   [metabase.util.embed :as embed]))

(deftest show-static-embed-terms-test
  (mt/with-test-user :crowberto
    (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [show-static-embed-terms nil]
      (testing "Check if the user needs to accept the embedding licensing terms before static embedding"
        (when-not config/ee-available?
          (testing "should return true when user is OSS and has not accepted licensing terms"
            (is (= (embed/show-static-embed-terms) true)))
          (testing "should return false when user is OSS and has already accepted licensing terms"
            (embed/show-static-embed-terms! false)
            (is (= (embed/show-static-embed-terms) false))))
        (when config/ee-available?
          (testing "should return false when an EE user has a valid token"
           (with-redefs [premium-features/fetch-token-status (fn [_x]
                                                               {:valid    true
                                                                :status   "fake"
                                                                :features ["test" "fixture"]
                                                                :trial    false})]
             (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [premium-embedding-token premium-features-test/random-fake-token]
              (is (= (embed/show-static-embed-terms) false))
              (embed/show-static-embed-terms! false)
              (is (= (embed/show-static-embed-terms) false)))))
          (testing "when an EE user doesn't have a valid token"
            (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [premium-embedding-token nil show-static-embed-terms nil]
              (testing "should return true when the user has not accepted licensing terms"
                (is (= (embed/show-static-embed-terms) true)))
              (testing "should return false when the user has already accepted licensing terms"
                (embed/show-static-embed-terms! false)
                (is (= (embed/show-static-embed-terms) false))))))))))