mapv (clj)
(mapv f coll)
(mapv f c1 c2)
(mapv f c1 c2 c3)
(mapv f c1 c2 c3 & colls)
Returns a vector consisting of the result of applying f to the
set of first items of each coll, followed by applying f to the set
of second items in each coll, until any one of the colls is
exhausted. Any remaining items in other colls are ignored. Function
f should accept number-of-colls arguments.
;copied from
(ns clojure.core.typed.analyzer.common.passes.constant-lifter
(:require [clojure.core.typed.analyzer.common :as common]
[clojure.core.typed.analyzer.common.utils :refer [const-val]]))
(defmethod constant-lift :vector
[{:keys [items form env] :as ast}]
(if (and (every? :literal? items)
(empty? (meta form)))
(merge (dissoc ast :items :children)
{:op :const
::common/op ::common/const
:val (mapv const-val items)
:type :vector
:literal? true})
(defmethod constant-lift :map
[{:keys [keys vals form env] :as ast}]
(if (and (every? :literal? keys)
(every? :literal? vals)
(empty? (meta form)))
(let [c (into (empty form)
(zipmap (mapv const-val keys)
(mapv const-val vals)))
c (if (= (class c) (class form))
(apply array-map (mapcat identity c)))]
(merge (dissoc ast :keys :vals :children)
{:op :const
::common/op ::common/const
:val c
:type :map
:literal? true}))
(defmethod constant-lift :set
[{:keys [items form env] :as ast}]
(if (and (every? :literal? items)
(empty? (meta form)))
(merge (dissoc ast :items :children)
{:op :const
::common/op ::common/const
:val (into (empty form) (mapv const-val items))
:type :set
:literal? true})
WARNING: because they lack efficient indexed access, sequences will perform badly for most
array operations. In general they should be converted to other implementations before use."
(:require [clojure.core.matrix.protocols :as mp]
[clojure.core.matrix.implementations :as imp]
#?(:clj [clojure.core.matrix.macros :refer [scalar-coerce error]]))
#?(:clj (:import [clojure.lang ISeq])
:cljs (:require-macros [clojure.core.matrix.macros :refer [scalar-coerce error]])))
(extend-protocol mp/PSliceSeq2
(get-slice-seq [m dimension]
(let [ldimension (long dimension)]
(== ldimension 0) (mp/get-major-slice-seq m)
(< ldimension 0) (error "Can't get slices of a negative dimension: " dimension)
:else (mapv #(mp/get-slice m dimension %) (range (mp/dimension-count m dimension)))))))
(extend-protocol mp/PConversion
(convert-to-nested-vectors [m]
(if (> (mp/dimensionality (first m)) 0)
(mapv mp/convert-to-nested-vectors m)
(vec m))))
(extend-protocol mp/PFunctionalOperations
(element-seq [m]
(if (== 0 (long (mp/dimensionality (first m))))
m ;; handle 1D case, just return this sequence unchanged
(mapcat mp/element-seq m)))
([m f]
(mapv #(mp/element-map % f) m))
([m f a]
(let [[m a] (mp/broadcast-compatible m a)]
(mapv #(mp/element-map % f %2) m (mp/get-major-slice-seq a))))
([m f a more]
(let [[m a & more] (apply mp/broadcast-compatible m a more)] ; FIXME
(mapv #(mp/element-map % f %2 %3) m (mp/get-major-slice-seq a) (map mp/get-major-slice-seq more)))))
([m f]
(error "Sequence arrays are not mutable!"))
([m f a]
(error "Sequence arrays are not mutable!"))
([m f a more]
(error "Sequence arrays are not mutable!")))
([m f]
(reduce f (mapcat mp/element-seq m)))
([m f init]
(reduce f init (mapcat mp/element-seq m)))))
(extend-protocol mp/PMapIndexed
([ms f]
(mapv (fn [i m] (mp/element-map-indexed m #(apply f (cons i %1) %&)))
(range (count ms)) ms))
([ms f as]
(let [[ms as] (mp/broadcast-compatible ms as)]
(mapv (fn [i m a]
(mp/element-map-indexed m #(apply f (cons i %1) %&) a))
(range (count ms)) ms (mp/get-major-slice-seq as))))
([ms f as more]
(let [[ms as & more] (apply mp/broadcast-compatible ms as more)] ; FIXME
(mapv (fn [i m a & mr]
(mp/element-map-indexed m #(apply f (cons i %1) %&) a mr))
(range (count ms)) ms
(mp/get-major-slice-seq as)
(map mp/get-major-slice-seq more)))))
([m f]
(error "Sequence arrays are not mutable!"))
([m f a]
(error "Sequence arrays are not mutable!"))
([m f a more]
(error "Sequence arrays are not mutable!"))))
(ns repl.reactions
(:require [clojurians-log.application :as app]
[ :as io]
[clojurians-log.slack-api :as slack]
[clojurians-log.db.queries :as q]
[clojurians-log.db.import :as import]
[ :as data]
[clj-slack.emoji :as slack-emoji]
[ :as io]
[clojurians-log.datomic :as d]
[ :as edn]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [>!! <! >! go-loop go <!!]]
[ :as json])
(:use [clojurians-log.repl]))
(into {} (map (comp first #(for [alias (:aliases %)] [alias (:emoji %)])) emlist))
(d/transact (conn) default-emojis)
(d/q '[:find (pull ?e [*]) :where [?e :emoji/shortcode]] (db))
(def emcoll (slack-emoji/list {:api-url ""
;; TODO: get rid of this global config access
:token ""}))
(doseq [emojis (partition-all 1000 (:emoji emcoll))]
@(d/transact (conn) (mapv import/emoji->tx emojis)))
(load-demo-data! "../clojurians-log-demo-data2")
"This serves as an abstraction for box elements that share the
:x :y :width :height attributes."
[clojure.core.matrix :as mat]
[re-frame.core :as rf]
[renderer.attribute.hierarchy :as hierarchy]
[renderer.overlay :as overlay]
[ :as tools]
[renderer.utils.units :as units]))
(defmethod tools/render-edit ::tools/box
[{:keys [attrs key] :as el}]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} attrs
[x y width height] (mapv units/unit->px [x y width height])
active-page @(rf/subscribe [:element/active-page])
page-pos (mapv units/unit->px [(-> active-page :attrs :x)
(-> active-page :attrs :y)])
[x y] (cond-> [x y] (not= (:tag el) :page) (mat/add page-pos))]
[:g {:key :edit-handlers}
(map (fn [handler]
(let [handler (merge handler {:type :handler
:tag :edit
:element key})]
[overlay/square-handler handler]))
[{:x x :y y :key :position}
{:x (+ x width) :y (+ y height) :key :size}])]))
(defmethod tools/bounds ::tools/box
[{:keys [attrs]}]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} attrs
[x y width height] (mapv units/unit->px [x y width height])]
[x y (+ x width) (+ y height)]))
[clojure.core.matrix :as mat]
[clojure.string :as str]
[renderer.element.handlers :as element.h]
[ :as tools]
[renderer.utils.units :as units]))
(defmethod tools/bounds :svg
[{:keys [attrs]}]
(let [{:keys [x y width height stroke-width stroke]} attrs
[x y width height stroke-width-px] (mapv units/unit->px
[x y width height stroke-width])
stroke-width-px (if (str/blank? stroke-width) 1 stroke-width-px)
[x y] (mat/sub [x y]
(/ (if (str/blank? stroke) 0 stroke-width-px) 2))
[width height] (mat/add [width height]
(if (str/blank? stroke) 0 stroke-width-px))]
(mapv units/unit->px [x y (+ x width) (+ y height)])))