
Defines protocols for graphs, digraphs, and weighted graphs. Also provides record implementations and constructors for simple graphs -- weighted, unweighted, directed, and undirected. The implementations are based on adjacency lists.

For more info about this library see:

Public Variable Short Description
*default-weight* (clj) Weight used when none is given for edges in weighted graphs.
->BasicEditableDigraph (clj)
->BasicEditableGraph (clj)
->BasicEditableWeightedDigraph (clj)
->BasicEditableWeightedGraph (clj)
->FlyDigraph (clj)
->FlyGraph (clj)
->WeightedFlyDigraph (clj)
->WeightedFlyGraph (clj)
BasicEditableDigraph (clj)
BasicEditableGraph (clj)
BasicEditableWeightedDigraph (clj)
BasicEditableWeightedGraph (clj)
Digraph (clj)
Edge (clj)
EditableGraph (clj)
FlyDigraph (clj)
FlyGraph (clj)
Graph (clj)
WeightedFlyDigraph (clj)
WeightedFlyGraph (clj)
WeightedGraph (clj)
add-cycle (clj) Adds a cycle of edges connecting the given nodes in order.
add-edges (clj) Adds edges to graph g.
add-edges* (clj) Add edges to graph g.
add-nodes (clj) Adds nodes to graph g.
add-nodes* (clj) Add nodes to graph g.
add-path (clj) Adds a path of edges connecting the given nodes in order.
build-graph (clj) Builds up a graph (i.e.
default-graph-impls (clj)
dest (clj) Returns the dest node of the edge.
digraph (clj) Creates an unweighted, directed graph.
directed? (clj) Returns true if g satisfies the Digraph protocol.
edges (clj) Edges in g.
editable? (clj) Returns true if g satisfies the EditableGraph protocol.
fly-graph (clj) Creates a read-only, ad-hoc graph which uses the provided functions to return values for nodes, edges, etc.
graph (clj) Creates an unweighted, undirected graph.
graph? (clj) Returns true if g satisfies the Graph protocol.
has-edge? (clj) Returns true when edge [n1 n2] is in g.
has-node? (clj) Returns true when node is in g.
in-degree (clj) Returns the number of direct predecessors to node.
in-edges (clj) Returns all the incoming edges of node.
map->BasicEditableDigraph (clj)
map->BasicEditableGraph (clj)
map->BasicEditableWeightedDigraph (clj)
map->BasicEditableWeightedGraph (clj)
map->FlyDigraph (clj)
map->FlyGraph (clj)
map->WeightedFlyDigraph (clj)
map->WeightedFlyGraph (clj)
nodes (clj) Returns a collection of the nodes in graph g.
out-degree (clj) Returns the number of outgoing edges of node.
out-edges (clj) Returns all the outgoing edges of node.
predecessors (clj) Returns direct predecessors of node.
predecessors* (clj) Returns direct predecessors of node.
remove-all (clj) Removes all nodes and edges from graph g.
remove-edges (clj) Removes edges from graph g.
remove-edges* (clj) Removes edges from graph g.
remove-nodes (clj) Removes nodes from graph g.
remove-nodes* (clj) Remove nodes from graph g.
src (clj) Returns the source node of the edge.
subgraph (clj) Returns a graph with only the given nodes.
successors (clj) Returns direct successors of node.
successors* (clj) Returns direct successors of node.
transpose (clj) Returns a graph with all edges reversed.
weight (clj) Returns the weight of edge e or edge [n1 n2].
weight* (clj) Returns the weight of edge e or edge [n1 n2].
weighted-digraph (clj) Creates an weighted, directed graph.
weighted-graph (clj) Creates an weighted, undirected graph.
weighted? (clj) Returns true if g satisfies the WeightedGraph protocol.