find-derived (clj)
(find-derived m k)
Return a seq of all entries in a map, m, where the key is derived from the
a candidate key, k. If there are no matching keys, nil is returned. The
candidate key may be a keyword, or vector of keywords.
(ns integrant.core-test
(:require #?(:clj [clojure.test :refer [are deftest is testing]]
:cljs [cljs.test :refer-macros [are deftest is testing]])
[integrant.core :as ig]
[weavejester.dependency :as dep]))
(deftest find-derived-1-test
(testing "missing key"
(is (nil? (ig/find-derived-1 {} ::p))))
(testing "derived key"
(is (= (ig/find-derived-1 {::a "x" ::p "y"} ::pp)
[::p "y"])))
(testing "ambiguous key"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo :cljs cljs.core.ExceptionInfo)
(re-pattern (str "Ambiguous key: " ::pp "\\. "
"Found multiple candidates: " ::p ", " ::pp))
(ig/find-derived-1 {::a "x" ::p "y", ::pp "z"} ::pp))))
(testing "composite key"
(is (= (ig/find-derived-1 {::a "x" [::b ::x] "y"} ::x)
[[::b ::x] "y"]))))
(deftest find-derived-test
(testing "missing key"
(is (nil? (ig/find-derived {} ::p))))
(testing "derived key"
(is (= (ig/find-derived {::a "x" ::p "y" ::pp "z"} ::pp)
[[::p "y"] [::pp "z"]])))
(testing "ambiguous key"
(is (= (ig/find-derived {::a "x" ::p "y" ::pp "z"} ::ppp)
[[::p "y"] [::pp "z"]])))
(testing "composite key"
(is (= (ig/find-derived {::a "x" [::b ::x] "y", [::b ::y] "z"} ::b)
[[[::b ::x] "y"] [[::b ::y] "z"]]))))