Public Vars


defmulti (clj)



(defmulti name docstring? attr-map? dispatch-fn & options)
Creates a new multimethod with the associated dispatch function. The docstring and attr-map are optional. Options are key-value pairs and may be one of: :default The default dispatch value, defaults to :default :hierarchy The value used for hierarchical dispatch (e.g. ::square is-a ::shape) Hierarchies are type-like relationships that do not depend upon type inheritance. By default Clojure's multimethods dispatch off of a global hierarchy map. However, a hierarchy relationship can be created with the derive function used to augment the root ancestor created with make-hierarchy. Multimethods expect the value of the hierarchy option to be supplied as a reference type e.g. a var (i.e. via the Var-quote dispatch macro #' or the var special form).
