partition-by (clj)
(partition-by & args)
Accepts one or more columns or SQL expressions to
partition by as part of a `WINDOW` expression.
(ns honey.sql.postgres-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [update partition-by set])
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
;; pull in all the PostgreSQL helpers that the nilenso
;; library provided (as well as the regular HoneySQL ones):
[honey.sql.helpers :as sqlh :refer
[upsert on-conflict do-nothing on-constraint
returning do-update-set
;; not needed because do-update-set can do this directly
alter-table rename-column drop-column
add-column partition-by
;; not needed because insert-into can do this directly
create-table rename-table drop-table
window create-view over with-columns
create-extension drop-extension
;; already part of HoneySQL
insert-into values where select
from order-by update set]]
[honey.sql :as sql]))
(deftest over-test
(testing "simple window statement"
(is (= ["SELECT AVG(salary) OVER w FROM employee WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary ASC)"]
(sql/format {:select [[[:over [[:avg :salary] :w]]]]
:from :employee
:window [:w {:partition-by :department
:order-by :salary}]}))))
(testing "window function over on select statemt"
(is (= ["SELECT id, AVG(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY designation ASC) AS Average, MAX(salary) OVER w AS MaxSalary FROM employee WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY department)"]
;; honeysql treats over as a function:
(-> (select :id
[[:avg :salary] (-> (partition-by :department) (order-by [:designation])) :Average]
[[:max :salary] :w :MaxSalary]))
(from :employee)
(window :w (partition-by :department))
;; nilenso treated over as a clause
#_(-> (select :id)
[[:avg :salary] (-> (partition-by :department) (order-by [:designation])) :Average]
[[:max :salary] :w :MaxSalary])
(from :employee)
(window :w (partition-by :department))
(ns honey.sql.helpers-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [filter for group-by partition-by set update])
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[honey.sql :as sql]
[honey.sql.helpers :as h
:refer [add-column add-index alter-table columns create-table create-table-as create-view
create-materialized-view drop-view drop-materialized-view
cross-join do-update-set drop-column drop-index drop-table
filter from full-join
group-by having insert-into
join-by join lateral left-join limit offset on-conflict
order-by over partition-by refresh-materialized-view
rename-column rename-table returning right-join
select select-distinct select-top select-distinct-top
values where window with with-columns
with-data within-group]]))
(deftest issue-293-sql
;; these tests are based on the README at
(is (= (-> (insert-into :distributors)
(values [{:did 5 :dname "Gizmo Transglobal"}
{:did 6 :dname "Associated Computing, Inc"}])
(-> (on-conflict :did)
(do-update-set :dname))
(returning :*)
[(str "INSERT INTO distributors (did, dname)"
" VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?)"
" ON CONFLICT (did)"
" DO UPDATE SET dname = EXCLUDED.dname"
5 "Gizmo Transglobal"
6 "Associated Computing, Inc"]))
(is (= (-> (insert-into :distributors)
(values [{:did 23 :dname "Foo Distributors"}])
(on-conflict :did)
;; instead of do-update-set!
(do-update-set {:dname [:|| :EXCLUDED.dname " (formerly " :distributors.dname ")"]
:downer :EXCLUDED.downer})
[(str "INSERT INTO distributors (did, dname)"
" VALUES (?, ?)"
" ON CONFLICT (did)"
" DO UPDATE SET dname = EXCLUDED.dname || ? || distributors.dname || ?,"
" downer = EXCLUDED.downer")
23 "Foo Distributors" " (formerly " ")"]))
;; insert into / insert into as tests are below
(is (= (-> (select :id
(over [[:avg :salary] (-> (partition-by :department) (order-by :designation)) :Average]
[[:max :salary] :w :MaxSalary]))
(from :employee)
(window :w (partition-by :department))
[(str "SELECT id,"
" AVG(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY designation ASC) AS Average,"
" MAX(salary) OVER w AS MaxSalary"
" FROM employee"
" WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY department)")]))
;; test nil / empty window function clause:
(is (= (-> (select :id
(over [[:avg :salary] {} :Average]
[[:max :salary] nil :MaxSalary]))
(from :employee)
[(str "SELECT id,"
" AVG(salary) OVER () AS Average,"
" MAX(salary) OVER () AS MaxSalary"
" FROM employee")])))
(ns honey.sql.postgres-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [update partition-by set])
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
;; pull in all the PostgreSQL helpers that the nilenso
;; library provided (as well as the regular HoneySQL ones):
[honey.sql.helpers :as sqlh :refer
[upsert on-conflict do-nothing on-constraint
returning do-update-set
;; not needed because do-update-set can do this directly
alter-table rename-column drop-column
add-column partition-by
;; not needed because insert-into can do this directly
create-table rename-table drop-table
window create-view over with-columns
create-extension drop-extension
;; already part of HoneySQL
insert-into values where select
from order-by update set]]
[honey.sql :as sql]))
(deftest over-test
(testing "window function over on select statemt"
(is (= ["SELECT id, AVG(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY designation ASC) AS Average, MAX(salary) OVER w AS MaxSalary FROM employee WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY department)"]
;; honeysql treats over as a function:
(-> (select :id
[[:avg :salary] (-> (partition-by :department) (order-by [:designation])) :Average]
[[:max :salary] :w :MaxSalary]))
(from :employee)
(window :w (partition-by :department))
;; nilenso treated over as a clause
#_(-> (select :id)
[[:avg :salary] (-> (partition-by :department) (order-by [:designation])) :Average]
[[:max :salary] :w :MaxSalary])
(from :employee)
(window :w (partition-by :department))
(ns honey.sql.postgres-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [update partition-by set])
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
;; pull in all the PostgreSQL helpers that the nilenso
;; library provided (as well as the regular HoneySQL ones):
[honey.sql.helpers :as sqlh :refer
[upsert on-conflict do-nothing on-constraint
returning do-update-set
;; not needed because do-update-set can do this directly
alter-table rename-column drop-column
add-column partition-by
;; not needed because insert-into can do this directly
create-table rename-table drop-table
window create-view over with-columns
create-extension drop-extension
;; already part of HoneySQL
insert-into values where select
from order-by update set]]
[honey.sql :as sql]))
(deftest over-test
(testing "simple window statement"
(is (= ["SELECT AVG(salary) OVER w FROM employee WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary ASC)"]
(sql/format {:select [[[:over [[:avg :salary] :w]]]]
:from :employee
:window [:w {:partition-by :department
:order-by :salary}]}))))
(testing "window function over on select statemt"
(is (= ["SELECT id, AVG(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY designation ASC) AS Average, MAX(salary) OVER w AS MaxSalary FROM employee WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY department)"]
;; honeysql treats over as a function:
(-> (select :id
[[:avg :salary] (-> (partition-by :department) (order-by [:designation])) :Average]
[[:max :salary] :w :MaxSalary]))
(from :employee)
(window :w (partition-by :department))
;; nilenso treated over as a clause
#_(-> (select :id)
[[:avg :salary] (-> (partition-by :department) (order-by [:designation])) :Average]
[[:max :salary] :w :MaxSalary])
(from :employee)
(window :w (partition-by :department))