rand (clj)
(rand n)
Returns a random floating point number between 0 (inclusive) and
n (default 1) (exclusive).
(ns clojure.test-clojure.server
(:import java.util.Random)
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all])
(:require [clojure.core.server :as s]))
(defn create-random-thread
(fn []
(let [random (new Random)]
(while (not (.isInterrupted (Thread/currentThread)))
(System/setProperty (Integer/toString (.nextInt random)) (Integer/toString (.nextInt random))))))))
(deftest test-parse-props
(let [thread (create-random-thread)]
(.start thread)
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(is (>= (count
(#'s/parse-props (System/getProperties))) 0))
(finally (.interrupt thread)))))
(ns clojure.test-clojure.reducers
(:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
[clojure.test.generative :refer (defspec)]
[ :as gen])
(:use clojure.test))
(deftest test-fold-runtime-exception
(is (thrown? IndexOutOfBoundsException
(let [test-map-count 1234
k-fail (rand-int test-map-count)]
(r/fold (fn ([])
([ret [k v]])
([ret k v] (when (= k k-fail)
(throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.)))))
(zipmap (range test-map-count) (repeat :dummy)))))))
(ns cond-without-else1
(:refer-clojure :exclude [cond])
(:require [clojure.core :as c]))
(def n (rand-int 10))
(ns cond-without-else2)
(def n (rand-int 10))
(ns cond-without-else1
(:refer-clojure :exclude [cond])
(:require [clojure.core :as c]))
(def n (rand-int 10))
(ns cond-without-else2)
(def n (rand-int 10))
(ns cond-without-else1
(:refer-clojure :exclude [cond])
(:require [clojure.core :as c]))
(def n (rand-int 10))
(ns cond-without-else2)
(def n (rand-int 10))
(ns pc.http.routes.api
(:require [cemerick.url :as url]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[clojure.core.memoize :as memo]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as edn]
[crypto.equality :as crypto]
[defpage.core :as defpage :refer (defpage)]
[pc.auth :as auth]
[pc.crm :as crm]
[pc.datomic :as pcd]
[pc.http.doc :as doc-http]
[ :as team-http]
[pc.http.handlers.custom-domain :as custom-domain]
[ :as chat-bot-model]
[pc.models.doc :as doc-model]
[pc.models.flag :as flag-model]
[ :as team-model]
[pc.profile :as profile]
[ring.middleware.anti-forgery :as csrf]
[slingshot.slingshot :refer (try+ throw+)]))
(defpage new [:post "/api/v1/document/new"] [req]
(let [params (some-> req :body slurp edn/read-string)
read-only? (:read-only params)
doc-name (:document/name params)]
(if-not (:subdomain req)
(let [cust-uuid (get-in req [:auth :cust :cust/uuid])
intro-layers? (:intro-layers? params)
doc (doc-model/create-public-doc!
(merge {:document/chat-bot (rand-nth chat-bot-model/chat-bots)}
(when cust-uuid {:document/creator cust-uuid})
(when read-only? {:document/privacy :document.privacy/read-only})
(when doc-name {:document/name doc-name})))]
(when intro-layers?
(doc-http/add-intro-layers doc))
{:status 200 :body (pr-str {:document (doc-model/read-api doc)})})
(if (and (:team req)
(auth/logged-in? req)
(auth/has-team-permission? (pcd/default-db) (:team req) (:auth req) :admin))
(let [doc (doc-model/create-team-doc!
(:team req)
(merge {:document/chat-bot (rand-nth chat-bot-model/chat-bots)}
(when-let [cust-uuid (get-in req [:cust :cust/uuid])]
{:document/creator cust-uuid})
(when read-only?
{:document/privacy :document.privacy/read-only})
(when doc-name
{:document/name doc-name})))]
{:status 200 :body (pr-str {:document (doc-model/read-api doc)})})
{:status 400 :body (pr-str {:error :unauthorized-to-team
:redirect-url (str (url/map->URL {:host (profile/hostname)
:protocol (if (profile/force-ssl?)
(name (:scheme req)))
:port (if (profile/force-ssl?)
:path "/new"
:query (:query-string req)}))
:msg "You're unauthorized to make documents in this subdomain. Please request access."})}))))
(ns ^:no-doc typed.ann.clojure
"Type annotations for the base Clojure distribution."
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros]))
(:require [clojure.core :as cc]
[typed.clojure :as t]
#?(:clj [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros])
#?(:clj typed.ann.clojure.jvm) ;; jvm annotations
#?(:clj clojure.core.typed))
(:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashSet PersistentList
APersistentMap #_IPersistentCollection
(java.util Comparator Collection))))
cc/map-indexed (t/All [x y] (t/IFn [[t/Int x :-> y] :-> (t/Transducer x y)]
[[t/Int x :-> y] (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/ASeq y)]))
cc/keep-indexed (t/All [a c] (t/IFn [[t/Int a :-> (t/U nil c)] :-> (t/Transducer a c)]
[[t/Int a :-> (t/U nil c)] (t/Seqable a) :-> (t/Seq c)]))
cc/bounded-count [(t/U t/Counted t/AnySeqable) :-> t/Int]
cc/keep (t/All [a b] (t/IFn [[a :-> (t/Option b)] :-> (t/Transducer a b)]
[[a :-> (t/Option b)] (t/Seqable a) :-> (t/ASeq b)]))
cc/dedupe (t/All [x] (t/IFn [:-> (t/Transducer x x)]
[(t/Seqable x) :-> (t/ASeq x)]))
cc/random-sample (t/All [x] (t/IFn [t/Num :-> (t/Transducer x x)]
[t/Num (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/ASeq x)]))
cc/halt-when (t/All [x] (t/IFn [[x :-> t/Any]
;; TODO opens a can of worms. requires knowledge of transduction context.
;; overrides final value of `into`, while doing nothing in `sequence`.
;(t/Option [t/Any v :-> t/Any]) :?
:-> (t/Transducer x x)]
cc/seqable? (t/Pred t/AnySeqable)
cc/indexed? (t/Pred (t/Indexed t/Any))
cc/inst-ms [:-> t/Int]
cc/inst? (t/Pred cc/Inst)
cc/uuid? (t/Pred t/UUID)
cc/random-uuid [:-> t/UUID]
cc/parse-uuid [t/Str :-> (t/Option t/UUID)]
cc/uri? (t/Pred t/URI)
cc/tagged-literal? (t/Pred clojure.lang.TaggedLiteral)
cc/reader-conditional? (t/Pred clojure.lang.ReaderConditional)
cc/rand [(t/? t/Num) :-> t/Num]
cc/rand-int [t/Int :-> t/Int]
cc/ex-info (t/IFn [(t/Nilable t/Str) (t/Map t/Any t/Any) :-> t/ExInfo]
[(t/Nilable t/Str) (t/Map t/Any t/Any) (t/? #?(:clj (t/Nilable Throwable) :cljs t/Any)) :-> t/ExInfo])
cc/ex-data (t/IFn [t/ExInfo :-> (t/Map t/Any t/Any)]
[t/Any :-> (t/Nilable (t/Map t/Any t/Any))])
cc/ex-message [t/Any :-> (t/Nilable t/Str)]
cc/ex-cause [t/Any :-> #?(:clj (t/Nilable Throwable) :cljs t/Any)]
cc/eval [t/Any :-> t/Any]
cc/rand-nth (t/All [x] [(t/U (t/Indexed x) (t/SequentialSeqable x)) :-> x])