infof (clj)
(infof & args)
(ns a-frame.log
"overrides of the timbre logging macros
which set a context from an a-frame
interceptor-context key, or app-ctx key"
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [a-frame.log]))
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[a-frame.schema :as af.schema]))
(defmacro infof
[context-src & args]
`(with-a-frame-log-context ~context-src
(timbre/log! :info :f ~args ~{:?line (@#'timbre/fline &form)})))
(ns goldly.component.load
[re-frame.core :as rf]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre :refer-macros [debug debugf info infof error errorf]]))
(fn [db [_ {:keys [type data] :as x}]]
(let [index (:index db)]
(infof "index/store type: %s" x)
(debugf "index/store type: %s data: %s" type data)
(-> (if (nil? index)
(assoc db :index {})
(assoc-in [:index type] data)))))
(fn [db [_ {:keys [id type] :as data}]]
(let [component (:component db)]
(infof "component/store type: %s id: %s" type id)
(-> (if (nil? component)
(assoc db :component {})
(assoc-in [:component type id] data)))))
(ns goldly.component.type.system
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre :refer-macros [debugf infof errorf]]
[goldly.component.ui :refer [render-component]]
[goldly.system.sci :refer [render-system]]))
(defmethod render-component :system [{:keys [id data args]}]
(let [{:keys [fns-clj cljs]} @data
{:keys [ext]} args]
(infof "rendering system: id: %s data: %s args: %s" id @data args)
[render-system (merge {:id id
:fns-clj fns-clj}
cljs) ext]))
(ns jiksnu.step-definitions
(:require [jiksnu.helpers.action-helpers :as helpers.action]
[jiksnu.helpers.http-helpers :as helpers.http]
[ :as page-helpers
:refer [by-css by-model current-page element expect]]
[jiksnu.pages.LoginPage :as lp :refer [LoginPage login]]
[jiksnu.pages.RegisterPage :refer [RegisterPage]]
[jiksnu.PageObjectMap :as pom]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre])
(:use-macros [jiksnu.step-macros :only [step-definitions Given When Then And]]))
(Given #"^I am (not )?logged in$" [not-str next]
(timbre/infof "Not str: %s" not-str)
(if (empty? not-str)
(.. (helpers.action/login-user) (then next))
(timbre/info "Deleting all cookies")
(.. js/browser manage deleteAllCookies (then next)))))
(timbre/infof "Page: %s" page-name)
(timbre/infof "Url: %s" (current-page) )
(let [page-object (aget pom/pages page-name)]
(timbre/infof "Page object: %s" page-object)
(.. (page-object.) get (then next))))
(Then #"^I should not see a \"([^\"]*)\" button for that user$" [button-name next]
(let [class-name (str "." button-name "-button")]
(timbre/infof "Class Name: %s" class-name)
(.. (expect (-> (by-css class-name) element .isPresent))
-to -eventually -be -false))
(Then #"^I should see an activity$" [next]
(let [article-element (element (by-css "article"))]
(timbre/infof "checking activity - %s" article-element)
(.. (expect (.isPresent article-element))
-to -eventually (equal true)))
(ns jiksnu.step-definitions
(:require [jiksnu.helpers.action-helpers :as helpers.action]
[jiksnu.helpers.http-helpers :as helpers.http]
[ :as page-helpers
:refer [by-css by-model current-page element expect]]
[jiksnu.pages.LoginPage :as lp :refer [LoginPage login]]
[jiksnu.pages.RegisterPage :refer [RegisterPage]]
[jiksnu.PageObjectMap :as pom]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre])
(:use-macros [jiksnu.step-macros :only [step-definitions Given When Then And]]))
(Given #"^I am (not )?logged in$" [not-str next]
(timbre/infof "Not str: %s" not-str)
(if (empty? not-str)
(.. (helpers.action/login-user) (then next))
(timbre/info "Deleting all cookies")
(.. js/browser manage deleteAllCookies (then next)))))
(timbre/infof "Page: %s" page-name)
(timbre/infof "Url: %s" (current-page) )
(let [page-object (aget pom/pages page-name)]
(timbre/infof "Page object: %s" page-object)
(.. (page-object.) get (then next))))
(Then #"^I should not see a \"([^\"]*)\" button for that user$" [button-name next]
(let [class-name (str "." button-name "-button")]
(timbre/infof "Class Name: %s" class-name)
(.. (expect (-> (by-css class-name) element .isPresent))
-to -eventually -be -false))
(Then #"^I should see an activity$" [next]
(let [article-element (element (by-css "article"))]
(timbre/infof "checking activity - %s" article-element)
(.. (expect (.isPresent article-element))
-to -eventually (equal true)))