Public Vars


ns-unmap (clj)



(ns-unmap ns sym)
Removes the mappings for the symbol from the namespace.


(ns deuce.emacs.eval
  (:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar)])
  (:require [clojure.core :as c]
            [deuce.emacs.alloc :as alloc]
            [ :as data]
            [deuce.emacs-lisp.cons :as cons]
            [deuce.emacs-lisp :as el])
  (:import [clojure.lang Var])
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [apply eval macroexpand]))

(defun autoload (function file &optional docstring interactive type)
  "Define FUNCTION to autoload from FILE.
  FUNCTION is a symbol; FILE is a file name string to pass to `load'.
  Third arg DOCSTRING is documentation for the function.
  Fourth arg INTERACTIVE if non-nil says function can be called interactively.
  Fifth arg TYPE indicates the type of the object:
     nil or omitted says FUNCTION is a function,
     `keymap' says FUNCTION is really a keymap, and
     `macro' or t says FUNCTION is really a macro.
  Third through fifth args give info about the real definition.
  They default to nil.
  If FUNCTION is already defined other than as an autoload,
  this does nothing and returns nil."
  (when (or (not (el/fun function)) (-> (el/fun function) meta :autoload))
    (let [macro? (= 'macro type)
          autoload-symbol (fn autoload-symbol [function]
                            (let [f (el/fun function)]
                              (when (-> f meta :autoload)
                                (ns-unmap 'deuce.emacs (el/sym function))
                                ((el/fun 'load) (-> f meta :file) nil true))))
          definition  (if macro?
                        (fn autoload-macro [&form &env & args] ;; Note implicit macro args, see defalias
                            (autoload-symbol function)
                            `(el/progn (~(el/sym function) ~@args))))
                        (fn autoload [& args]
                          (autoload-symbol function)
                          (c/apply (el/fun function) args)))] ;; el->clj?
      (ns-unmap 'deuce.emacs function)
      (el/defvar-helper* 'deuce.emacs function definition docstring)
      (alter-meta! (el/fun function) merge {:autoload true :file file} (when interactive {:interactive nil}))
      (when macro? (.setMacro ^Var (el/fun function))))