Public Vars


int-array (clj)



(int-array size-or-seq) (int-array size init-val-or-seq)
Creates an array of ints


   Indexes are intended to be used to specify elements, ranges or sub-arrays of core.matrix arrays.
   As such they can be considered as a 1D vector of integer values."
  (:require [clojure.core.matrix.protocols :as mp]
            [clojure.core.matrix.macros :refer [error]])
  (:import [clojure.lang IPersistentVector]))

(extend-protocol mp/PIndexImplementation
  (Class/forName "[J")
	  (index? [m]
	  (index-to-longs [m]
	  (index-to-ints [m]
      (int-array m))
	  (index-from-longs [m xs]
	  (index-from-ints [m xs]
      (long-array xs))
	  (index-coerce [m a]
      (mp/index-to-longs a)))

(extend-protocol mp/PIndexImplementation
  (Class/forName "[I")
	  (index? [m]
	  (index-to-longs [m]
      (long-array m))
	  (index-to-ints [m]
	  (index-from-longs [m xs]
      (int-array xs))
	  (index-from-ints [m xs]
	  (index-coerce [m a]
      (mp/index-to-ints a)))

(extend-protocol mp/PIndexImplementation
	  (index? [m]
      (every? integer? m))
	  (index-to-longs [m]
      (long-array m))
	  (index-to-ints [m]
      (int-array m))
	  (index-from-longs [m xs]
      (vec xs))
	  (index-from-ints [m xs]
      (vec xs))
	  (index-coerce [m a]
        (mp/index? a)
          (mp/persistent-vector-coerce a)
        (== 1 (long (mp/dimensionality a)))
          (vec (mp/index-to-longs a))
          (error "Can't make a 1D index from array of shape " (mp/get-shape a)))))
(ns uncomplicate.fluokitten.core-test
  (:use [uncomplicate.fluokitten algo jvm core test utils])
  (:use [midje.sweet :exclude [just]])
  (:require [clojure.string :as s]
            [clojure.core.reducers :as r]))

(fmap-keeps-type inc (int-array [77 0 -39]))

(applicative-law2-identity (int-array [1 445 -4]))

(applicative-law5-interchange (int-array 0) inc 1)
(applicative-law5-interchange (int-array 0) + 1 54 -2)

(monad-law1-left-identity (int-array 0) (comp (pure (int-array 0)) +) 1 2 3)

(semigroup-op-associativity (int-array [1 2]) (int-array  [3 4]))

(facts "How Foldable arrays work."
       (fold (double-array [1 2 3 4 5])) => 15.0
       (fold (long-array (range 999))) => 498501
       (fold (short-array [])) => 0
       (fold (int-array [1 2 3 4 5]))= > 15
       (fold (float-array [1 2 3 4 5])) => 15.0

       (fold + (double-array [1 2 3 4])) => 10.0
       (fold * (float-array [1 2 3 4])) => 24.0
       (fold + 0 (int-array [1 2 3]) (int-array [4 5 6])) => 21
       (fold * 1 (short-array [1 2 3]) (short-array [4 5 6])) => 315
       (fold * 2 (long-array [1 2 3]) (long-array [4 5 6]) (long-array [7 8 9])
             (long-array [1 2 1]) (long-array [3 2 1])) => (throws UnsupportedOperationException)
       (fold * 2 (double-array [1 2 3 4]) (double-array [4 5 6]) (double-array [7 8 9])
             (double-array [1 2 1]) (double-array [3 2 1])) => (throws UnsupportedOperationException)
(ns ^:no-doc typed.ann.clojure
  "Type annotations for the base Clojure distribution."
  #?(:cljs (:require-macros [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros]))
  (:require [clojure.core :as cc]
            [typed.clojure :as t]
            #?(:clj [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros])
            #?(:clj typed.ann.clojure.jvm) ;; jvm annotations
            #?(:clj clojure.core.typed))
     (:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashSet PersistentList
                            APersistentMap #_IPersistentCollection
              (java.util Comparator Collection))))

;array ctors
#?@(:cljs [] :default [
cc/boolean-array (t/IFn [(t/U t/Num (t/Seqable t/Bool)) :-> (Array boolean)]
                        [t/Num (t/U t/Bool (t/Seqable t/Bool)) :-> (Array boolean)])
cc/byte-array (t/IFn [(t/U t/Num (t/Seqable Byte)) :-> (Array byte)]
                     [t/Num (t/U Byte (t/Seqable Byte)) :-> (Array byte)])
cc/char-array (t/IFn [(t/U t/Num (t/Seqable Character)) :-> (Array char)]
                     [t/Num (t/U t/Num (t/Seqable Character)) :-> (Array char)])
cc/short-array (t/IFn [(t/U t/Num (t/Seqable Short)) :-> (Array short)]
                      [t/Num (t/U Short (t/Seqable Short)) :-> (Array short)])
cc/int-array (t/IFn [(t/U t/Num (t/Seqable t/Num)) :-> (Array int)]
                    [t/Num (t/U t/Num (t/Seqable t/Num)) :-> (Array int)])
cc/double-array (t/IFn [(t/U t/Num (t/Seqable t/Num)) :-> (Array double)]
                       [t/Num (t/U t/Num (t/Seqable t/Num)) :-> (Array double)])
(ns uncomplicate.clojurecl.examples.openclinaction.ch07
  (:require [midje.sweet :refer :all]
            [ :as io]
            [clojure.core.async :refer [<!! chan timeout <! go]]
             [core :refer [with-release]]
             [utils :refer [direct-buffer]]]
             [core :refer :all]
             [info :refer [profiling-info durations end opencl-c-version]]
             [toolbox :refer [decent-platform]]]))

   "Listing 7.6. Page 155."
   (let [program-source
         (slurp (io/resource "examples/openclinaction/ch07/"))
         bytesize (Math/pow 2 20)
         notifications (chan)
         follow (register notifications)
         data (direct-buffer bytesize)
         num (int-array [(/ (long bytesize) 16)])
         work-sizes (work-size [1])]
     (with-release [cl-data (cl-buffer ctx bytesize :write-only)
                    prog (build-program! (program-with-source ctx [program-source]))
                    profile-read (kernel prog "profile_read")
                    profile-event (event)]
        (set-args! profile-read cl-data num) => profile-read

   "Listing 7.7. Page 157."
   (let [program-source
         (slurp (io/resource "examples/openclinaction/ch07/"))
         num-ints 65536
         data (int-array (range num-ints))
         notifications (chan)
         follow (register notifications)
         work-sizes (work-size [512] [1])]
     (with-release [cl-x (cl-buffer ctx (* num-ints Integer/BYTES 4) :write-only)
                    prog (build-program! (program-with-source ctx [program-source]))
                    profile-items (kernel prog "profile_items")
                    profile-event (event)]
        (set-args! profile-items cl-x (int-array [num-ints])) => profile-items
        (enq-kernel! cqueue profile-items work-sizes nil profile-event)
        (follow profile-event)
(ns uncomplicate.clojurecl.examples.openclinaction.ch11
  (:require [midje.sweet :refer :all]
            [ :as io]
            [clojure.core.async :refer [chan <!!]]
            [uncomplicate.commons.core :refer [with-release info]]
             [core :refer :all]
             [info :refer [durations profiling-info opencl-c-version]]
             [toolbox :refer [decent-platform]]]))

   "Chapter 11, Listing 11.1, Page 243."
   (let [program-source
         (slurp (io/resource "examples/openclinaction/ch11/"))
         kafka (byte-array
                (map byte
                     (slurp (io/resource "examples/openclinaction/ch11/kafka.txt"))))
         text-size (alength kafka)
         local-size (info dev :max-work-group-size)
         global-size (* local-size (info dev :max-compute-units))
         work-size (work-size [global-size] [local-size])
         pattern (byte-array (map byte "thatwithhavefrom"))
         chars-per-item (int-array [(inc (/ text-size global-size))])
         result (int-array 4)]
     (with-release [cl-text (cl-buffer ctx text-size :read-only)
                    cl-result (cl-buffer ctx (* 4 Integer/BYTES) :write-only)
                    prog (build-program! (program-with-source ctx [program-source])
                                         "-cl-std=CL2.0" nil)
                    string-search (kernel prog "string_search")]
        ;; ============ Naive reduction ======================================
        (set-args! string-search pattern cl-text chars-per-item
                   (* 4 Integer/BYTES) cl-result)
        => string-search
        (enq-write! cqueue cl-text kafka) => cqueue
        (enq-write! cqueue cl-result result) => cqueue
        (enq-kernel! cqueue string-search work-size) => cqueue
        (enq-read! cqueue cl-result result) => cqueue
        (finish! cqueue) => cqueue
        (vec result) => [330 237 110 116])))))