composite (clj)
(composite & args)
Accepts any number of SQL expressions and produces
a composite value from them:
(composite :a 42)
Produces: (a, ?)
Parameters: 42
(ns honey.sql-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[honey.sql :as sut :refer [format]]
[honey.sql.helpers :as h])
#?(:clj (:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))))
(deftest issue-474-dot-selection
(testing "basic dot selection"
(is (= ["SELECT a.b, c.d, a.d.x"]
(let [t :a c :d]
(sut/format {:select [[[:. t :b]] [[:. :c c]] [[:. t c :x]]]}))))
(is (= ["SELECT [a].[b], [c].[d], [a].[d].[x]"]
(let [t :a c :d]
(sut/format {:select [[[:. t :b]] [[:. :c c]] [[:. t c :x]]]}
{:dialect :sqlserver})))))
(testing "basic field selection from composite"
(is (= ["SELECT (v).*, (w).x, (Y(z)).*"]
(sut/format '{select (((. (nest v) *))
((. (nest w) x))
((. (nest (y z)) *)))})))
(is (= ["SELECT (`v`).*, (`w`).`x`, (Y(`z`)).*"]
(sut/format '{select (((. (nest v) *))
((. (nest w) x))
((. (nest (y z)) *)))}
{:dialect :mysql})))))
(ns honey.sql.postgres-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [update partition-by set])
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
;; pull in all the PostgreSQL helpers that the nilenso
;; library provided (as well as the regular HoneySQL ones):
[honey.sql.helpers :as sqlh :refer
[upsert on-conflict do-nothing on-constraint
returning do-update-set
;; not needed because do-update-set can do this directly
alter-table rename-column drop-column
add-column partition-by
;; not needed because insert-into can do this directly
create-table rename-table drop-table
window create-view over with-columns
create-extension drop-extension
;; already part of HoneySQL
insert-into values where select
from order-by update set]]
[honey.sql :as sql]))
(deftest issue-453-constraint
(testing "standalone constraint"
(is (= ["CREATE TABLE bar (a INTEGER, b INTEGER, CONSTRAINT foo_natural_key UNIQUE (a, b))"]
(-> {:create-table [:bar]
[[:a :integer]
[:b :integer]
[[:constraint :foo_natural_key] :unique [:composite :a :b]]]}
(testing "inline constraint"
(is (= ["CREATE TABLE foo (a INTEGER CONSTRAINT a_pos CHECK(a > 0), b INTEGER, CONSTRAINT a_bigger CHECK(b < a))"]
(-> '{create-table foo
((a integer (constraint a_pos) (check (> a 0)))
(b integer)
((constraint a_bigger) (check (< b a))))}
(ns honey.sql-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[honey.sql :as sut :refer [format]]
[honey.sql.helpers :as h])
#?(:clj (:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))))
(deftest issue-474-dot-selection
(testing "basic dot selection"
(is (= ["SELECT a.b, c.d, a.d.x"]
(let [t :a c :d]
(sut/format {:select [[[:. t :b]] [[:. :c c]] [[:. t c :x]]]}))))
(is (= ["SELECT [a].[b], [c].[d], [a].[d].[x]"]
(let [t :a c :d]
(sut/format {:select [[[:. t :b]] [[:. :c c]] [[:. t c :x]]]}
{:dialect :sqlserver})))))
(testing "basic field selection from composite"
(is (= ["SELECT (v).*, (w).x, (Y(z)).*"]
(sut/format '{select (((. (nest v) *))
((. (nest w) x))
((. (nest (y z)) *)))})))
(is (= ["SELECT (`v`).*, (`w`).`x`, (Y(`z`)).*"]
(sut/format '{select (((. (nest v) *))
((. (nest w) x))
((. (nest (y z)) *)))}
{:dialect :mysql})))))
(ns honey.sql.postgres-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [update partition-by set])
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
;; pull in all the PostgreSQL helpers that the nilenso
;; library provided (as well as the regular HoneySQL ones):
[honey.sql.helpers :as sqlh :refer
[upsert on-conflict do-nothing on-constraint
returning do-update-set
;; not needed because do-update-set can do this directly
alter-table rename-column drop-column
add-column partition-by
;; not needed because insert-into can do this directly
create-table rename-table drop-table
window create-view over with-columns
create-extension drop-extension
;; already part of HoneySQL
insert-into values where select
from order-by update set]]
[honey.sql :as sql]))
(deftest issue-453-constraint
(testing "standalone constraint"
(is (= ["CREATE TABLE bar (a INTEGER, b INTEGER, CONSTRAINT foo_natural_key UNIQUE (a, b))"]
(-> {:create-table [:bar]
[[:a :integer]
[:b :integer]
[[:constraint :foo_natural_key] :unique [:composite :a :b]]]}
(testing "inline constraint"
(is (= ["CREATE TABLE foo (a INTEGER CONSTRAINT a_pos CHECK(a > 0), b INTEGER, CONSTRAINT a_bigger CHECK(b < a))"]
(-> '{create-table foo
((a integer (constraint a_pos) (check (> a 0)))
(b integer)
((constraint a_bigger) (check (< b a))))}