Public Vars
- * (clj)
- *' (clj)
- *1 (clj)
- *2 (clj)
- *3 (clj)
- *clojure-version* (clj)
- *data-readers* (clj)
- *default-data-reader-fn* (clj)
- *e (clj)
- *print-length* (clj)
- *print-level* (clj)
- *print-namespace-maps* (clj)
- *repl* (clj)
- *verbose-defrecords* (clj)
- + (clj)
- +' (clj)
- - (clj)
- -' (clj)
- -> (clj)
- ->> (clj)
- ->ArrayChunk (clj)
- ->Eduction (clj)
- ->Vec (clj)
- ->VecNode (clj)
- ->VecSeq (clj)
- -cache-protocol-fn (clj)
- -reset-methods (clj)
- .. (clj)
- / (clj)
- < (clj)
- <= (clj)
- = (clj)
- == (clj)
- > (clj)
- >= (clj)
- ArrayChunk (clj)
- ArrayManager (clj)
- EMPTY-NODE (clj)
- Eduction (clj)
- IVecImpl (clj)
- Inst (clj)
- NaN? (clj)
- PrintWriter-on (clj)
- StackTraceElement->vec (clj)
- Throwable->map (clj)
- Vec (clj)
- VecNode (clj)
- VecSeq (clj)
- abs (clj)
- accessor (clj)
- aclone (clj)
- add-classpath (clj)
- add-tap (clj)
- add-watch (clj)
- agent (clj)
- agent-error (clj)
- agent-errors (clj)
- aget (clj)
- alength (clj)
- alias (clj)
- all-ns (clj)
- alter (clj)
- alter-meta! (clj)
- alter-var-root (clj)
- amap (clj)
- ancestors (clj)
- and (clj)
- any? (clj)
- apply (clj)
- areduce (clj)
- array (clj)
- array-map (clj)
- arrayFor (clj)
- as-> (clj)
- aset (clj)
- assert (clj)
- assoc (clj)
- assoc! (clj)
- assoc-in (clj)
- associative? (clj)
- atom (clj)
- await (clj)
- await-for (clj)
- await1 (clj)
- bases (clj)
- bean (clj)
- bigdec (clj)
- bigint (clj)
- biginteger (clj)
- binding (clj)
- bit-and (clj)
- bit-and-not (clj)
- bit-clear (clj)
- bit-flip (clj)
- bit-not (clj)
- bit-or (clj)
- bit-set (clj)
- bit-shift-left (clj)
- bit-shift-right (clj)
- bit-test (clj)
- bit-xor (clj)
- boolean (clj)
- boolean-array (clj)
- boolean? (clj)
- bound-fn (clj)
- bound-fn* (clj)
- bound? (clj)
- bounded-count (clj)
- butlast (clj)
- byte (clj)
- byte-array (clj)
- bytes? (clj)
- case (clj)
- cast (clj)
- cat (clj)
- char (clj)
- char-array (clj)
- char-escape-string (clj)
- char-name-string (clj)
- char? (clj)
- chunk (clj)
- chunk-append (clj)
- chunk-buffer (clj)
- chunk-cons (clj)
- chunk-first (clj)
- chunk-next (clj)
- chunk-rest (clj)
- chunked-seq? (clj)
- class (clj)
- class? (clj)
- clear-agent-errors (clj)
- clojure-version (clj)
- coll? (clj)
- comment (clj)
- commute (clj)
- comp (clj)
- comparator (clj)
- compare (clj)
- compare-and-set! (clj)
- compile (clj)
- complement (clj)
- completing (clj)
- concat (clj)
- cond (clj)
- cond-> (clj)
- cond->> (clj)
- condp (clj)
- conj (clj)
- conj! (clj)
- cons (clj)
- constantly (clj)
- construct-proxy (clj)
- contains? (clj)
- count (clj)
- counted? (clj)
- create-ns (clj)
- create-struct (clj)
- cycle (clj)
- dec (clj)
- dec' (clj)
- decimal? (clj)
- declare (clj)
- dedupe (clj)
- default-data-readers (clj)
- definline (clj)
- definterface (clj)
- defmacro (clj)
- defmethod (clj)
- defmulti (clj)
- defn (clj)
- defn- (clj)
- defonce (clj)
- defprotocol (clj)
- defrecord (clj)
- defstruct (clj)
- deftype (clj)
- delay (clj)
- delay? (clj)
- deliver (clj)
- denominator (clj)
- deref (clj)
- derive (clj)
- descendants (clj)
- destructure (clj)
- disj (clj)
- disj! (clj)
- dissoc (clj)
- dissoc! (clj)
- distinct (clj)
- distinct? (clj)
- doAssoc (clj)
- doall (clj)
- dorun (clj)
- doseq (clj)
- dosync (clj)
- dotimes (clj)
- doto (clj)
- double (clj)
- double-array (clj)
- double? (clj)
- drop (clj)
- drop-last (clj)
- drop-while (clj)
- eduction (clj)
- empty (clj)
- empty? (clj)
- ensure (clj)
- ensure-reduced (clj)
- enumeration-seq (clj)
- error-handler (clj)
- error-mode (clj)
- eval (clj)
- even? (clj)
- every-pred (clj)
- every? (clj)
- ex-cause (clj)
- ex-data (clj)
- ex-info (clj)
- ex-message (clj)
- extend (clj)
- extend-protocol (clj)
- extend-type (clj)
- extenders (clj)
- extends? (clj)
- false? (clj)
- ffirst (clj)
- file-seq (clj)
- filter (clj)
- filterv (clj)
- find (clj)
- find-keyword (clj)
- find-ns (clj)
- find-protocol-impl (clj)
- find-protocol-method (clj)
- find-var (clj)
- first (clj)
- flatten (clj)
- float (clj)
- float-array (clj)
- float? (clj)
- flush (clj)
- fn (clj)
- fn? (clj)
- fnext (clj)
- fnil (clj)
- for (clj)
- force (clj)
- format (clj)
- frequencies (clj)
- future (clj)
- future-call (clj)
- future-cancel (clj)
- future-cancelled? (clj)
- future-done? (clj)
- future? (clj)
- gen-class (clj)
- gen-interface (clj)
- gensym (clj)
- get (clj)
- get-in (clj)
- get-method (clj)
- get-proxy-class (clj)
- get-thread-bindings (clj)
- get-validator (clj)
- global-hierarchy (clj)
- group-by (clj)
- halt-when (clj)
- hash (clj)
- hash-combine (clj)
- hash-map (clj)
- hash-ordered-coll (clj)
- hash-set (clj)
- hash-unordered-coll (clj)
- ident? (clj)
- identical? (clj)
- identity (clj)
- if-let (clj)
- if-not (clj)
- if-some (clj)
- ifn? (clj)
- import (clj)
- inc (clj)
- inc' (clj)
- indexed? (clj)
- infinite? (clj)
- init-proxy (clj)
- inst-ms (clj)
- inst-ms* (clj)
- inst? (clj)
- instance? (clj)
- int (clj)
- int-array (clj)
- int? (clj)
- integer? (clj)
- interleave (clj)
- intern (clj)
- interpose (clj)
- into (clj)
- into-array (clj)
- io! (clj)
- isa? (clj)
- iterate (clj)
- iteration (clj)
- iterator-seq (clj)
- juxt (clj)
- keep (clj)
- keep-indexed (clj)
- key (clj)
- keys (clj)
- keyword (clj)
- keyword? (clj)
- last (clj)
- lazy-cat (clj)
- lazy-seq (clj)
- let (clj)
- letfn (clj)
- line-seq (clj)
- list (clj)
- list* (clj)
- list? (clj)
- load (clj)
- load-reader (clj)
- load-string (clj)
- loaded-libs (clj)
- locking (clj)
- long (clj)
- long-array (clj)
- loop (clj)
- macroexpand (clj)
- macroexpand-1 (clj)
- make-array (clj)
- make-hierarchy (clj)
- map (clj)
- map-entry? (clj)
- map-indexed (clj)
- map? (clj)
- mapcat (clj)
- mapv (clj)
- max (clj)
- max-key (clj)
- memfn (clj)
- memoize (clj)
- merge (clj)
- merge-with (clj)
- meta (clj)
- method-sig (clj)
- methods (clj)
- min (clj)
- min-key (clj)
- mix-collection-hash (clj)
- mod (clj)
- munge (clj)
- name (clj)
- namespace (clj)
- namespace-munge (clj)
- nat-int? (clj)
- neg-int? (clj)
- neg? (clj)
- newPath (clj)
- newline (clj)
- next (clj)
- nfirst (clj)
- nil? (clj)
- nnext (clj)
- not (clj)
- not-any? (clj)
- not-empty (clj)
- not-every? (clj)
- not= (clj)
- ns (clj)
- ns-aliases (clj)
- ns-imports (clj)
- ns-interns (clj)
- ns-map (clj)
- ns-name (clj)
- ns-publics (clj)
- ns-refers (clj)
- ns-resolve (clj)
- ns-unalias (clj)
- ns-unmap (clj)
- nth (clj)
- nthnext (clj)
- nthrest (clj)
- num (clj)
- number? (clj)
- numerator (clj)
- object-array (clj)
- odd? (clj)
- or (clj)
- parents (clj)
- parse-boolean (clj)
- parse-double (clj)
- parse-long (clj)
- parse-uuid (clj)
- partial (clj)
- partition (clj)
- partition-all (clj)
- partition-by (clj)
- partitionv (clj)
- partitionv-all (clj)
- pcalls (clj)
- peek (clj)
- persistent! (clj)
- pmap (clj)
- pop (clj)
- pop! (clj)
- pop-thread-bindings (clj)
- popTail (clj)
- pos-int? (clj)
- pos? (clj)
- pr (clj)
- pr-str (clj)
- prefer-method (clj)
- prefers (clj)
- primitives-classnames (clj)
- print (clj)
- print-ctor (clj)
- print-dup (clj)
- print-method (clj)
- print-simple (clj)
- print-str (clj)
- printf (clj)
- println (clj)
- println-str (clj)
- prn (clj)
- prn-str (clj)
- process-annotation (clj)
- promise (clj)
- proxy (clj)
- proxy-call-with-super (clj)
- proxy-mappings (clj)
- proxy-name (clj)
- proxy-super (clj)
- push-thread-bindings (clj)
- pushTail (clj)
- pvalues (clj)
- qualified-ident? (clj)
- qualified-keyword? (clj)
- qualified-symbol? (clj)
- quot (clj)
- rand (clj)
- rand-int (clj)
- rand-nth (clj)
- random-sample (clj)
- random-uuid (clj)
- range (clj)
- ratio? (clj)
- rational? (clj)
- rationalize (clj)
- re-find (clj)
- re-groups (clj)
- re-matcher (clj)
- re-matches (clj)
- re-pattern (clj)
- re-seq (clj)
- read (clj)
- read+string (clj)
- read-line (clj)
- read-string (clj)
- reader-conditional (clj)
- reader-conditional? (clj)
- realized? (clj)
- record? (clj)
- reduce (clj)
- reduce-kv (clj)
- reduced (clj)
- reduced? (clj)
- reductions (clj)
- ref (clj)
- ref-history-count (clj)
- ref-max-history (clj)
- ref-min-history (clj)
- ref-set (clj)
- refer (clj)
- refer-clojure (clj)
- reify (clj)
- release-pending-sends (clj)
- rem (clj)
- remove (clj)
- remove-all-methods (clj)
- remove-method (clj)
- remove-ns (clj)
- remove-tap (clj)
- remove-watch (clj)
- repeat (clj)
- repeatedly (clj)
- replace (clj)
- replicate (clj)
- require (clj)
- requiring-resolve (clj)
- reset! (clj)
- reset-meta! (clj)
- reset-vals! (clj)
- resolve (clj)
- rest (clj)
- restart-agent (clj)
- resultset-seq (clj)
- reverse (clj)
- reversible? (clj)
- rseq (clj)
- rsubseq (clj)
- run! (clj)
- satisfies? (clj)
- second (clj)
- select-keys (clj)
- send (clj)
- send-off (clj)
- send-via (clj)
- seq (clj)
- seq-to-map-for-destructuring (clj)
- seq? (clj)
- seqable? (clj)
- seque (clj)
- sequence (clj)
- sequential? (clj)
- set (clj)
- set-agent-send-executor! (clj)
- set-agent-send-off-executor! (clj)
- set-error-handler! (clj)
- set-error-mode! (clj)
- set-validator! (clj)
- set? (clj)
- short (clj)
- short-array (clj)
- shuffle (clj)
- shutdown-agents (clj)
- simple-ident? (clj)
- simple-keyword? (clj)
- simple-symbol? (clj)
- slurp (clj)
- some (clj)
- some-> (clj)
- some->> (clj)
- some-fn (clj)
- some? (clj)
- sort (clj)
- sort-by (clj)
- sorted-map (clj)
- sorted-map-by (clj)
- sorted-set (clj)
- sorted-set-by (clj)
- sorted? (clj)
- special-symbol? (clj)
- spit (clj)
- split-at (clj)
- split-with (clj)
- splitv-at (clj)
- str (clj)
- string? (clj)
- struct (clj)
- struct-map (clj)
- subs (clj)
- subseq (clj)
- subvec (clj)
- supers (clj)
- swap! (clj)
- swap-vals! (clj)
- symbol (clj)
- symbol? (clj)
- sync (clj)
- tagged-literal (clj)
- tagged-literal? (clj)
- tailoff (clj)
- take (clj)
- take-last (clj)
- take-nth (clj)
- take-while (clj)
- tap> (clj)
- test (clj)
- the-ns (clj)
- thread-bound? (clj)
- time (clj)
- to-array (clj)
- to-array-2d (clj)
- trampoline (clj)
- transduce (clj)
- transient (clj)
- tree-seq (clj)
- true? (clj)
- type (clj)
- unchecked-add (clj)
- unchecked-add-int (clj)
- unchecked-byte (clj)
- unchecked-char (clj)
- unchecked-dec (clj)
- unchecked-dec-int (clj)
- unchecked-divide-int (clj)
- unchecked-double (clj)
- unchecked-float (clj)
- unchecked-inc (clj)
- unchecked-inc-int (clj)
- unchecked-int (clj)
- unchecked-long (clj)
- unchecked-multiply (clj)
- unchecked-multiply-int (clj)
- unchecked-negate (clj)
- unchecked-negate-int (clj)
- unchecked-remainder-int (clj)
- unchecked-short (clj)
- unchecked-subtract (clj)
- unchecked-subtract-int (clj)
- underive (clj)
- unquote (clj)
- unquote-splicing (clj)
- unreduced (clj)
- unsigned-bit-shift-right (clj)
- update (clj)
- update-in (clj)
- update-keys (clj)
- update-proxy (clj)
- update-vals (clj)
- uri? (clj)
- use (clj)
- uuid? (clj)
- val (clj)
- vals (clj)
- var-get (clj)
- var-set (clj)
- var? (clj)
- vary-meta (clj)
- vec (clj)
- vector (clj)
- vector-of (clj)
- vector? (clj)
- volatile! (clj)
- volatile? (clj)
- vreset! (clj)
- vswap! (clj)
- when (clj)
- when-first (clj)
- when-let (clj)
- when-not (clj)
- when-some (clj)
- while (clj)
- with-bindings (clj)
- with-bindings* (clj)
- with-in-str (clj)
- with-loading-context (clj)
- with-local-vars (clj)
- with-meta (clj)
- with-open (clj)
- with-out-str (clj)
- with-precision (clj)
- with-redefs (clj)
- with-redefs-fn (clj)
- xml-seq (clj)
- zero? (clj)
- zipmap (clj)
vector (clj)
(vector a)
(vector a b)
(vector a b c)
(vector a b c d)
(vector a b c d e)
(vector a b c d e f)
(vector a b c d e f & args)
Creates a new vector containing the args.
(ns babashka.impl.rrb-vector
(:require [clojure.core.rrb-vector :as rrb]
[sci.core :as sci]))
(def rrbns (sci/create-ns 'clojure.core.rrb-vector))
(def rrb-vector-namespace {'catvec (sci/copy-var rrb/catvec rrbns)})
(ns io.pedestal.interceptor.error
(:require [io.pedestal.interceptor :as interceptor]
[clojure.core.match :as match]))
`:exception-type` is a keyword of the exception's type, for example,
[binding-vector & match-forms]
{:error (fn ~binding-vector
(clojure.core.match/match [(ex-data ~(second binding-vector))]
(ns viewers.controls
"Demo of Clerk's two-way bindings."
{:nextjournal.clerk/visibility {:code :show :result :show}}
(:require [clojure.core :as core]
[nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]
[nextjournal.clerk.viewer :as viewer]))
^{::clerk/viewer {:transform-fn transform-var
:render-fn '#(vector nextjournal.clerk.render/inspect @%)}}
(ns deuce.emacs.ccl
(:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar)])
(:require [clojure.core :as c])
(:refer-clojure :exclude []))
(defvar code-conversion-map-vector nil
"Vector of code conversion maps.")
(defvar translation-hash-table-vector nil
"Vector containing all translation hash tables ever defined.
Comprises pairs (SYMBOL . TABLE) where SYMBOL and TABLE were set up by calls
to `define-translation-hash-table'. The vector is indexed by the table id
used by CCL.")
(defun register-ccl-program (name ccl-prog)
"Register CCL program CCL-PROG as NAME in `ccl-program-table'.
CCL-PROG should be a compiled CCL program (vector), or nil.
If it is nil, just reserve NAME as a CCL program name.
Return index number of the registered CCL program."
REGISTERS is a vector of [R0 R1 ... R7] where RN is an initial value
for the Nth register.
STATUS is a vector of [R0 R1 ... R7 IC], where
R0..R7 are initial values of corresponding registers,
IC is the instruction counter specifying from where to start the program.
If R0..R7 are nil, they are initialized to 0.
If IC is nil, it is initialized to head of the CCL program.
(ns deuce.emacs.font
(:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar)])
(:require [clojure.core :as c])
(:refer-clojure :exclude []))
(defvar font-width-table nil
"Alist of font width symbols vs the corresponding numeric values.
See `font-weight-table' for the format of the vector.")
(defvar font-slant-table nil
"Vector of font slant symbols vs the corresponding numeric values.
See `font-weight-table' for the format of the vector.")
(defun font-get-glyphs (font-object from to &optional object)
"Return a vector of FONT-OBJECT's glyphs for the specified characters.
FROM and TO are positions (integers or markers) specifying a region
of the current buffer.
If the optional fourth arg OBJECT is not nil, it is a string or a
vector containing the target characters.
Each element is a vector containing information of a glyph in this format:
FROM is an index numbers of a character the glyph corresponds to.
TO is the same as FROM.
C is the character of the glyph.
CODE is the glyph-code of C in FONT-OBJECT.
WIDTH thru DESCENT are the metrics (in pixels) of the glyph.
ADJUSTMENT is always nil.
If FONT-OBJECT doesn't have a glyph for a character,
the corresponding element is nil."
(defun query-font (font-object)
"Return information about FONT-OBJECT.
The value is a vector: