Public Vars
- add-column (clj)
- add-index (clj)
- alter-column (clj)
- alter-table (clj)
- bulk-collect-into (clj)
- columns (clj)
- compare-with (clj)
- composite (clj)
- create-extension (clj)
- create-index (clj)
- create-materialized-view (clj)
- create-or-replace-view (clj)
- create-table (clj)
- create-table-as (clj)
- create-view (clj)
- cross-join (clj)
- delete (clj)
- delete-from (clj)
- distinct (clj)
- do-nothing (clj)
- do-update-set (clj)
- drop-column (clj)
- drop-extension (clj)
- drop-index (clj)
- drop-materialized-view (clj)
- drop-table (clj)
- drop-view (clj)
- erase-from (clj)
- except (clj)
- except-all (clj)
- exclude (clj)
- expr (clj)
- facet (clj)
- fetch (clj)
- filter (clj)
- for (clj)
- from (clj)
- full-join (clj)
- generic-helper-unary (clj)
- generic-helper-variadic (clj)
- group-by (clj)
- having (clj)
- inner-join (clj)
- insert-into (clj)
- intersect (clj)
- into (clj)
- join (clj)
- join-by (clj)
- lateral (clj)
- left-join (clj)
- limit (clj)
- lock (clj)
- modify-column (clj)
- offset (clj)
- on-conflict (clj)
- on-constraint (clj)
- on-duplicate-key-update (clj)
- order-by (clj)
- outer-join (clj)
- over (clj)
- partition-by (clj)
- patch-into (clj)
- records (clj)
- refresh-materialized-view (clj)
- rename (clj)
- rename-column (clj)
- rename-table (clj)
- replace-into (clj)
- returning (clj)
- right-join (clj)
- select (clj)
- select-distinct (clj)
- select-distinct-on (clj)
- select-distinct-top (clj)
- select-top (clj)
- set (clj)
- setting (clj)
- since (clj)
- table (clj)
- timeseries (clj)
- truncate (clj)
- union (clj)
- union-all (clj)
- until (clj)
- update (clj)
- upsert (clj)
- using (clj)
- values (clj)
- where (clj)
- window (clj)
- with (clj)
- with-columns (clj)
- with-data (clj)
- with-recursive (clj)
- within-group (clj)
values (clj)
(values row-value-coll)
Accepts a single argument: a collection of row values.
Each row value can be either a sequence of column values
or a hash map of column name/column value pairs.
Used with `insert-into`.
(-> (insert-into :foo)
(values [{:id 1, :name "John"}
{:id 2, :name "Fred"}]))
Produces: INSERT INTO foo (id, name) VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?)
Parameters: 1 "John" 2 "Fred"