sometimes (clj)
(sometimes probability & body)
Handy for sampled logging, etc.
(ns tropology.test.parsing-nodes
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[taoensso.timbre.profiling :as prof]
[tropology.test.db-nodes :as tdb]
[tropology.test.parsing :as tp]
[korma.core :refer [select where]]
[tropology.parsing :refer :all]
[tropology.db :as db]
[tropology.base :as b]
[clojure.string :as s]
[tropology.s3 :as s3]))
(deftest test-redirect-ignores-query
; We now pass a provenance that has a query. TVTropes sometimes does this
; to indicate that a page is being redirected to from another one, but
; all it actually cares about is the root path.
; Queries should be ignored for redirect purposes.
(let [path (str tp/test-file-path "TakeMeInstead-pruned.html")
_ (record-page! path "")
main-node (db/query-by-code "main/takemeinstead")
links-main (db/query-from "Main/TakeMeInstead" :LINKSTO)
(are [property value] (= value (main-node property))
:has-error false
:category "main"
:code "main/takemeinstead"
:display "Main/TakeMeInstead"
:is-redirect false
:url "")
(is (= 4 (count links-main)))