
upper-case (clj)



(upper-case s)
Upper-case a string in Locale/US to avoid locale-specific capitalization.


(ns honey.sql-test
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [honey.sql :as sut :refer [format]]
            [honey.sql.helpers :as h])
  #?(:clj (:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))))

;; Make sure if Locale is Turkish we're not generating queries like İNNER JOIN (dot over the I) because
;; `string/upper-case` is converting things to upper-case using the default Locale. Generated query should be the same
;; regardless of system Locale. See #236
   (deftest statements-generated-correctly-with-turkish-locale
     (let [format-with-locale (fn [^String language-tag]
                                (let [original-locale (java.util.Locale/getDefault)]
                                    (java.util.Locale/setDefault (java.util.Locale/forLanguageTag language-tag))
                                    (format {:select []
                                             :from   [[:table1 :t1]]
                                             :join   [[:table2 :t2] [:=]]
                                             :where  [:= 1]})
                                      (java.util.Locale/setDefault original-locale)))))]
       (is (= (format-with-locale "en")
              (format-with-locale "tr"))))))

(deftest issue-401-dialect
  (testing "registering a dialect that upper-cases idents"
    (sut/register-dialect! ::MYSQL (update (sut/get-dialect :mysql) :quote comp sut/upper-case))
    (is (= ["SELECT `foo` FROM `bar`"]
           (sut/format {:select :foo :from :bar} {:dialect :mysql})))
    (is (= ["SELECT `FOO` FROM `BAR`"]
           (sut/format {:select :foo :from :bar} {:dialect ::MYSQL})))))
(ns honey.sql-test
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [honey.sql :as sut :refer [format]]
            [honey.sql.helpers :as h])
  #?(:clj (:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))))

;; Make sure if Locale is Turkish we're not generating queries like İNNER JOIN (dot over the I) because
;; `string/upper-case` is converting things to upper-case using the default Locale. Generated query should be the same
;; regardless of system Locale. See #236
   (deftest statements-generated-correctly-with-turkish-locale
     (let [format-with-locale (fn [^String language-tag]
                                (let [original-locale (java.util.Locale/getDefault)]
                                    (java.util.Locale/setDefault (java.util.Locale/forLanguageTag language-tag))
                                    (format {:select []
                                             :from   [[:table1 :t1]]
                                             :join   [[:table2 :t2] [:=]]
                                             :where  [:= 1]})
                                      (java.util.Locale/setDefault original-locale)))))]
       (is (= (format-with-locale "en")
              (format-with-locale "tr"))))))
(ns honey.sql-test
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [honey.sql :as sut :refer [format]]
            [honey.sql.helpers :as h])
  #?(:clj (:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))))

;; Make sure if Locale is Turkish we're not generating queries like İNNER JOIN (dot over the I) because
;; `string/upper-case` is converting things to upper-case using the default Locale. Generated query should be the same
;; regardless of system Locale. See #236
   (deftest statements-generated-correctly-with-turkish-locale
     (let [format-with-locale (fn [^String language-tag]
                                (let [original-locale (java.util.Locale/getDefault)]
                                    (java.util.Locale/setDefault (java.util.Locale/forLanguageTag language-tag))
                                    (format {:select []
                                             :from   [[:table1 :t1]]
                                             :join   [[:table2 :t2] [:=]]
                                             :where  [:= 1]})
                                      (java.util.Locale/setDefault original-locale)))))]
       (is (= (format-with-locale "en")
              (format-with-locale "tr"))))))

(deftest issue-401-dialect
  (testing "registering a dialect that upper-cases idents"
    (sut/register-dialect! ::MYSQL (update (sut/get-dialect :mysql) :quote comp sut/upper-case))
    (is (= ["SELECT `foo` FROM `bar`"]
           (sut/format {:select :foo :from :bar} {:dialect :mysql})))
    (is (= ["SELECT `FOO` FROM `BAR`"]
           (sut/format {:select :foo :from :bar} {:dialect ::MYSQL})))))