dosync (clj)
(dosync & exprs)
Runs the exprs (in an implicit do) in a transaction that encompasses
exprs and any nested calls. Starts a transaction if none is already
running on this thread. Any uncaught exception will abort the
transaction and flow out of dosync. The exprs may be run more than
once, but any effects on Refs will be atomic.
(ns uncomplicate.fluokitten.articles.fluokitten-extensions-clojure-core-test
"These expressions are used as examples in the
Fluokitten Extensions of Clojure Core
article at the Fluokitten web site."
(:use [uncomplicate.fluokitten jvm core test utils])
(:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(:use [midje.sweet :exclude [just]]))
(let [r (ref 5)]
(fmap! inc r) => r))
(fmap! + (ref 5) (atom 6) (ref 7)) => (check-eq (ref 18)))
(dosync (fapply! (ref inc) (ref 2))) => (check-eq (ref 3))
(dosync (fapply! (ref +) (ref 1) (atom 2) (atom 3)))
=> (check-eq (ref 6))
(dosync (join! (ref (ref (atom 33)))))
=> (check-eq (ref (atom 33)))
(dosync (bind! (ref 8) increment))
=> (check-eq (ref 9))
(dosync (bind! (ref 18) (ref 19) (atom 20) add))
=> (check-eq (ref 57)))
(fmap inc (ref 5)) => (check-eq (ref 6)))
(fmap + (ref 5) (atom 6) (ref 7)) => (check-eq (ref 18)))
(dosync (fapply (ref inc) (ref 2))) => (check-eq (ref 3))
(dosync (fapply (ref +) (ref 1) (atom 2) (atom 3)))
=> (check-eq (ref 6))
(dosync (join (ref (ref (atom 33)))))
=> (check-eq (ref (atom 33)))
(dosync (bind (ref 8) increment))
=> (check-eq (ref 9))
(dosync (bind (ref 18) (ref 19) (atom 20) add))
=> (check-eq (ref 57))
(ns uncomplicate.fluokitten.core-test
(:use [uncomplicate.fluokitten algo jvm core test utils])
(:use [midje.sweet :exclude [just]])
(:require [clojure.string :as s]
[clojure.core.reducers :as r]))
(functor-law2 inc (partial * 100) (ref 44)))
(functor-law2 inc (partial * 100) (ref 45) (atom 3) (ref 7)))
(fmap-keeps-type inc (ref 46)))
(fmap-keeps-type + (ref 47) (ref 4) (atom 7)))
(applicative-law1 inc (ref 6)))
(applicative-law1 + (ref 6) (ref 9) (ref -77) (ref -1)))
(applicative-law2-identity (ref 6)))
(applicative-law3-composition (ref inc) (ref (partial * 10)) (ref 6)))
(applicative-law3-composition (ref inc) (ref (partial * 10)) (ref 6) (ref -2)))
(applicative-law4-homomorphism (ref 6) inc 5))
(applicative-law4-homomorphism (ref 6) + 5 -4 5))
(applicative-law5-interchange (ref 6) inc 5))
(applicative-law5-interchange (ref 6) + 5 3 4 5))
(facts "Join function for refs."
(join (ref 1)) => (check-eq (ref 1))
(join (ref (ref 2))) => (check-eq (ref 2))))
(monad-law1-left-identity (ref 9) (comp ref inc) 1))
(monad-law1-left-identity (ref 9) (comp ref +) 1 2 3))
(monad-law2-right-identity (ref 9)))
(monad-law3-associativity (comp ref inc) (comp ref (partial * 10)) (ref 9)))
(dosync (magma-op-keeps-type (ref 1) (ref 2)))
(dosync (magma-op-keeps-type (ref 2) (ref 3) (ref 4)))
(dosync (semigroup-op-associativity (ref 5) (ref 6)))
(dosync (semigroup-op-associativity (ref 7) (ref 8) (ref 9)))
(dosync (monoid-identity-law (ref 5)))
(let [r1 (ref 1 :meta {:test true})
r2 (ref 2 :meta {:test true})]
(facts "All refs should preserve metadata."
(meta (fmap! inc r1))) => {:test true}
(meta (fmap! + r1 r2)) => {:test true})
(meta (fapply! (pure r1 inc) r1))) => {:test true}
(meta (fapply! (pure r1 +) r1 r2))) => {:test true}
(meta (bind! r1 #(ref (inc %))))) => {:test true}
(meta (bind! r1 r2 #(ref (+ %1 %2))))) => {:test true}
(meta (join! (ref (ref 1) :meta {:test true})))) => {:test true}))
(dosync (bind (ref 1) returning-f)) => (check-eq (ref 2))
(ns io.github.frenchy64.fully-satisfies.non-leaky-macros.clojure.core
"Implementations of clojure.core macros that don't leak implementation details."
(:refer-clojure :exclude [locking binding with-bindings sync with-local-vars
with-in-str dosync with-precision with-loading-context
with-redefs delay vswap! lazy-seq lazy-cat future
(:require [clojure.core :as cc]))
(defmacro non-leaky-dosync
"Like clojure.core/dosync, except body cannot leak pre/post syntax or use
recur target."
[& exprs]
(let [res# (do ~@exprs)]
(defmacro dosync
[& exprs]
`(non-leaky-dosync ~@exprs))
;; First, ensure that it really takes awhile to load.
(let [start (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(require 'clojure.core.reducers)
(is (> (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start) 50)
"Loading c.c.reducers should take some time."))
;; Flush *loaded-libs* so that c.c.reducers is not "loaded" now
(dosync (ref-set @#'clojure.core/*loaded-libs* (sorted-set)))
^{:doc "(Performance) Unittests for lambdaroyal memory search abstraction that builds data projections."
:author ""}
(:require [midje.sweet :refer :all]
[lambdaroyal.memory.core.tx :refer :all]
[ :refer :all]
[lambdaroyal.memory.core.context :refer :all]
[lambdaroyal.memory.helper :refer :all]
[clojure.core.async :refer [>! alts!! timeout chan go]])
(:import [java.text SimpleDateFormat])
(let [articles '(:apple :banana :avocado)
ctx (create-context meta-model)
tx (create-tx ctx)
bulk (timed (dosync
(doseq [[k v] (zipmap (range) articles)]
(insert tx :article k {:name v}))
(let [apple (select-first tx :article 0)
banana (select-first tx :article 1)
avocado (select-first tx :article 2)
line-items [{:name :justapple :art1 (first apple) :art2 (first avocado)}
{:name :justbanana :art1 (first banana) :art2 (first banana)}
{:name :appleandbanana :art1 (first banana) :art2 (first apple)}]]
(doseq [[k v] (zipmap (range) line-items)]
(insert tx :line-item k v))
(doseq [[k v] (zipmap (range (count line-items) (* 2 (count line-items))) line-items)]
(insert tx :line-item k v)))))
_ (println "insert took (ms) " (first bulk))
apple (select-first tx :article 0)
banana (select-first tx :article 1)
avocado (select-first tx :article 2)]
(facts "check whether projections on non-unique collection associations (collection a referres collection b by two distinct rics"
(let [articles '(:apple :banana :avocado)
ctx (create-context meta-model)
tx (create-tx ctx)
bulk (timed (dosync
(doseq [[k v] (zipmap (range) articles)]
(insert tx :article k {:name v}))
(let [apple (select-first tx :article 0)
banana (select-first tx :article 1)
avocado (select-first tx :article 2)
line-items [{:name :justapple :art1 (first apple) :art2 (first avocado)}
{:name :justbanana :art1 (first banana) :art2 (first banana)}
{:name :appleandbanana :art1 (first banana) :art2 (first apple)}]]
(doseq [[k v] (zipmap (range) line-items)]
(insert tx :line-item k v)))))
_ (println "insert took (ms) " (first bulk))
apple (select-first tx :article 0)
banana (select-first tx :article 1)
avocado (select-first tx :article 2)]
(let [ric (ric tx :line-item :article)]
(fact "ric is present" ric => truthy))
(let [ric (ric tx :line-item :article :art1)]
(fact "ric is present by specific foreign-key" ric => truthy)
(fact "ric denotes proper foreign-key" (.foreign-key ric) => :art1))
(let [ric (ric tx :line-item :article :art2)]
(fact "ric is present by specific foreign-key" ric => truthy)
(fact "ric denotes proper foreign-key" (.foreign-key ric) => :art2))
(let [ric (ric tx :line-item :article :art3)]
(fact "ric is present by specific foreign-key" ric => falsey))
(let [proj (by-ric tx :line-item :article [(first apple)] :foreign-key :art1 :verbose true)]
(fact "specific ric must reveal correct number of items" (count proj) => 1))
(facts "inserting 300 Orders, each with 4-6 partOrders, each partorder with 10-20 lineitems -> 75000 line items"
(let [types '(:post :express :pick-up :store)
clients '(:europe :africa :asia)
targets (range 10)
deliverers '(:fedex :dhl :post)
articles '(:banana :apple :peach :plum)
batches '(:old :new :smelling)
poid (atom 0)
oid (atom 0)
liid (atom 0)
ctx (create-context meta-model)
tx (create-tx ctx)
bulk (timed
(doseq [[k v] (zipmap (range) types)]
(insert tx :type k {:name v}))
(doseq [[k v] (zipmap (range) clients)]
(insert tx :client k {:name v})
(doseq [x (range 100)]
(insert tx :order (swap! oid inc) {:name (str v x) :client k :deliverer (rand-nth deliverers)})
(doseq [y (repeatedly (+ 4 (rand-int 3)) #(swap! poid inc))]
(insert tx :part-order y {:order-no (str v x) :order @oid :type (-> types count rand-int) :target (rand-nth targets) :client k}))))))
_ (println "insert took (ms) " (first bulk))
_ (println :clients (select tx :client))]
(let [ric (ric tx :order :client)]
(fact "order->client" ric => truthy)
(fact "order->client" (.foreign-coll ric) => :client))
(let [ric (ric tx :part-order :type)]
(fact "part-order->type" ric => truthy)
(fact "part-order->type" (.foreign-coll ric) => :type))
(let [proj (by-ric tx :order :client [0])]
(fact "client->order for one key" (count proj) => 100)
(fact "client->order for one key" (distinct (map #(-> % last :client) proj)) => [0]))
;; TESTING WRAPPING UP ALL THE SEARCH LAMBDAS (filter-xxx by the pipe function that does the by-ric
(let [proj ((>> :order (fn [x] true)) tx ((filter-key tx :client 1)))]
(fact "client->order using the pipe for one key" (count proj) => 100)
(fact "client->order using the pipe for one key" (distinct (map #(-> % last :client) proj)) => [1]))
(let [proj ((>> :order (fn [x] true)) tx ((filter-key tx :client > 1)))]
(fact "client->order using the pipe for key [2]" (count proj) => 100)
(fact "client->order using the pipe for one key" (distinct (map #(-> % last :client) proj)) => [2]))
(let [proj ((>>> :part-order) tx ((filter-index tx :order [:name] >= [":europe"])))]
(fact "order->partorder using the pipe for key [:europe]" (count proj) => (roughly 100 500))
(fact "client->order using the pipe for one key" (remove #(if (.startsWith % ":europe") %) (map #(-> % last :order-no) proj)) => empty))
;;the ugly style variant - but working
(let [proj ((>>> :part-order) tx
((>>> :order) tx ((filter-key tx :client 2))))]
(fact "type->order->partorder using the pipe" (count proj) => (roughly 100 500))
(fact "client->order using the pipe for one key" (remove #(if (= % 2) %) (map #(-> % last :client) proj)) => empty))
;;now the more handsome version
(let [_ (println :proj)
proj (time (proj tx
(filter-key tx :client 2)
(>>> :order)
(>>> :part-order)))]
(fact "type->order->partorder using the pipe" (count proj) => (roughly 100 500))
(fact "client->order using the pipe for one key" (remove #(if (= % 2) %) (map #(-> % last :client) proj)) => empty))
(facts ""
(let [articles '(:apple :banana :avocado)
ctx (create-context meta-model)
tx (create-tx ctx)
bulk (timed (dosync
(doseq [[k v] (zipmap (range) articles)]
(insert tx :article k {:name v}))
(let [apple (select-first tx :article 0)
banana (select-first tx :article 1)
avocado (select-first tx :article 2)
line-items [{:name :justapple :art1 (first apple) :art2 (first avocado)}
{:name :justbanana :art1 (first banana) :art2 (first banana)}
{:name :appleandbanana :art1 (first banana) :art2 (first apple)}]]
(doseq [[k v] (zipmap (range) line-items)]
(insert tx :line-item k v)))))
_ (println "insert took (ms) " (first bulk))
apple (select-first tx :article 0)
banana (select-first tx :article 1)
avocado (select-first tx :article 2)]
(let [_ (println :apple apple)
_ (println :banana banana)
_ (println :avocado avocado)
_ (doseq [x (select tx :line-item)]
(println :x x))
apple-line-items (take 2 (filter #(= (first apple) (-> % last :art1)) (select tx :line-item)))
_ (println :apple-line-items apple-line-items)
banana-line-items (take 3 (filter #(= (first banana) (-> % last :art1)) (select tx :line-item)))
_ (println :banana-line-items banana-line-items)
proj' (by-referencees tx :line-item :article (concat banana-line-items apple-line-items) :verbose true)
proj'' (proj tx (filter-xs :line-item (concat banana-line-items apple-line-items ))
(<<< :article :verbose true))]
(fact "by-reference must reveal a set of articles without redundancies"
proj' => [banana apple])
(fact "<<< must reveal a set of articles without redundancies"
proj'' => [banana apple]))))