Public Vars


eval (clj)



(eval form)
Evaluates the form data structure (not text!) and returns the result.


(deftest division
  (is (= clojure.core// /))
  (binding [*ns* *ns*]
    (eval '(do (ns foo
                 (:require [clojure.core :as bar])
                 (:use [clojure.test]))
               (is (= clojure.core// bar//))))))

  (eval (-> "^{:line 42 :column 99} (defn explicit-line-numbering [])" str->lnpr read))
  (is (= {:line 42 :column 99}
         (-> 'explicit-line-numbering resolve meta (select-keys [:line :column])))))
(defmacro def-eval []
  (if (System/getenv "__CLOSH_USE_SCI_EVAL__")
    `(do (require '
         (def ~'eval
    `(def ~'eval clojure.core/eval)))


(defmacro eval-closh-requires []
  (when-not (System/getenv "__CLOSH_USE_SCI_EVAL__")
(ns deuce.emacs.eval
  (:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar)])
  (:require [clojure.core :as c]
            [deuce.emacs.alloc :as alloc]
            [ :as data]
            [deuce.emacs-lisp.cons :as cons]
            [deuce.emacs-lisp :as el])
  (:import [clojure.lang Var])
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [apply eval macroexpand]))

(defvar debugger nil
  "Function to call to invoke debugger.
  If due to frame exit, args are `exit' and the value being returned;
   this function's value will be returned instead of that.
  If due to error, args are `error' and a list of the args to `signal'.
  If due to `apply' or `funcall' entry, one arg, `lambda'.
  If due to `eval' entry, one arg, t.")

(defvar max-lisp-eval-depth nil
  "*Limit on depth in `eval', `apply' and `funcall' before error.

(defvar quit-flag nil
  "Non-nil causes `eval' to abort, unless `inhibit-quit' is non-nil.
  If the value is t, that means do an ordinary quit.
  If the value equals `throw-on-input', that means quit by throwing
  to the tag specified in `throw-on-input'; it's for handling `while-no-input'.
  Typing C-g sets `quit-flag' to t, regardless of `inhibit-quit',
  but `inhibit-quit' non-nil prevents anything from taking notice of that.")

(defvar debug-on-next-call nil
  "Non-nil means enter debugger before next `eval', `apply' or `funcall'.")

(defvar debug-on-error nil
  "*Non-nil means enter debugger if an error is signaled.
  Does not apply to errors handled by `condition-case' or those
  matched by `debug-ignored-errors'.
  If the value is a list, an error only means to enter the debugger
  if one of its condition symbols appears in the list.
  When you evaluate an expression interactively, this variable
  is temporarily non-nil if `eval-expression-debug-on-error' is non-nil.
  The command `toggle-debug-on-error' toggles this.
  See also the variable `debug-on-quit'.

(declare apply eval funcall)

(defun apply (function &rest arguments)
  "Call FUNCTION with our remaining args, using our last arg as list of args.
  Then return the value FUNCTION returns.
  Thus, (apply '+ 1 2 '(3 4)) returns 10."
  (let [rest (last arguments)]
    (el/check-type 'listp rest)
    (c/apply (cond (symbol? function) (data/symbol-function function)
                   (data/listp function) (eval function)
                   :else function) (c/apply alloc/list (concat (butlast arguments) rest)))))

(defun eval (form &optional lexical)
  "Evaluate FORM and return its value.
  If LEXICAL is t, evaluate using lexical scoping."
  (el/eval form lexical))

(defun backtrace-debug (level flag)
  "Set the debug-on-exit flag of eval frame LEVEL levels down to FLAG.
  The debugger is entered when that frame exits, if the flag is non-nil."

(defun backtrace-frame (nframes)
  "Return the function and arguments NFRAMES up from current execution point.
  If that frame has not evaluated the arguments yet (or is a special form),
  the value is (nil FUNCTION ARG-FORMS...).
  If that frame has evaluated its arguments and called its function already,
  the value is (t FUNCTION ARG-VALUES...).
  A &rest arg is represented as the tail of the list ARG-VALUES.
  FUNCTION is whatever was supplied as car of evaluated list,
  or a lambda expression for macro calls.
  If NFRAMES is more than the number of frames, the value is nil."

  The second optional arg ENVIRONMENT specifies an environment of macro
  definitions to shadow the loaded ones for use in file byte-compilation."
  ;; Not sure how this is supposed to work even after reading eval.c, attempts to mimic observed behavior.
  ;; It is used in conjunction with cl-macroexpand-all, and should not expand into "raw" Clojure.
  (let [shadow (into {} (map #(vector (data/car %) (data/cdr %)) environment))
        shadow #(shadow % (shadow (str %)))
        unshadowed-form ((fn shadow-walker [form]
                           (if-let [expander (shadow form)]
                             (if (= '(true) (data/cdr-safe expander))
                               (cons (first (data/car expander))
                                     (map #(list 'quote %) (rest (data/car expander))))
                               (expander form))
                             (if (and (seq? form)
                                      (not= 'quote (first form)))
                               (cons/maybe-seq (map shadow-walker form))
                               form))) form)
        expansion (if-let [m  (and (seq? form) (-> (el/fun (first form)) meta))]
                    (if (and (:macro m) (= (the-ns 'deuce.emacs-lisp) (:ns m)))
                      (macroexpand-1 unshadowed-form))
    ;; Protect against eq check in cl-macroexpand-all
    (if (= form expansion)
(ns deuce.emacs.print
  (:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar)])
  (:require [clojure.core :as c]
            [clojure.string :as s]
            [deuce.emacs.buffer :as buffer]
            [ :as data]
            [deuce.emacs.editfns :as editfns]
            [deuce.emacs.fns :as fns])
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [print]))

(defvar print-circle nil
  "*Non-nil means print recursive structures using #N= and #N# syntax.
  If nil, printing proceeds recursively and may lead to
  `max-lisp-eval-depth' being exceeded or an error may occur:
  \"Apparently circular structure being printed.\"  Also see
  `print-length' and `print-level'.
  If non-nil, shared substructures anywhere in the structure are printed
  with `#N=' before the first occurrence (in the order of the print
  representation) and `#N#' in place of each subsequent occurrence,
  where N is a positive decimal integer.")

(defvar print-level nil
  "Maximum depth of list nesting to print before abbreviating.
  A value of nil means no limit.  See also `eval-expression-print-level'.")

(defvar print-length nil
  "Maximum length of list to print before abbreviating.
  A value of nil means no limit.  See also `eval-expression-print-length'.")
(ns ^:no-doc typed.ann.clojure
  "Type annotations for the base Clojure distribution."
  #?(:cljs (:require-macros [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros]))
  (:require [clojure.core :as cc]
            [typed.clojure :as t]
            #?(:clj [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros])
            #?(:clj typed.ann.clojure.jvm) ;; jvm annotations
            #?(:clj clojure.core.typed))
     (:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashSet PersistentList
                            APersistentMap #_IPersistentCollection
              (java.util Comparator Collection))))

#?@(:cljs [] :default [
;; Internal annotations
;clojure.core.typed.current-impl/*current-impl* t/Any
clojure.core.typed.current-impl/clojure t/Any
clojure.core.typed.current-impl/clojurescript t/Any
clojure.core.typed/ann* [t/Any t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/untyped-var* [t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/declare-names* [t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/typed-deps* [t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/warn-on-unannotated-vars* [:-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/ann-datatype* [t/Any t/Any t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/ann-protocol* [t/Any t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/ann-record* [t/Any t/Any t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/ann-pdatatype* [t/Any t/Any t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/declare-datatypes* [t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/declare-protocols* [t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/non-nil-return* [t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/nilable-param* [t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/override-constructor* [t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/override-method* [t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/typed-deps* [t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/load-if-needed [:-> t/Any]
clojure.core.typed/*collect-on-eval* t/Any

#?@(:cljs [] :default [
clojure.main/demunge [t/Str :-> t/Str]
clojure.main/repl-prompt [:-> t/Any]
clojure.main/repl-read [t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
clojure.main/repl-caught [Throwable :-> t/Any]
clojure.main/repl-exception [Throwable :-> t/Any]
clojure.main/root-cause [Throwable :-> Exception]
clojure.main/repl [& :optional {:init [:-> t/Any]
                                :need-prompt [:-> t/Any]
                                :prompt [:-> t/Any]
                                :flush [:-> t/Any]
                                :read [t/Any t/Any :-> t/Any]
                                :eval [t/Any :-> t/Any]
                                :print [t/Any :-> t/Any]
                                :caught [Throwable :-> t/Any]}
                   :-> t/Any]
clojure.main/main [t/Any :* :-> t/Any]
clojure.main/load-script [t/Str :-> t/Any]

#?@(:cljs [] :default [
cc/*file* t/Str
cc/*command-line-args* (t/NilableNonEmptyASeq t/Str)
#?@(:cljs [
cc/*unchecked-if* t/Bool
cc/*unchecked-arrays* t/Bool
cc/*warn-on-infer* t/Bool
cc/enable-console-print! [:-> t/Any]
] :default [
cc/*warn-on-reflection* t/Bool
cc/*compile-path* t/Str
cc/*compile-files* t/Bool
cc/*unchecked-math* t/Bool
cc/*compiler-options* (t/Map t/Any t/Any)
cc/*out* ;; FIXME cljs
cc/*repl* t/Any
cc/*flush-on-newline* t/Bool
cc/*print-meta* t/Bool
cc/*print-dup* t/Bool
cc/*print-readably* t/Bool
#?@(:cljs [] :default [
cc/*read-eval* (t/U ':unknown t/Bool)

cc/eval [t/Any :-> t/Any]
cc/rand-nth (t/All [x] [(t/U (t/Indexed x) (t/SequentialSeqable x)) :-> x])
(ns ^:typed/skip-from-repo-root clojure.core.typed.test.load-test
  (:require [clojure.core.typed.load :as load]
            [clojure.test :refer :all]))

;; ensures evaluation occurs
(deftest evaluation-test
  (is (try (some-> (find-ns 'clojure.core.typed.test.typed-load.eval)
           (load/typed-load1 "clojure/core/typed/test/typed_load/eval")
           (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
             (-> e ex-data :blame :file #{"clojure/core/typed/test/typed_load/eval.clj"})))))