class (clj)
(class x)
Returns the Class of x
(deftest division
(is (= clojure.core// /))
(binding [*ns* *ns*]
(eval '(do (ns foo
(:require [clojure.core :as bar])
(:use [clojure.test]))
(is (= clojure.core// bar//))))))
(deftest Instants
(testing "Instants are read as java.util.Date by default"
(is (= java.util.Date (class #inst "2010-11-12T13:14:15.666"))))
(let [s "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.666-06:00\""]
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-date}]
(testing "read-instant-date produces java.util.Date"
(is (= java.util.Date (class (read-string s)))))
(testing "java.util.Date instants round-trips"
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string))))
(testing "java.util.Date instants round-trip throughout the year"
(doseq [month (range 1 13) day (range 1 29) hour (range 1 23)]
(let [s (format "#inst \"2010-%02d-%02dT%02d:14:15.666-06:00\"" month day hour)]
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string))))))
(testing "java.util.Date handling DST in time zones"
(let [dtz (TimeZone/getDefault)]
;; A timezone with DST in effect during 2010-11-12
(TimeZone/setDefault (TimeZone/getTimeZone "Australia/Sydney"))
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string)))
(finally (TimeZone/setDefault dtz)))))
(testing "java.util.Date should always print in UTC"
(let [d (read-string s)
pstr (print-str d)
len (.length pstr)]
(is (= (subs pstr (- len 7)) "-00:00\"")))))
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-calendar}]
(testing "read-instant-calendar produces java.util.Calendar"
(is (instance? java.util.Calendar (read-string s))))
(testing "java.util.Calendar round-trips"
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string))))
(testing "java.util.Calendar remembers timezone in literal"
(is (= "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.666-06:00\""
(-> s read-string pr-str)))
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string))))
(testing "java.util.Calendar preserves milliseconds"
(is (= 666 (-> s read-string
(.get java.util.Calendar/MILLISECOND)))))))
(let [s "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.123456789\""
s2 "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.123\""
s3 "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.123456789123\""]
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-timestamp}]
(testing "read-instant-timestamp produces java.sql.Timestamp"
(is (= java.sql.Timestamp (class (read-string s)))))
(testing "java.sql.Timestamp preserves nanoseconds"
(is (= 123456789 (-> s read-string .getNanos)))
(is (= 123456789 (-> s read-string pr-str read-string .getNanos)))
;; truncate at nanos for s3
(is (= 123456789 (-> s3 read-string pr-str read-string .getNanos))))
(testing "java.sql.Timestamp should compare nanos"
(is (= (read-string s) (read-string s3)))
(is (not= (read-string s) (read-string s2)))))
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-date}]
(testing "read-instant-date should truncate at milliseconds"
(is (= (read-string s) (read-string s2) (read-string s3))))))
(let [s "#inst \"2010-11-12T03:14:15.123+05:00\""
s2 "#inst \"2010-11-11T22:14:15.123Z\""]
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-date}]
(testing "read-instant-date should convert to UTC"
(is (= (read-string s) (read-string s2)))))
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-timestamp}]
(testing "read-instant-timestamp should convert to UTC"
(is (= (read-string s) (read-string s2)))))
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-calendar}]
(testing "read-instant-calendar should preserve timezone"
(is (not= (read-string s) (read-string s2)))))))
(deftest UUID
(is (= java.util.UUID (class #uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000")))
(is (.equals #uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"
#uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"))
(is (not (identical? #uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"
#uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000")))
(is (= 4 (.version #uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000")))
(is (= (print-str #uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000")
"#uuid \"550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000\"")))
(ns viewers.controls
"Demo of Clerk's two-way bindings."
{:nextjournal.clerk/visibility {:code :show :result :show}}
(:require [clojure.core :as core]
[nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]
[nextjournal.clerk.viewer :as viewer]))
(def render-text-input
'(fn [state-atom]
[:input {:type :text :value @state-atom :on-change #(swap! state-atom (constantly (.. % -target -value)))
:class "px-3 py-3 placeholder-blueGray-300 text-blueGray-600 relative bg-white bg-white rounded text-sm border border-blueGray-300 outline-none focus:outline-none focus:ring w-full"}]))
(ns spectrum.core-specs
(:require [clojure.core :as core]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[spectrum.core :as st]
[spectrum.types :as t]
[spectrum.util :refer [def-instance-predicate]]))
(st/var-spec #'clojure.core/*ns* #'namespace?)
(st/var-spec #'clojure.core/*file* #'string?)
(st/var-spec #'clojure.core/*print-dup* #'boolean?)
(st/var-spec #'clojure.core/*unchecked-math* #'boolean?)
(st/var-spec #'clojure.core/*agent* (t/or-t [(t/class-t clojure.lang.Agent) (t/value-t nil)]))
(st/var-spec #'clojure.core/*warn-on-reflection* #'boolean?)
(st/var-spec #'clojure.core/*in* (t/class-t
(st/var-spec #'clojure.core/*out* (t/class-t
(st/var-spec #'clojure.core/*err* (t/class-t
(ns deuce.emacs.casetab
(:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar)])
(:require [clojure.core :as c]
[deuce.emacs.chartab :as chartab]
[ :as data]
[deuce.emacs.fns :as fns])
(:import [ CharTable])
(:refer-clojure :exclude []))
(defun set-case-table (table)
"Select a new case table for the current buffer.
A case table is a char-table which maps characters
to their lower-case equivalents. It also has three \"extra\" slots
which may be additional char-tables or nil.
UPCASE maps each non-upper-case character to its upper-case equivalent.
(The value in UPCASE for an upper-case character is never used.)
If lower and upper case characters are in 1-1 correspondence,
you may use nil and the upcase table will be deduced from DOWNCASE.
CANONICALIZE maps each character to a canonical equivalent;
any two characters that are related by case-conversion have the same
canonical equivalent character; it may be nil, in which case it is
deduced from DOWNCASE and UPCASE.
EQUIVALENCES is a map that cyclically permutes each equivalence class
(of characters with the same canonical equivalent); it may be nil,
in which case it is deduced from CANONICALIZE."
(ns ^:no-doc typed.ann.clojure
"Type annotations for the base Clojure distribution."
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros]))
(:require [clojure.core :as cc]
[typed.clojure :as t]
#?(:clj [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros])
#?(:clj typed.ann.clojure.jvm) ;; jvm annotations
#?(:clj clojure.core.typed))
(:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashSet PersistentList
APersistentMap #_IPersistentCollection
(java.util Comparator Collection))))
#?@(:cljs [] :default [
cc/pop-thread-bindings [:-> t/Any]
cc/load [t/Str :* :-> t/Any]
cc/read-string [t/Str :-> t/Any]
cc/read [(t/alt (t/cat (t/?
(t/cat t/Bool)
(t/cat t/Bool t/Any (t/? t/Bool)))
:-> t/Any]
cc/read+string [(t/alt (t/cat (t/?
(t/cat t/Bool)
(t/cat t/Bool t/Any (t/? t/Bool)))
:-> '[t/Any t/Str]]
cc/read-line [:-> (t/U nil t/Str)]
cc/add-classpath [(t/U t/Str :-> nil]
cc/*1 t/Any
cc/*2 t/Any
cc/*3 t/Any
cc/*e #?(:cljs t/Any :default (t/U nil Throwable))
#?@(:cljs [] :default [
cc/*agent* (t/U nil (t/Deref t/Any) #_(t/Agent t/Any))
cc/*allow-unresolved-vars* t/Any
cc/*data-readers* (t/Map t/Sym t/AnyVar)
cc/*default-data-reader-fn* (t/U nil [t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any])
cc/*fn-loader* t/Any
cc/*math-context* t/Any
cc/*source-path* t/Str
cc/*use-context-classloader* t/Any
cc/*assert* t/Any
cc/prefer-method [t/Multi t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
#?@(:cljs [] :default [
cc/print-simple [t/Any :-> nil]
cc/char-escape-string (t/Map Character t/Str)
cc/char-name-string (t/Map Character t/Str)
cc/primitives-classnames (t/Map Class t/Str)
cc/namespace-munge [(t/U t/Sym t/Namespace) :-> t/Str]
;cc/find-protocol-impl ['{:on-interface Class
; :impls ?}]
cc/method-sig [java.lang.reflect.Method :-> '[t/Any t/AnyNilableNonEmptySeq t/Any]]
cc/proxy-name [Class (t/Seqable Class) :-> t/Str]
cc/get-proxy-class [Class :* :-> Class]
cc/construct-proxy [Class t/Any :* :-> t/Any]
cc/init-proxy [t/Proxy (t/Map t/Str t/Any) :-> t/Proxy]
cc/update-proxy [t/Proxy (t/Map t/Str t/Any) :-> t/Proxy]
cc/proxy-mappings [t/Proxy :-> (t/Map t/Str t/Any)]
cc/proxy-call-with-super (t/All [x] [[:-> x] t/Proxy t/Str :-> x])
cc/bean [Object :-> (t/Map t/Any t/Any)]
#?@(:cljs [] :default [
cc/class (t/IFn [nil :-> nil :object {:id 0 :path [Class]}]
[Object :-> Class :object {:id 0 :path [Class]}]
[t/Any :-> (t/Option Class) :object {:id 0 :path [Class]}])
; need better metadata support if this even has a chance of working
; like class
;; idea: provide global registry of :type mappings to qualified keywords.
;; users can register their types to opt in. Add a new path element so we
;; can refine the type if the result is found to be a kw (and if the arg has immutable metadata),
;; eg., cc/type [t/Any :-> t/Any :obj {:id 0 :path [Type]}]
cc/type [t/Any :-> t/Any]
#?@(:cljs [] :default [
cc/class? (t/Pred Class)
cc/bytes? (t/Pred (Array byte))
cc/resolve [(t/? t/Any) t/Sym :-> (t/U t/AnyVar Class nil)]
cc/ns-resolve (t/IFn [(t/U t/Sym t/Namespace) t/Sym :-> (t/U t/AnyVar Class nil)]
; should &env arg be more accurate?
[(t/U t/Sym t/Namespace) t/Any t/Sym :-> (t/U t/AnyVar Class nil)])
cc/extenders [t/Any :-> (t/Seqable (t/Nilable Class))]
(ns chapter04.kafka
[clj-kafka.producer :as p]
[clj-kafka.core :as core]
[clj-kafka.consumer.zk :as zk]
[ :as new]
[clj-kafka.consumer.simple :as simple]
[clj-kafka.offset :as offset]
[clj-kafka.admin :as admin]
[clojure.core.async :as async :refer :all]
(:import (kafka.consumer Consumer ConsumerConfig KafkaStream)
(kafka.producer KeyedMessage ProducerConfig)
(kafka.javaapi.producer Producer)
(java.util Properties)
(java.util.concurrent Executors))
;;=> nil
(def producer-config
{"" "localhost:9092"
"serializer.class" "kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder"
"partitioner.class" "kafka.producer.DefaultPartitioner"}
;;=> #'chapter04.kafka/producer-config