except-all (clj)
(except-all & clauses)
Accepts any number of SQL clauses (queries) on
which to perform a set except all.
(ns honey.sql.postgres-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [update partition-by set])
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
;; pull in all the PostgreSQL helpers that the nilenso
;; library provided (as well as the regular HoneySQL ones):
[honey.sql.helpers :as sqlh :refer
[upsert on-conflict do-nothing on-constraint
returning do-update-set
;; not needed because do-update-set can do this directly
alter-table rename-column drop-column
add-column partition-by
;; not needed because insert-into can do this directly
create-table rename-table drop-table
window create-view over with-columns
create-extension drop-extension
;; already part of HoneySQL
insert-into values where select
from order-by update set]]
[honey.sql :as sql]))
(deftest values-except-all-select
(testing "select which values are not not present in a table"
(is (= ["VALUES (?), (?), (?) EXCEPT ALL SELECT id FROM images" 4 5 6]
[{:values [[4] [5] [6]]}
{:select [:id] :from [:images]}]})))))
(deftest select-except-all-select
(testing "select which rows are not present in another table"
(is (= ["SELECT ip EXCEPT ALL SELECT ip FROM ip_location"]
[{:select [:ip]}
{:select [:ip] :from [:ip_location]}]})))))
(ns honey.sql.postgres-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [update partition-by set])
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
;; pull in all the PostgreSQL helpers that the nilenso
;; library provided (as well as the regular HoneySQL ones):
[honey.sql.helpers :as sqlh :refer
[upsert on-conflict do-nothing on-constraint
returning do-update-set
;; not needed because do-update-set can do this directly
alter-table rename-column drop-column
add-column partition-by
;; not needed because insert-into can do this directly
create-table rename-table drop-table
window create-view over with-columns
create-extension drop-extension
;; already part of HoneySQL
insert-into values where select
from order-by update set]]
[honey.sql :as sql]))
(deftest values-except-all-select
(testing "select which values are not not present in a table"
(is (= ["VALUES (?), (?), (?) EXCEPT ALL SELECT id FROM images" 4 5 6]
[{:values [[4] [5] [6]]}
{:select [:id] :from [:images]}]})))))
(deftest select-except-all-select
(testing "select which rows are not present in another table"
(is (= ["SELECT ip EXCEPT ALL SELECT ip FROM ip_location"]
[{:select [:ip]}
{:select [:ip] :from [:ip_location]}]})))))
(ns honey.sql.postgres-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [update partition-by set])
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
;; pull in all the PostgreSQL helpers that the nilenso
;; library provided (as well as the regular HoneySQL ones):
[honey.sql.helpers :as sqlh :refer
[upsert on-conflict do-nothing on-constraint
returning do-update-set
;; not needed because do-update-set can do this directly
alter-table rename-column drop-column
add-column partition-by
;; not needed because insert-into can do this directly
create-table rename-table drop-table
window create-view over with-columns
create-extension drop-extension
;; already part of HoneySQL
insert-into values where select
from order-by update set]]
[honey.sql :as sql]))
(deftest values-except-all-select
(testing "select which values are not not present in a table"
(is (= ["VALUES (?), (?), (?) EXCEPT ALL SELECT id FROM images" 4 5 6]
[{:values [[4] [5] [6]]}
{:select [:id] :from [:images]}]})))))
(deftest select-except-all-select
(testing "select which rows are not present in another table"
(is (= ["SELECT ip EXCEPT ALL SELECT ip FROM ip_location"]
[{:select [:ip]}
{:select [:ip] :from [:ip_location]}]})))))