Public Vars


reduced (clj)



(reduced x)
Wraps x in a way such that a reduce will terminate with the value x


(ns clojure.test-clojure.reducers
  (:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
            [clojure.test.generative :refer (defspec)]
            [ :as gen])
  (:use clojure.test))

(deftest test-mapcat-obeys-reduced
  (is (= [1 "0" 2 "1" 3]
        (->> (concat (range 100) (lazy-seq (throw (Exception. "Too eager"))))
          (r/mapcat (juxt inc str))
          (r/take 5)
          (into [])))))

(deftest test-sorted-maps
  (let [m (into (sorted-map)
                '{1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d})]
    (is (= "1a2b3c4d" (reduce-kv str "" m))
        "Sorted maps should reduce-kv in sorted order")
    (is (= 1 (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
                          (reduced (+ acc k)))
                        0 m))
        "Sorted maps should stop reduction when asked")))

(defn reduced-at-probe
  [m p]
  (reduce-kv (fn [_ k v] (when (== p k) (reduced :foo))) nil m))

(defspec reduced-always-returns
  (fn [probe to-end]
    (let [len (+ probe to-end 1)
          nums (range len)
          m (zipmap nums nums)]
      (reduced-at-probe m probe)))
  [^{:tag `gen-num} probe ^{:tag `gen-num} to-end]
  (assert (= :foo %)))
(ns next.jdbc-test
  "Basic tests for the primary API of `next.jdbc`."
  (:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]
            [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
            [next.jdbc.connection :as c]
             :refer [with-test-db db ds column
                     default-options stored-proc?
                     derby? hsqldb? jtds? mssql? mysql? postgres? sqlite?]]
            [next.jdbc.prepare :as prep]
            [next.jdbc.result-set :as rs]
            [next.jdbc.specs :as specs]
            [next.jdbc.types :as types])
  (:import (com.zaxxer.hikari HikariDataSource)
           (com.mchange.v2.c3p0 ComboPooledDataSource PooledDataSource)
           (java.sql ResultSet ResultSetMetaData)))

(deftest basic-tests
  ;; use ds-opts instead of (ds) anywhere you want default options applied:
  (let [ds-opts (jdbc/with-options (ds) (default-options))]
    (testing "plan"
      (is (= "Apple"
             (reduce (fn [_ row] (reduced (:name row)))
                      ["select * from fruit where appearance = ?" "red"]))))
      (is (= "Banana"
             (reduce (fn [_ row] (reduced (:no-such-column row "Banana")))
                      ["select * from fruit where appearance = ?" "red"])))))
    (testing "execute-one!"
      (is (nil? (jdbc/execute-one!
                 ["select * from fruit where appearance = ?" "neon-green"])))
      (is (= "Apple" ((column :FRUIT/NAME)
                       ["select * from fruit where appearance = ?" "red"]))))
      (is (= "red" (:fruit/looks-like
                     ["select appearance as looks_like from fruit where id = ?" 1]
      (let [ds' (jdbc/with-options ds-opts jdbc/snake-kebab-opts)]
        (is (= "red" (:fruit/looks-like
                       ["select appearance as looks_like from fruit where id = ?" 1])))))
      (jdbc/with-transaction+options [ds' (jdbc/with-options ds-opts jdbc/snake-kebab-opts)]
        (is (= (merge (default-options) jdbc/snake-kebab-opts)
               (:options ds')))
        (is (= "red" (:fruit/looks-like
                       ["select appearance as looks_like from fruit where id = ?" 1])))))
      (is (= "red" (:looks-like
                     ["select appearance as looks_like from fruit where id = ?" 1]
    (testing "execute!"
      (let [rs (jdbc/execute!
                ["select * from fruit where appearance = ?" "neon-green"])]
        (is (vector? rs))
        (is (= [] rs)))
      (let [rs (jdbc/execute!
                ["select * from fruit where appearance = ?" "red"])]
        (is (= 1 (count rs)))
        (is (= 1 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs)))))
      (let [rs (jdbc/execute!
                ["select * from fruit order by id"]
                {:builder-fn rs/as-maps})]
        (is (every? map? rs))
        (is (every? meta rs))
        (is (= 4 (count rs)))
        (is (= 1 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))
        (is (= 4 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (last rs)))))
      (let [rs (jdbc/execute!
                ["select * from fruit order by id"]
                {:builder-fn rs/as-arrays})]
        (is (every? vector? rs))
        (is (= 5 (count rs)))
        (is (every? #(= 5 (count %)) rs))
        ;; columns come first
        (is (every? qualified-keyword? (first rs)))
        ;; :FRUIT/ID should be first column
        (is (= (column :FRUIT/ID) (ffirst rs)))
        ;; and all its corresponding values should be ints
        (is (every? int? (map first (rest rs))))
        (is (every? string? (map second (rest rs))))))
    (testing "execute! with adapter"
      (let [rs (jdbc/execute! ; test again, with adapter and lower columns
                ["select * from fruit order by id"]
                {:builder-fn (rs/as-arrays-adapter
                              (fn [^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i]
                                (.getObject rs i)))})]
        (is (every? vector? rs))
        (is (= 5 (count rs)))
        (is (every? #(= 5 (count %)) rs))
        ;; columns come first
        (is (every? qualified-keyword? (first rs)))
        ;; :fruit/id should be first column
        (is (= :fruit/id (ffirst rs)))
        ;; and all its corresponding values should be ints
        (is (every? int? (map first (rest rs))))
        (is (every? string? (map second (rest rs))))))
    (testing "execute! with unqualified"
      (let [rs (jdbc/execute!
                ["select * from fruit order by id"]
                {:builder-fn rs/as-unqualified-maps})]
        (is (every? map? rs))
        (is (every? meta rs))
        (is (= 4 (count rs)))
        (is (= 1 ((column :ID) (first rs))))
        (is (= 4 ((column :ID) (last rs)))))
      (let [rs (jdbc/execute!
                ["select * from fruit order by id"]
                {:builder-fn rs/as-unqualified-arrays})]
        (is (every? vector? rs))
        (is (= 5 (count rs)))
        (is (every? #(= 5 (count %)) rs))
        ;; columns come first
        (is (every? simple-keyword? (first rs)))
        ;; :ID should be first column
        (is (= (column :ID) (ffirst rs)))
        ;; and all its corresponding values should be ints
        (is (every? int? (map first (rest rs))))
        (is (every? string? (map second (rest rs))))))
    (testing "execute! with :max-rows / :maxRows"
      (let [rs (jdbc/execute!
                ["select * from fruit order by id"]
                {:max-rows 2})]
        (is (every? map? rs))
        (is (every? meta rs))
        (is (= 2 (count rs)))
        (is (= 1 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))
        (is (= 2 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (last rs)))))
      (let [rs (jdbc/execute!
                ["select * from fruit order by id"]
                {:statement {:maxRows 2}})]
        (is (every? map? rs))
        (is (every? meta rs))
        (is (= 2 (count rs)))
        (is (= 1 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))
        (is (= 2 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (last rs)))))))
  (testing "prepare"
    ;; default options do not flow over get-connection
    (let [rs (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))
                         ps  (jdbc/prepare
                              ["select * from fruit order by id"]
                 (jdbc/execute! ps))]
      (is (every? map? rs))
      (is (every? meta rs))
      (is (= 4 (count rs)))
      (is (= 1 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))
      (is (= 4 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (last rs)))))
    ;; default options do not flow over get-connection
    (let [rs (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))
                         ps  (jdbc/prepare
                              ["select * from fruit where id = ?"]
                 (jdbc/execute! (prep/set-parameters ps [4]) nil {}))]
      (is (every? map? rs))
      (is (every? meta rs))
      (is (= 1 (count rs)))
      (is (= 4 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))))
  (testing "statement"
    ;; default options do not flow over get-connection
    (let [rs (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
               (jdbc/execute! (prep/statement con (default-options))
                              ["select * from fruit order by id"]))]
      (is (every? map? rs))
      (is (every? meta rs))
      (is (= 4 (count rs)))
      (is (= 1 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))
      (is (= 4 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (last rs)))))
    ;; default options do not flow over get-connection
    (let [rs (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
               (jdbc/execute! (prep/statement con (default-options))
                              ["select * from fruit where id = 4"]))]
      (is (every? map? rs))
      (is (every? meta rs))
      (is (= 1 (count rs)))
      (is (= 4 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))))
  (testing "transact"
    (is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
           (jdbc/transact (ds)
                          (fn [t] (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
                          {:rollback-only true})))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
  (testing "with-transaction rollback-only"
    (is (not (jdbc/active-tx?)) "should not be in a transaction")
    (is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
             (is (jdbc/active-tx?) "should be in a transaction")
             (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
    (is (not (jdbc/active-tx?)) "should not be in a transaction")
    (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
      (let [ac (.getAutoCommit con)]
        (is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
               (jdbc/with-transaction [t con {:rollback-only true}]
                 (is (jdbc/active-tx?) "should be in a transaction")
                 (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
        (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! con ["select * from fruit"]))))
        (is (= ac (.getAutoCommit con))))))
  (testing "with-transaction exception"
    (is (thrown? Throwable
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds)]
             (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
             (is (jdbc/active-tx?) "should be in a transaction")
             (throw (ex-info "abort" {})))))
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
    (is (not (jdbc/active-tx?)) "should not be in a transaction")
    (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
      (let [ac (.getAutoCommit con)]
        (is (thrown? Throwable
               (jdbc/with-transaction [t con]
                 (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
                 (is (jdbc/active-tx?) "should be in a transaction")
                 (throw (ex-info "abort" {})))))
        (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! con ["select * from fruit"]))))
        (is (= ac (.getAutoCommit con))))))
  (testing "with-transaction call rollback"
    (is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds)]
             (let [result (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
               (.rollback t)
               ;; still in a next.jdbc TX even tho' we rolled back!
               (is (jdbc/active-tx?) "should be in a transaction")
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
    (is (not (jdbc/active-tx?)) "should not be in a transaction")
    (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
      (let [ac (.getAutoCommit con)]
        (is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
               (jdbc/with-transaction [t con]
                 (let [result (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
                   (.rollback t)
        (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! con ["select * from fruit"]))))
        (is (= ac (.getAutoCommit con))))))
  (testing "with-transaction with unnamed save point"
    (is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds)]
             (let [save-point (.setSavepoint t)
                   result (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
               (.rollback t save-point)
               ;; still in a next.jdbc TX even tho' we rolled back to a save point!
               (is (jdbc/active-tx?) "should be in a transaction")
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
    (is (not (jdbc/active-tx?)) "should not be in a transaction")
    (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
      (let [ac (.getAutoCommit con)]
        (is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
               (jdbc/with-transaction [t con]
                 (let [save-point (.setSavepoint t)
                       result (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
                   (.rollback t save-point)
        (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! con ["select * from fruit"]))))
        (is (= ac (.getAutoCommit con))))))
  (testing "with-transaction with named save point"
    (is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
           (jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds)]
             (let [save-point (.setSavepoint t (name (gensym)))
                   result (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
               (.rollback t save-point)
    (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
    (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
      (let [ac (.getAutoCommit con)]
        (is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
               (jdbc/with-transaction [t con]
                 (let [save-point (.setSavepoint t (name (gensym)))
                       result (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
                   (.rollback t save-point)
        (is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! con ["select * from fruit"]))))
        (is (= ac (.getAutoCommit con)))))))
(ns ^:no-doc typed.ann.clojure
  "Type annotations for the base Clojure distribution."
  #?(:cljs (:require-macros [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros]))
  (:require [clojure.core :as cc]
            [typed.clojure :as t]
            #?(:clj [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros])
            #?(:clj typed.ann.clojure.jvm) ;; jvm annotations
            #?(:clj clojure.core.typed))
     (:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashSet PersistentList
                            APersistentMap #_IPersistentCollection
              (java.util Comparator Collection))))

  ^{:doc "A reduced value of type x."
    :forms '[(t/Reduced x)]}
  (t/TFn [[x :variance :covariant]]
         #?(:clj (clojure.lang.Reduced x)
            :cljs (cljs.core/Reduced x))))

cc/reduce (t/All [a c] (t/IFn 
                         ;Without accumulator
                         ; default
                         ; (reduce + my-coll)
                         [[a a :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] (t/NonEmptySeqable a) :-> a]
                         [(t/IFn [a a :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] [:-> a]) (t/Seqable a) :-> a]
                         ; default
                         ; (reduce + 3 my-coll)
                         ; (reduce (fn [a b] a) (reduced 1) nil) 
                         ; ;=> (reduced 1)
                         [[a c :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] a (t/Seqable c) :-> a]))
cc/transduce (t/All [a b c] (t/IFn [(t/Transducer a a) (t/Reducer a a) (t/Seqable a) :-> a]
                                   [(t/Transducer b c) (t/IFn [c :-> c] [c a :-> (t/U c (t/Reduced c))]) a (t/Seqable b) :-> a]))
cc/reduce-kv (t/All [a k v] [[a k v :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] a (t/Option (t/Associative k v)) :-> a])
cc/reductions (t/All [a b] (t/IFn [[a a :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] (t/NonEmptySeqable a) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq a)]
                                  [(t/IFn [:-> a] [a a :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)]) (t/Seqable a) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq a)]
                                  [[a b :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] a (t/Seqable b) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq a)]))
cc/reduced (t/All [x] [x :-> (t/Reduced x)])
cc/unreduced (t/All [x] (t/IFn [(t/Reduced x) :-> x]
                               [(t/U x (t/Reduced x)) :-> x]))
cc/ensure-reduced (t/All [x] [(t/U x (t/Reduced x)) :-> (t/Reduced x)])
cc/completing (t/All [a b] [(t/IFn [:-> b] [b a :-> (t/U b (t/Reduced b))])
                            [b :-> b]
                            :-> (t/Reducer a b)])
(ns typed-test.spec.clojure.core
  (:require [typed.spec.clojure.core :as api]
            [clojure.alpha.spec :as s]
            [clojure.alpha.spec.gen :as gen]
            [clojure.alpha.spec.test :as stest]
            [typed.clj.spec :as t]
            [typed.clj.spec.test-utils :as tu]
            [clojure.test :refer :all]))

;; reduced-spec

(deftest reduced-spec-test
  (doseq [v (gen/sample
              (s/gen (api/reduced-spec integer?)))]
    (assert (reduced? v) v)
    (is (integer? @v) v))
  (tu/is-valid (api/reduced-spec integer?) (reduced 1))
  (tu/is-invalid (api/reduced-spec symbol?) (reduced 1))
  (tu/is-valid (s/or :reduced (api/reduced-spec integer?)
                     :integer integer?)
               (reduced 1))
  (tu/is-invalid (s/or :reduced (api/reduced-spec integer?)
                       :integer integer?)
  (tu/is-invalid (api/reduced-spec integer?)
  (is (apply
          (comp integer? deref))
          (s/gen (api/reduced-spec integer?)))))
(ns clojure.core.typed.test.symbolic-closures
    [typed.clojure :as t]
    [typed.clj.checker.test-utils :refer [is-tc-e is-tc-err tc-e is-tc-err-messages]]
    [typed.clj.checker.parse-unparse :refer [parse-clj]]
    [clojure.core.typed.util-vars :as vs]
    [typed.cljc.checker.type-rep :as r]
    [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]))

(deftest reduce-test
  (is-tc-e (reduce (fn [a :- t/Int, b :- t/Int] (+ a b)) 0 [1])
  ;; (All [a c] [[a c :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] a (t/Seqable c) :-> a])
  (binding [vs/*verbose-types* true]
    (is-tc-e (fn [reduce :- (t/All [a] [[a a :-> a] (t/NonEmptySeqable a) :-> a])]
               ;:- t/Int
               (reduce (fn [a b] (+ a b)) [1]))))
  (is-tc-e (reduce (fn [a b] (+ a b)) [1]))
  (is-tc-e (reduce (fn [a b] (+ a b)) [1]) Long)
  (is-tc-e (reduce (fn [a b]
                     (reduce + a b))
                   1 [[1]]))
  (is-tc-err (reduce (fn [a b] (+ a b)) [1]) (t/Val 1))
  (is-tc-e (reduce (fn [a b] (+ a (if b 1 2))) 1 [true]))
  (is-tc-err (reduce (fn [a b] a) (reduced 1) nil) t/Int)
  (is-tc-e (reduce (fn [a b] a) (reduced 1) nil) (t/Reduced t/Int))
  #_;;FIXME just like the previous case except adds Long to the result type
  (is-tc-e (let [res (reduce (fn [a b] a) (reduced 1) nil)]
             (t/ann-form res (t/Reduced t/Int))))
[ns clojure.test-clojure.reducers
  [:require (clojure.core.reducers :as r)]
  [:use clojure.test]]

[deftest test-sorted-maps
  [let (m [into [sorted-map]
                '{1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d}])
    [is [= "1a2b3c4d" [reduce-kv str "" m]]
        "Sorted maps should reduce-kv in sorted order"]
    [is [= 1 [reduce-kv [fn (acc k v)
                          [reduced [+ acc k]]]
                        0 m]]
        "Sorted maps should stop reduction when asked"]]]