Public Vars


reductions (clj)



(reductions f coll) (reductions f init coll)
Returns a lazy seq of the intermediate values of the reduction (as per reduce) of coll by f, starting with init.


(ns ^:no-doc typed.ann.clojure
  "Type annotations for the base Clojure distribution."
  #?(:cljs (:require-macros [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros]))
  (:require [clojure.core :as cc]
            [typed.clojure :as t]
            #?(:clj [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros])
            #?(:clj typed.ann.clojure.jvm) ;; jvm annotations
            #?(:clj clojure.core.typed))
     (:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashSet PersistentList
                            APersistentMap #_IPersistentCollection
              (java.util Comparator Collection))))

cc/reduce (t/All [a c] (t/IFn 
                         ;Without accumulator
                         ; default
                         ; (reduce + my-coll)
                         [[a a :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] (t/NonEmptySeqable a) :-> a]
                         [(t/IFn [a a :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] [:-> a]) (t/Seqable a) :-> a]
                         ; default
                         ; (reduce + 3 my-coll)
                         ; (reduce (fn [a b] a) (reduced 1) nil) 
                         ; ;=> (reduced 1)
                         [[a c :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] a (t/Seqable c) :-> a]))
cc/transduce (t/All [a b c] (t/IFn [(t/Transducer a a) (t/Reducer a a) (t/Seqable a) :-> a]
                                   [(t/Transducer b c) (t/IFn [c :-> c] [c a :-> (t/U c (t/Reduced c))]) a (t/Seqable b) :-> a]))
cc/reduce-kv (t/All [a k v] [[a k v :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] a (t/Option (t/Associative k v)) :-> a])
cc/reductions (t/All [a b] (t/IFn [[a a :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] (t/NonEmptySeqable a) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq a)]
                                  [(t/IFn [:-> a] [a a :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)]) (t/Seqable a) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq a)]
                                  [[a b :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] a (t/Seqable b) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq a)]))
cc/reduced (t/All [x] [x :-> (t/Reduced x)])
cc/unreduced (t/All [x] (t/IFn [(t/Reduced x) :-> x]
                               [(t/U x (t/Reduced x)) :-> x]))
cc/ensure-reduced (t/All [x] [(t/U x (t/Reduced x)) :-> (t/Reduced x)])
cc/completing (t/All [a b] [(t/IFn [:-> b] [b a :-> (t/U b (t/Reduced b))])
                            [b :-> b]
                            :-> (t/Reducer a b)])
(ns rx.lang.clojure.core-test
  (:require [rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx]
            [rx.lang.clojure.blocking :as b]
            [rx.lang.clojure.future :as f]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing are]]))

(deftest test-reductions
  (is (= (into [] (reductions + 0 (range 4)))
         (b/into [] (rx/reductions + 0 (rx/seq->o (range 4)))))))
(ns parkour.reducers-test
  (:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
            [parkour (reducers :as pr)]
            [clojure.test :refer :all]))

(deftest test-reductions
  (is (= [[] [0] [0 1] [0 1 2] [0 1 2 3]]
         (->> (range 4)
              (pr/reductions conj [])
              (into [])))))
(ns more.async.dataflow.node
   [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
   [clojure.core.async :as a]
   [more.async :as ma]

(s/def ::reductions
  (s/keys :req [::from ::to ::rf ::init-fn]
          :opt [::async?]))

(defmethod -type ::reductions [_]
  (s/keys :req [::name ::type ::reductions]))

(defmethod -compile ::reductions
  [{{from ::from
     to ::to
     rf ::rf
     init ::rf
     async? ::async?} ::reductions} env]
  (let [from (env from)
        to (env to)]
    (if async?
      (ma/reductions! rf init from to)
        (ma/reductions!! rf init from to)))))

(defmethod ports ::reductions
  [{{to ::to from ::from} ::reductions}]
  #{{::name from ::direction ::in}
    {::name to ::direction ::out}})
;; @@
(ns horizontal-bar
  (:require [clojure.core.matrix :as m]
            [clojure.core.matrix.dataset :as d]
            [clojure.core.matrix.random :as rnd]
            [ :as csv])
  (:use [plotly-clj.core] :reload-all))
;; @@
;; =>
;;; {"type":"html","content":"<span class='clj-nil'>nil</span>","value":"nil"}
;; <=

;; @@
(let [top-labels ["Strongly<br>agree" "Agree" "Neutral" "Disagree" "Strongly<br>disagree"]
      colors ["rgba(38 24 74 0.8)" "rgba(71 58 131 0.8)" "rgba(122 120 168 0.8)"
                              "rgba(164 163 204 0.85)" "rgba(190 192 213 1)"]
      x-data [[21 30 21 16 12] [24 31 19 15 11] [27 26 23 11 13] [29 24 15 18 14]]
      y-data ["The course was effectively<br>organized"
              "The course developed my<br>abilities and skills for<br>the subject"
              "The course developed my<br>ability to think critically about<br>the subject"
              "I would recommend this<br>course to a friend"]
      get-mid (fn [xs] 
                (let [s (butlast (reductions + 0 xs))
                      halves (m/div xs 2)]
                  (m/add s halves)))
      xs-mid (map get-mid x-data)]
  (-> (plotly)
        (for [[x c] (map vector (m/transpose x-data) colors)]
          #(add-bar %
                    :x x 
                    :y y-data
                    :orientation "h" 
                    :marker {:color c
                             :line {:color "rgb(248, 248, 249)" :width 1}})))
      (set-layout :xaxis {:showgrid false
                          :showline false
                          :showticklabels false
                          :zeroline false
                          :domain [0.15 1]}
                  :yaxis {:showgrid false
                          :showline false
                          :showticklabels false
                          :zeroline false}
                  :barmode "stack"
                  :showlegend false
                  :paper_bgcolor "rgb(248, 248, 255)"
                  :plot_bgcolor "rgb(248, 248, 255)"
                  :margin {:l 120 :r 10 :t 120 :b 80})
        (for [[x y] (map vector x-data y-data)]
          {:xref "paper" :yref "y" :x 0.14 :y y :xanchor "right" :text y :showarrow false :align "right"}))
        (for [idy (range (count y-data)) idx (range (count (first xs-mid)))]
            {:xref "x" 
             :yref "y"
             :x (nth (nth xs-mid idy) idx)
             :y (nth y-data idy) 
             :text (str (nth (nth x-data idy) idx) "%")
             :showarrow false
             :font {:color "rgb(248, 248, 255)"
                    :family "Arial"
                    :size 14}}))
        (for [[x label] (map vector (last xs-mid) top-labels)]
          {:xref "x" :yref "paper"
           :x x :y 1.1 :text label :showarrow false}))
      (plot "Color Palette for Bar Chart" :fileopt "overwrite")
;; @@
;; =>
;;; {"type":"html","content":"<iframe height=\"600\" src=\"//\" width=\"800\"></iframe>","value":"pr'ed value"}
;; <=