map= (clj)
(map= data)
Given a hash map, return a condition structure that can be used in a
WHERE clause to test for equality:
{:select :* :from :table :where (sql/map= {:id 1})}
will produce: SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ? (and a parameter of 1)
(ns honey.sql-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[honey.sql :as sut :refer [format]]
[honey.sql.helpers :as h])
#?(:clj (:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))))
(deftest general-tests
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE \"id\" = ?" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:= :id 1]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE \"id\" = ?" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where (sut/map= {:id 1})} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT \"t\".* FROM \"table\" AS \"t\" WHERE \"id\" = ?" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:t.*] :from [[:table :t]] :where [:= :id 1]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" GROUP BY \"foo\""]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :group-by :foo} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" GROUP BY \"foo\", \"bar\""]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :group-by [:foo :bar]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" GROUP BY DATE(\"bar\")"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :group-by [[:date :bar]]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" ORDER BY \"foo\" ASC"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :order-by :foo} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" ORDER BY \"foo\" DESC, \"bar\" ASC"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :order-by [[:foo :desc] :bar]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" ORDER BY DATE(\"expiry\") DESC, \"bar\" ASC"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :order-by [[[:date :expiry] :desc] :bar]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE DATE_ADD(\"expiry\", INTERVAL ? DAYS) < NOW()" 30]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:< [:date_add :expiry [:interval 30 :days]] [:now]]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE DATE_ADD(\"expiry\", INTERVAL '30 Days') < NOW()"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:< [:date_add :expiry [:interval "30 Days"]] [:now]]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `id` = ?" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:= :id 1]} {:dialect :mysql})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE \"id\" IN (?, ?, ?, ?)" 1 2 3 4]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:in :id [1 2 3 4]]} {:quoted true}))))
(deftest general-numbered-tests
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE \"id\" = $1" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:= :id 1]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE \"id\" = $1" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where (sut/map= {:id 1})}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT \"t\".* FROM \"table\" AS \"t\" WHERE \"id\" = $1" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:t.*] :from [[:table :t]] :where [:= :id 1]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" GROUP BY \"foo\", \"bar\""]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :group-by [:foo :bar]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" GROUP BY DATE(\"bar\")"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :group-by [[:date :bar]]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" ORDER BY \"foo\" DESC, \"bar\" ASC"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :order-by [[:foo :desc] :bar]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" ORDER BY DATE(\"expiry\") DESC, \"bar\" ASC"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :order-by [[[:date :expiry] :desc] :bar]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE DATE_ADD(\"expiry\", INTERVAL $1 DAYS) < NOW()" 30]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:< [:date_add :expiry [:interval 30 :days]] [:now]]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE DATE_ADD(\"expiry\", INTERVAL '30 Days') < NOW()"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:< [:date_add :expiry [:interval "30 Days"]] [:now]]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `id` = $1" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:= :id 1]}
{:dialect :mysql :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE \"id\" IN ($1, $2, $3, $4)" 1 2 3 4]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:in :id [1 2 3 4]]}
{:quoted true :numbered true}))))
(ns honey.sql.helpers-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [filter for group-by partition-by set update])
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[honey.sql :as sql]
[honey.sql.helpers :as h
:refer [add-column add-index alter-table columns create-table create-table-as create-view
create-materialized-view drop-view drop-materialized-view
cross-join do-update-set drop-column drop-index drop-table
filter from full-join
group-by having insert-into
join-by join lateral left-join limit offset on-conflict
order-by over partition-by refresh-materialized-view
rename-column rename-table returning right-join
select select-distinct select-top select-distinct-top
values where window with with-columns
with-data within-group]]))
(deftest custom-helpers-test
(testing "nil join"
(is (= ["UPDATE foo SET bar = ? WHERE quux = ?" 1 2]
(-> (my-update :foo)
(my-set {:bar 1})
(my-where (sql/map= {:quux 2}))
(ns honey.sql-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[honey.sql :as sut :refer [format]]
[honey.sql.helpers :as h])
#?(:clj (:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))))
(deftest general-tests
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE \"id\" = ?" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:= :id 1]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE \"id\" = ?" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where (sut/map= {:id 1})} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT \"t\".* FROM \"table\" AS \"t\" WHERE \"id\" = ?" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:t.*] :from [[:table :t]] :where [:= :id 1]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" GROUP BY \"foo\""]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :group-by :foo} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" GROUP BY \"foo\", \"bar\""]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :group-by [:foo :bar]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" GROUP BY DATE(\"bar\")"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :group-by [[:date :bar]]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" ORDER BY \"foo\" ASC"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :order-by :foo} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" ORDER BY \"foo\" DESC, \"bar\" ASC"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :order-by [[:foo :desc] :bar]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" ORDER BY DATE(\"expiry\") DESC, \"bar\" ASC"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :order-by [[[:date :expiry] :desc] :bar]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE DATE_ADD(\"expiry\", INTERVAL ? DAYS) < NOW()" 30]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:< [:date_add :expiry [:interval 30 :days]] [:now]]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE DATE_ADD(\"expiry\", INTERVAL '30 Days') < NOW()"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:< [:date_add :expiry [:interval "30 Days"]] [:now]]} {:quoted true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `id` = ?" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:= :id 1]} {:dialect :mysql})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE \"id\" IN (?, ?, ?, ?)" 1 2 3 4]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:in :id [1 2 3 4]]} {:quoted true}))))
(deftest general-numbered-tests
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE \"id\" = $1" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:= :id 1]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE \"id\" = $1" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where (sut/map= {:id 1})}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT \"t\".* FROM \"table\" AS \"t\" WHERE \"id\" = $1" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:t.*] :from [[:table :t]] :where [:= :id 1]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" GROUP BY \"foo\", \"bar\""]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :group-by [:foo :bar]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" GROUP BY DATE(\"bar\")"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :group-by [[:date :bar]]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" ORDER BY \"foo\" DESC, \"bar\" ASC"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :order-by [[:foo :desc] :bar]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" ORDER BY DATE(\"expiry\") DESC, \"bar\" ASC"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :order-by [[[:date :expiry] :desc] :bar]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE DATE_ADD(\"expiry\", INTERVAL $1 DAYS) < NOW()" 30]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:< [:date_add :expiry [:interval 30 :days]] [:now]]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE DATE_ADD(\"expiry\", INTERVAL '30 Days') < NOW()"]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:< [:date_add :expiry [:interval "30 Days"]] [:now]]}
{:quoted true :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `id` = $1" 1]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:= :id 1]}
{:dialect :mysql :numbered true})))
(is (= ["SELECT * FROM \"table\" WHERE \"id\" IN ($1, $2, $3, $4)" 1 2 3 4]
(sut/format {:select [:*] :from [:table] :where [:in :id [1 2 3 4]]}
{:quoted true :numbered true}))))