iterate (clj)
(iterate f x)
Returns a lazy sequence of x, (f x), (f (f x)) etc. f must be free of side-effects
(ns cortex.optimise.optimisers-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - * /])
(:require [clojure.core.matrix.operators :refer [+ - * /]]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[cortex.optimise.optimisers :refer :all]
[cortex.optimise.protocols :as cp]
[cortex.util :refer [approx= def-]]))
(deftest protocol-extension-test
(testing "map as optimiser"
(is (= (->> test-optimiser-map
(iterate #(cp/compute-parameters % [1 2 3] (or (cp/parameters %)
[0 0 0])))
(map (juxt cp/parameters cp/get-state))
(take 3))
[[[0 0 0] {:velocity [1 2 3]}]
[[1 2 3] {:velocity [2 4 6]}]
[[3 6 9] {:velocity [3 6 9]}]])))
(testing "fn as optimiser"
(is (= (->> test-optimiser-fn
(iterate #(cp/compute-parameters % [1 2 3] (or (cp/parameters %)
[0 0 0])))
(map (juxt cp/parameters cp/get-state))
(take 3))
[[[1 2 3] {}]
[[2 4 6] {}]
[[3 6 9] {}]]))))
(ns ^:no-doc typed.ann.clojure
"Type annotations for the base Clojure distribution."
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros]))
(:require [clojure.core :as cc]
[typed.clojure :as t]
#?(:clj [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros])
#?(:clj typed.ann.clojure.jvm) ;; jvm annotations
#?(:clj clojure.core.typed))
(:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashSet PersistentList
APersistentMap #_IPersistentCollection
(java.util Comparator Collection))))
cc/doall (t/All [[c :< (t/U nil t/AnySeqable)]]
[(t/? t/AnyInteger) c :-> c])
cc/dorun [(t/? t/AnyInteger) t/AnySeqable :-> nil]
cc/iterate (t/All [x]
[[x :-> x] x :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq x)])
cc/memoize (t/All [x y :..]
[[y :.. y :-> x] :-> [y :.. y :-> x]])
(ns lambda-ml.neural-network-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[clojure.core.matrix :as m]
[lambda-ml.core :refer :all]
[lambda-ml.neural-network :refer :all]))
(deftest test-neural-network
(let [data [[0 0 [0]]
[0 1 [1]]
[1 0 [1]]
[1 1 [0]]]
model (-> (make-neural-network 0.5 0.0 cross-entropy-cost 54321)
(add-neural-network-layer 2 sigmoid)
(add-neural-network-layer 3 sigmoid)
(add-neural-network-layer 1 sigmoid))
fit (nth (iterate #(neural-network-fit % data) model) 5000)
predictions (map first (neural-network-predict fit (map butlast data)))]
(is (> 0.1 (nth predictions 0)))
(is (< 0.9 (nth predictions 1)))
(is (< 0.9 (nth predictions 2)))
(is (> 0.1 (nth predictions 3)))))
;; @@
(ns rl.chapter03.grid-world
(:require [clojure.core.matrix :as m]))
;; @@
;; =>
;;; {"type":"html","content":"<span class='clj-nil'>nil</span>","value":"nil"}
;; <=
;; @@
(let [N 5
discount 0.9
world (m/zero-matrix N N)
mesh-idx (for [i (range N) j (range N)] [i j])
actions [[-1 0] [1 0] [0 -1] [0 1]] ;; [:left :right :down :up]
prob (zipmap actions (repeat 0.25))
get-next-states (fn [idx action]
(case idx
[0 1] [4 1]
[0 3] [2 3]
(mapv + idx action)))
get-rewards (fn [idx action]
(= [0 1] idx) 10
(= [0 3] idx) 5
(some #{(mapv + idx action)} mesh-idx) 0
:else -1))
update-w1 (fn [w idx]
(apply + (map #(* (prob %)
(+ (get-rewards idx %)
(* discount (get-in w (get-next-states idx %) (get-in w idx)))))
update-w2 (fn [w idx]
(apply max (map #(+ (get-rewards idx %)
(* discount (get-in w (get-next-states idx %) (get-in w idx))))
iterate-fn (fn [update-f w]
(->> (map (partial update-f w) mesh-idx)
(partition (count w))
(mapv vec)))
stop? (fn [[a b]] (< (m/abs (- (m/esum a) (m/esum b))) 0.0001))
converge #(ffirst (filter stop? (partition 2 (iterate (partial iterate-fn %) world))))]
(m/pm (converge update-w1))
(m/pm (converge update-w2)))
;; @@
(ns rl.chapter04.grid-world
(:require [clojure.core.matrix :as m])
(:use [plotly-clj.core]))
;; @@
;; =>
;;; {"type":"html","content":"<span class='clj-nil'>nil</span>","value":"nil"}
;; <=
;; @@
(let [N 4
reward -1
world (m/zero-matrix N N)
states (for [i (range N) j (range N)
:when (not (contains? #{[0 0] [(dec N) (dec N)]} [i j]))]
[i j])
actions [[-1 0] [1 0] [0 -1] [0 1]] ;; [:left :right :down :up]
prob (zipmap actions (repeat 0.25))
update-v (fn [w idx]
(apply + (map #(* (prob %)
(+ reward (get-in w (mapv + % idx) (get-in w idx))))
iter-fn #(mapv vec (partition N (concat [0] (map (partial update-v %) states) [0])))
stop? (fn [[a b]] (< (m/abs (- (m/esum a) (m/esum b))) 0.0001))
converge #(ffirst (filter stop? (partition 2 %)))]
(-> (plotly)
(add-surface :z (converge (iterate iter-fn world)))
(plot "RL-figure-4-1" :fileopt "overwrite")
;; @@
;; =>
;;; {"type":"html","content":"<iframe height=\"600\" src=\"//\" width=\"800\"></iframe>","value":"pr'ed value"}
;; <=