
fold (clj)



(fold system f val)
Reduce all the key value pairs in system map in dependency order, starting from an initial value. The function should take three arguments: the accumulator, the current key and the current value.


(ns integrant.core-test
  (:require #?(:clj  [clojure.test :refer [are deftest is testing]]
               :cljs [cljs.test :refer-macros [are deftest is testing]])
            [integrant.core :as ig]
            [weavejester.dependency :as dep]))

(deftest fold-test
  (let [config {::a (ig/ref ::ppp), ::b (ig/ref ::pp), ::p 1, ::c 2}
        system (ig/init config)]
    (is (= (ig/fold system #(conj %1 [%2 %3]) [])
           [[::p [1]] [::a [[1]]] [::b [[1]]] [::c [2]]]))))
(ns duct.core-test
  (:require [ :as io]
            [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [duct.core :as core]
            [duct.core.merge :as merge]
            [integrant.core :as ig]))

(deftest test-fold-modules
  (let [m {::foo {:x 1}, ::bar {:x 2, :r (ig/ref ::foo)}}]
    (is (= (core/fold-modules (ig/init m))
           {::x [1 2]}))))

(deftest test-profile-keyword
  (let [m {:duct.profile/base  {::a 1, ::b (ig/ref ::a)}
           [:duct/profile ::x] {::a 2, ::c (ig/refset ::b)}}
        p (ig/prep m)]
    (is (= p
           {:duct.profile/base  {::a 1, ::b (core/->InertRef ::a)}
            [:duct/profile ::x] {::a 2, ::c (core/->InertRefSet ::b)
                                 ::core/requires (ig/refset :duct.profile/base)}}))
    (is (= (core/fold-modules (ig/init p))
           {::a 2, ::b (ig/ref ::a), ::c (ig/refset ::b)}))))

(deftest test-profile-dev-keyword
  (let [m {:duct.profile/base {::a 1, ::b (ig/ref ::a)}
           :duct.profile/dev  {::a 2, ::c (ig/refset ::b)}}
        p (ig/prep m)]
    (is (= p
           {:duct.profile/base {::a 1, ::b (core/->InertRef ::a)}
            :duct.profile/dev  {::a 2, ::c (core/->InertRefSet ::b)
                                ::core/requires (ig/refset :duct.profile/base)
                                ::core/environment :development}}))
    (is (= (core/fold-modules (ig/init p))
           {::a 2, ::b (ig/ref ::a), ::c (ig/refset ::b)
            ::core/environment :development}))))

(deftest test-profile-test-keyword
  (let [m {:duct.profile/base {::a 1, ::b (ig/ref ::a)}
           :duct.profile/test {::a 2, ::c (ig/refset ::b)}}
        p (ig/prep m)]
    (is (= p
           {:duct.profile/base {::a 1, ::b (core/->InertRef ::a)}
            :duct.profile/test {::a 2, ::c (core/->InertRefSet ::b)
                                ::core/requires (ig/refset :duct.profile/base)
                                ::core/environment :test}}))
    (is (= (core/fold-modules (ig/init p))
           {::a 2, ::b (ig/ref ::a), ::c (ig/refset ::b)
            ::core/environment :test}))))

(deftest test-profile-prod-keyword
  (let [m {:duct.profile/base {::a 1, ::b (ig/ref ::a)}
           :duct.profile/prod {::a 2, ::c (ig/refset ::b)}}
        p (ig/prep m)]
    (is (= p
           {:duct.profile/base {::a 1, ::b (core/->InertRef ::a)}
            :duct.profile/prod {::a 2, ::c (core/->InertRefSet ::b)
                                ::core/requires (ig/refset :duct.profile/base)
                                ::core/environment :production}}))
    (is (= (core/fold-modules (ig/init p))
           {::a 2, ::b (ig/ref ::a), ::c (ig/refset ::b)
            ::core/environment :production}))))