
sql-kw (clj)



(sql-kw k)
Given a keyword, return a SQL representation of it as a string. A keyword whose name begins with a single quote is left exactly as-is (with the `:` and `'` removed), otherwise a `:kebab-case` keyword becomes a `KEBAB CASE` (uppercase) string with hyphens replaced by spaces, e.g., `:insert-into` => `INSERT INTO`. Any namespace qualifier is ignored. Any ? is escaped to ??.


(ns honey.sql-test
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [honey.sql :as sut :refer [format]]
            [honey.sql.helpers :as h])
  #?(:clj (:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))))

(deftest sql-kw-test
  (is (= "-" (sut/sql-kw :-)))
  (is (= "-X" (sut/sql-kw :-x)))
  (is (= "X-" (sut/sql-kw :x-)))
  (is (= "-X-" (sut/sql-kw :-x-)))
  (is (= "A B" (sut/sql-kw :a-b)))
  (is (= "A B C" (sut/sql-kw :a-b-c)))
  (is (= "A B C D" (sut/sql-kw :a-b-c-d)))
  (is (= "FETCH NEXT" (sut/sql-kw :fetch-next)))
  (is (= "WHAT IS THIS" (sut/sql-kw :what-is-this)))
  (is (= "FEE FIE FOE FUM" (sut/sql-kw :fee-fie-foe-fum)))
  (is (= "-WHAT THE-" (sut/sql-kw :-what-the-)))
  (is (= "fetch_next" (sut/sql-kw :'fetch-next)))
  (is (= "what_is_this" (sut/sql-kw :'what-is-this)))
  (is (= "fee_fie_foe_fum" (sut/sql-kw :'fee-fie-foe-fum)))
  (is (= "_what_the_" (sut/sql-kw :'-what-the-))))
(ns honey.sql-test
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [honey.sql :as sut :refer [format]]
            [honey.sql.helpers :as h])
  #?(:clj (:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))))

(deftest sql-kw-test
  (is (= "-" (sut/sql-kw :-)))
  (is (= "-X" (sut/sql-kw :-x)))
  (is (= "X-" (sut/sql-kw :x-)))
  (is (= "-X-" (sut/sql-kw :-x-)))
  (is (= "A B" (sut/sql-kw :a-b)))
  (is (= "A B C" (sut/sql-kw :a-b-c)))
  (is (= "A B C D" (sut/sql-kw :a-b-c-d)))
  (is (= "FETCH NEXT" (sut/sql-kw :fetch-next)))
  (is (= "WHAT IS THIS" (sut/sql-kw :what-is-this)))
  (is (= "FEE FIE FOE FUM" (sut/sql-kw :fee-fie-foe-fum)))
  (is (= "-WHAT THE-" (sut/sql-kw :-what-the-)))
  (is (= "fetch_next" (sut/sql-kw :'fetch-next)))
  (is (= "what_is_this" (sut/sql-kw :'what-is-this)))
  (is (= "fee_fie_foe_fum" (sut/sql-kw :'fee-fie-foe-fum)))
  (is (= "_what_the_" (sut/sql-kw :'-what-the-))))