Public Vars


extend-protocol (clj)



(extend-protocol p & specs)
Useful when you want to provide several implementations of the same protocol all at once. Takes a single protocol and the implementation of that protocol for one or more types. Expands into calls to extend-type: (extend-protocol Protocol AType (foo [x] ...) (bar [x y] ...) BType (foo [x] ...) (bar [x y] ...) AClass (foo [x] ...) (bar [x y] ...) nil (foo [x] ...) (bar [x y] ...)) expands into: (do (clojure.core/extend-type AType Protocol (foo [x] ...) (bar [x y] ...)) (clojure.core/extend-type BType Protocol (foo [x] ...) (bar [x y] ...)) (clojure.core/extend-type AClass Protocol (foo [x] ...) (bar [x y] ...)) (clojure.core/extend-type nil Protocol (foo [x] ...) (bar [x y] ...)))
