sort-by (clj)
(sort-by keyfn coll)
(sort-by keyfn comp coll)
Returns a sorted sequence of the items in coll, where the sort
order is determined by comparing (keyfn item). If no comparator is
supplied, uses compare. comparator must implement
java.util.Comparator. Guaranteed to be stable: equal elements will
not be reordered. If coll is a Java array, it will be modified. To
avoid this, sort a copy of the array.
(ns examples
[clojure.core.server :as server]
[examples.state :as state]
[ :as app]
[io.github.humbleui.debug :as debug]
[io.github.humbleui.paint :as paint]
[io.github.humbleui.window :as window]
[io.github.humbleui.ui :as ui]))
(def border-line
(ui/rect (paint/fill light-grey)
(ui/gap 1 0)))
(def app
(ui/default-theme {}; :font-size 13
; :cap-height 10
; :leading 100
; :fill-text (paint/fill 0xFFCC3333)
; :hui.text-field/fill-text (paint/fill 0xFFCC3333)
(for [[name _] (sort-by first examples)]
{:on-click (fn [_] (reset! examples.state/*example name))}
(ui/dynamic ctx [selected? (= name @examples.state/*example)
hovered? (:hui/hovered? ctx)]
(let [label (ui/padding 20 10
(ui/label name))]
selected? (ui/rect (paint/fill 0xFFB2D7FE) label)
hovered? (ui/rect (paint/fill 0xFFE1EFFA) label)
:else label)))))))
[:stretch 1
(ui/dynamic _ [name @examples.state/*example]
(examples name)))])))
(ns ^:no-doc typed.ann.clojure
"Type annotations for the base Clojure distribution."
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros]))
(:require [clojure.core :as cc]
[typed.clojure :as t]
#?(:clj [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros])
#?(:clj typed.ann.clojure.jvm) ;; jvm annotations
#?(:clj clojure.core.typed))
(:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashSet PersistentList
APersistentMap #_IPersistentCollection
(java.util Comparator Collection))))
cc/sort (t/All [x] [(t/I Comparator [x x :-> t/AnyInteger]) :? (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/ASeq x)])
cc/sort-by (t/All [a] [[a :-> Number] :? (t/Seqable a) :-> (t/ASeq a)])
cc/replicate (t/All [a] [t/AnyInteger a :-> (t/ASeq a)])
(ns rx.lang.clojure.graph-test
(:require [rx.lang.clojure.graph :as graph]
[rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx]
[rx.lang.clojure.future :as rx-future]
[rx.lang.clojure.blocking :as rx-blocking]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]))
?metadata (->> ?vhs
(rx/mapcat request-video-md))]
(rx/map (fn [u m f ab-lookup]
{:user (dissoc u :friend-ids)
:videos m
:friends (sort-by :id f)
:ab ab-lookup})
(rx/into [] ?metadata)
(rx/into [] ?friends)
(ns methodical.impl.dispatcher.everything
(:refer-clojure :exclude [methods])
[clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
[methodical.impl.dispatcher.common :as dispatcher.common]
[methodical.interface :as i]
[methodical.util.describe :as describe]
[pretty.core :as pretty])
(methodical.interface Dispatcher)))
(matching-primary-methods [_ method-table _]
(let [primary-methods (i/primary-methods method-table)
comparatorr (dispatcher.common/domination-comparator (deref hierarchy-var) prefs)]
(for [[dispatch-value method] (sort-by first comparatorr primary-methods)]
(vary-meta method assoc :dispatch-value dispatch-value))))
(matching-aux-methods [_ method-table _]
(let [aux-methods (i/aux-methods method-table)
comparatorr (dispatcher.common/domination-comparator (deref hierarchy-var) prefs)]
(into {} (for [[qualifier dispatch-value->methods] aux-methods]
[qualifier (for [[dispatch-value methods] (sort-by first comparatorr dispatch-value->methods)
method methods]
(vary-meta method assoc :dispatch-value dispatch-value))]))))
(ns figures.core
(:require [quil.core :as q]
[clojure.core.matrix :as mat]
[clojure.core.matrix.stats :as stats]
[quil.middleware :as m]))
(def only-large-chrs
(->> chr-lengths
(fn [[x y]]
(.startsWith x "S")))
(map (fn [[x y]] [(read-string (.substring x 1)) (read-string y)]))
(sort-by first)))