dependency-graph (clj)
(dependency-graph config)
(dependency-graph config {:keys [include-refsets?], :or {include-refsets? true}})
Return a dependency graph of all the refs and refsets in a config. Resolves
derived dependencies. Takes the following options:
: whether to include refsets in the dependency graph (defaults to true)
(ns integrant.core-test
(:require #?(:clj [clojure.test :refer [are deftest is testing]]
:cljs [cljs.test :refer-macros [are deftest is testing]])
[integrant.core :as ig]
[weavejester.dependency :as dep]))
(deftest dependency-graph-test
(let [m {::a (ig/ref ::p), ::b (ig/refset ::ppp) ::p 1, ::pp 2}]
(testing "graph with refsets"
(let [g (ig/dependency-graph m)]
(is (dep/depends? g ::a ::p))
(is (dep/depends? g ::b ::p))
(is (dep/depends? g ::b ::pp))))
(testing "graph without refsets"
(let [g (ig/dependency-graph m {:include-refsets? false})]
(is (dep/depends? g ::a ::p))
(is (not (dep/depends? g ::b ::p)))
(is (not (dep/depends? g ::b ::pp)))))))
(deftest key-comparator-test
(let [graph (ig/dependency-graph {::a (ig/ref ::ppp) ::p 1, ::b 2})]
(is (= (sort (ig/key-comparator graph) [::b ::a ::p])
[::p ::a ::b]))))