
Simple, flexible logging for Clojure/Script. No XML.

For more info about this library see:

Public Variable Short Description
*config* (clj)
*context* (clj) General-purpose dynamic logging context.
-elide? (clj) Returns true iff level or ns are compile-time filtered.
-log! (clj) Core low-level log fn.
-spy (clj)
ansi-color (clj)
color-str (clj)
console-appender (cljs)
debug (clj)
debugf (clj)
default-config (clj) Default/example Timbre `*config*` value: {:min-level :debug #_[["taoensso.*" :error] ["*" :debug]] :ns-filter #{"*"} #_{:deny #{"taoensso.*"} :allow #{"*"}} :middleware [] ; (fns [data]) -> ?data, applied left->right :timestamp-opts default-timestamp-opts ; {:pattern _ :locale _ :timezone _} :output-fn default-output-fn ; (fn [data]) -> final output for use by appenders :appenders #?(:clj {:println (println-appender {:stream :auto}) ;; :spit (spit-appender {:fname "./timbre-spit.log"}) } :cljs (if (exists? js/window) {:console (console-appender {})} {:println (println-appender {})}))} See `*config*` for more info.
default-err (clj)
default-out (clj)
default-output-error-fn (clj) Default (fn [data]) -> string, used by `default-output-fn` to generate output for `:?err` value in log data.
default-output-fn (clj) Default (fn [data]) -> final output string, used to produce final formatted output_ string from final log data.
default-output-msg-fn (clj) (fn [data]) -> string, used by `default-output-fn` to generate output for `:vargs` value (vector of raw logging arguments) in log data.
default-timestamp-opts (clj)
error (clj)
errorf (clj)
fatal (clj)
fatalf (clj)
get-?hostname (clj) Returns live local hostname, or nil.
get-env (clj)
get-hostname (clj) Returns cached hostname string.
handle-uncaught-jvm-exceptions! (clj) Sets JVM-global DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler.
info (clj)
infof (clj)
level>= (clj) Implementation detail.
log (clj)
log! (clj) Core low-level log macro.
log* (clj)
log-and-rethrow-errors (clj)
log-errors (clj)
logf (clj)
logf* (clj)
logged-future (clj)
may-log? (clj) Implementation detail.
merge-config! (clj)
println-appender (cljs)
refer-timbre (clj) (require '[taoensso.timbre :as timbre :refer [log trace debug info warn error fatal report logf tracef debugf infof warnf errorf fatalf reportf spy]]).
report (clj)
reportf (clj)
set-config! (clj)
set-min-level (clj)
set-min-level! (clj)
set-ns-min-level (clj) Returns given Timbre `config` with its `:min-level` modified so that the given namespace has the specified minimum logging level.
set-ns-min-level! (clj) Like `set-ns-min-level` but directly modifies `*config*`.
shutdown-appenders! (clj) Alpha, subject to change.
sometimes (clj) Handy for sampled logging, etc.
spy (clj) Evaluates named form and logs its result.
swap-config! (clj)
trace (clj)
tracef (clj)
warn (clj)
warnf (clj)
with-config (clj)
with-context (clj) Executes body so that given arbitrary data will be passed (as `:context`) to appenders for any enclosed logging calls.
with-context+ (clj) Like `with-context`, but merges given context into current context.
with-default-outs (clj)
with-merged-config (clj)
with-min-level (clj)