true? (clj)
(true? x)
Returns true if x is the value true, false otherwise.
(ns cortex.optimise.util-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [defonce])
(:require [cortex.optimise.util :refer :all]
[clojure.core.matrix :as m]
[clojure.test :refer :all]))
(deftest seq-like?-test
(is (false? (seq-like? nil)))
(is (false? (seq-like? "Hello")))
(is (false? (seq-like? 5)))
(is (true? (seq-like? (range 5))))
(is (true? (seq-like? [:a :b :c])))
(is (true? (seq-like? {:a 1 :b 2})))
(is (true? (seq-like? (m/array :vectorz [1 2 3]))))
(is (true? (seq-like? (m/array :vectorz [[1 2] [3 4]])))))
(deftest approx=-test
(testing "comparing floats"
(is (false? (approx= 0.1 10 11)))
(is (false? (approx= 0.1 10 11.0)))
(is (true? (approx= 0.1 10.0 11.0)))
(is (false? (approx= 0.09 10.0 11.0))))
(testing "comparing more than two floats"
(is (false? (approx= 0.1 10.0 10.75 11.5)))
(is (true? (approx= 0.1 10.0 10.5 11.0))))
(testing "comparing vectors"
(is (false? (approx= 0.1
(m/array :vectorz [10.0 11.0])
[11.5 10.0])))
(is (true? (approx= 0.1
(m/array :vectorz [10.0 11.0])
[11.0 10.0]))))
(testing "comparing nested data structures"
(is (false? (approx= 0.1
{:a [10.0 11.0] :b 10.0}
{:a [11.0 10.0] :c 10.0})))
(is (false? (approx= 0.1
{:a [10.0 11.0] :b 10.0}
{:a [12.0 10.0] :b 10.0})))
(is (true? (approx= 0.1
{:a [10.0 11.0] :b 10.0}
{:a [11.0 10.0] :b 10.0}))))
(testing "lists of different lengths"
(is (false? (approx= 0.1
[1.0 2.0 3.0]
[1.0 2.0])))))
(ns deuce.emacs.callproc
(:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar) :as el])
(:require [clojure.core :as c]
[clojure.string :as s]
[ :as io]
[ :as sh]
[deuce.emacs.buffer :as buffer]
[ :as data]
[deuce.emacs.editfns :as editfns])
(:import [ File])
(:refer-clojure :exclude []))
If BUFFER is 0, `call-process' returns immediately with value nil.
Otherwise it waits for PROGRAM to terminate
and returns a numeric exit status or a signal description string.
If you quit, the process is killed with SIGINT, or SIGKILL if you quit again."
(let [opts (if infile [:in (io/file infile)] [])
no-wait? (= 0 buffer)
buffer (or no-wait?
(and (data/consp buffer) (= :file (data/car buffer)) (data/cdr buffer))
(and (true? buffer) (buffer/current-buffer))
(el/check-type 'bufferp (or (when (data/consp buffer) (data/car buffer))
buffer (buffer/current-buffer))))
stderr (when (data/consp buffer) (data/cdr buffer))
runner (if no-wait? #(do (future-call %) nil) #(%))]
(runner #(let [{:keys [exit out err]}
(apply sh/sh (concat (cons program args) opts))]
(when (data/bufferp buffer)
(binding [buffer/*current-buffer* buffer]
(editfns/insert out)
(when (true? stderr)
(editfns/insert err))))
(when (string? buffer)
(spit (io/file buffer) out))
(when (string? stderr)
(spit (io/file stderr) err))
(ns ^:no-doc typed.ann.clojure
"Type annotations for the base Clojure distribution."
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros]))
(:require [clojure.core :as cc]
[typed.clojure :as t]
#?(:clj [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros])
#?(:clj typed.ann.clojure.jvm) ;; jvm annotations
#?(:clj clojure.core.typed))
(:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashSet PersistentList
APersistentMap #_IPersistentCollection
(java.util Comparator Collection))))
cc/seq? (t/Pred (t/Seq t/Any))
cc/set? (t/Pred (t/Set t/Any))
cc/vector? (t/Pred (t/Vec t/Any))
cc/nil? (t/Pred nil)
#?@(:cljs [
cc/undefined? (t/Pred t/JSundefined)
cc/false? (t/Pred false)
cc/true? (t/Pred true)
cc/symbol? (t/Pred t/Sym)
cc/keyword? (t/Pred t/Keyword)
cc/map? (t/Pred (t/Map t/Any t/Any))
cc/boolean? (t/Pred t/Bool)
cc/any? [t/Any :-> true]
cc/record? (t/Pred #?(:clj clojure.lang.IRecord
:cljs cljs.core/IRecord))
(ns antq.util.async-test
[antq.util.async :as sut]
[antq.util.exception :as u.ex]
[clojure.core.async :as async]
[clojure.test :as t])
(test-async-fn ::timeout)
(t/is false)
(catch ExceptionInfo ex
(t/is (true? (u.ex/ex-timeout? ex)))
(t/is (= "TIMEOUT" (.getMessage ex))))
(catch Throwable ex
(t/is false (.getMessage ex))))
(ns json-ld
(:require [fluree.db.method.ipfs.core :as ipfs]
[fluree.db.db.json-ld :as jld-db]
[fluree.db.json-ld.transact :as jld-tx]
[clojure.core.async :as async]
[fluree.db.flake :as flake]
[fluree.db.json-ld.api :as fluree]
[fluree.db.util.async :refer [<?? go-try channel?]]
[fluree.db.query.range :as query-range]
[fluree.db.constants :as const]
[fluree.db.dbproto :as dbproto]
[fluree.db.did :as did]
[fluree.db.conn.proto :as conn-proto]
[fluree.db.util.json :as json]
[fluree.json-ld :as json-ld]
[fluree.db.indexer.default :as indexer]
[fluree.db.indexer.proto :as idx-proto]
[fluree.db.util.log :as log]))
(->> (fluree/db ledger)
(filter #(true? (:ref? %)))
(map :id)