default-output-fn (clj)
(default-output-fn base-output-opts data)
(default-output-fn data)
Default (fn [data]) -> final output string, used to produce
final formatted output_ string from final log data.
Options (included as `:output-opts` in data sent to fns below):
:error-fn ; When present and (:?err data) present,
; (error-fn data) will be called to generate output
; (e.g. a stacktrace) for the error.
; Default value: `default-output-error-fn`.
; Use `nil` value to exclude error output.
:msg-fn ; When present, (msg-fn data) will be called to
; generate a message from `vargs` (vector of raw
; logging arguments).
; Default value: `default-output-msg-fn`.
; Use `nil` value to exclude message output.