log! (clj)
(log! {:as opts, :keys [loc level msg-type args vargs config ?err ?base-data spying?], :or {config (quote clojure.core/*config*), ?err :auto}})
(log! level msg-type args & [opts])
Core low-level log macro. Useful for tooling/library authors, etc.
* `level` - must eval to a valid logging level
* `msg-type` - must eval to e/o #{:p :f nil}
* `args` - arguments seq (ideally vec) for logging call
* `opts` - ks e/o #{:config ?err ?base-data spying?
:?ns-str :?file :?line :?column}
Supports compile-time elision when compile-time const vals
provided for `level` and/or `?ns-str`.
Logging wrapper examples:
(defn log-wrapper-fn [& args] (timbre/log! :info :p args))
(defmacro log-wrapper-macro [& args] (timbre/keep-callsite `(timbre/log! :info :p ~args)))
(ns taoensso.timbre-tests
[clojure.test :as test :refer [deftest testing is]]
[taoensso.encore :as enc]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre])
(timbre/log! ~level :p ~args {:loc {:ns ~ns}})
(deref (:data_ appender#)))))
(ns clojure.realworld.log.core
(:require [taoensso.timbre :as timbre]))
(defmacro info [args]
`(timbre/log! :info :p ~args))
(defmacro warn [args]
`(timbre/log! :warn :p ~args))
(defmacro error [args]
`(timbre/log! :error :p ~args))
(ns a-frame.log
"overrides of the timbre logging macros
which set a context from an a-frame
interceptor-context key, or app-ctx key"
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [a-frame.log]))
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[a-frame.schema :as af.schema]))
;;; Log using print-style args
(defmacro log*
[context-src config level & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! ~level :p ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form) :config config})))
(defmacro log
[context-src level & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! ~level :p ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro trace
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :trace :p ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro debug
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :debug :p ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro info
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :info :p ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro warn
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :warn :p ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro error
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :error :p ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro fatal
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :fatal :p ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro report
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :report :p ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
;;; Log using format-style args
(defmacro logf*
[context-src config level & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! ~level :f ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form) :config config})))
(defmacro logf
[context-src level & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! ~level :f ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro tracef
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :trace :f ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro debugf
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :debug :f ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro infof
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :info :f ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro warnf
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :warn :f ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro errorf
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :error :f ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro fatalf
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :fatal :f ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(defmacro reportf
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :report :f ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(ns server.projects-test
(:require [server.projects :as sut]
[midje.sweet :refer :all]
[hydrox.core :as hydrox]
[taoensso.timbre :refer [log spy] :as timbre]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is] :as t]
[clojure.test.check :as tc]
[clojure.spec :as s]
[clojure.spec.gen :as gen]
[clojure.spec.test :as stest]
[server.db :as db]))
(background (timbre/-log! anything anything anything anything anything anything anything anything anything anything) => nil)
(ns server.namespaces-test
(:require [server.namespaces :as sut]
[midje.sweet :refer :all]
[hydrox.core :as hydrox]
[taoensso.timbre :refer [log spy] :as timbre]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is] :as t]
[clojure.test.check :as tc]
[clojure.spec :as s]
[clojure.spec.gen :as gen]
[clojure.spec.test :as stest]
[server.db :as db]))
(background (timbre/-log! anything anything anything anything anything anything anything anything anything anything) => nil)
(ns chisel.access-logs-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[clj-http.client :as http]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[chisel.access-logs :as access-logs]
[chisel.test-utils :as test-utils]
[io.pedestal.log :as pedestal-log]))
(testing "When timbre is used as backend, it gets called on http request"
(let [log-args (atom nil)]
(with-redefs [timbre/-log! (fn [& args] (reset! log-args args))]
(test-utils/with-running-server {:port port
:interceptor access-logs/interceptor}
(http/get location)
(is (not (nil? @log-args)))))))