Public Vars


into (clj)



(into) (into to) (into to from) (into to xform from)
Returns a new coll consisting of to-coll with all of the items of from-coll conjoined. A transducer may be supplied.


(ns clojure.test-clojure.reducers
  (:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
            [clojure.test.generative :refer (defspec)]
            [ :as gen])
  (:use clojure.test))

(defequivtest test-map
  [map r/map #(into [] %)]
  [inc dec #(Math/sqrt (Math/abs %))])

(defequivtest test-mapcat
  [mapcat r/mapcat #(into [] %)]
  [(fn [x] [x])
   (fn [x] [x (inc x)])
   (fn [x] [x (inc x) x])])

(deftest test-mapcat-obeys-reduced
  (is (= [1 "0" 2 "1" 3]
        (->> (concat (range 100) (lazy-seq (throw (Exception. "Too eager"))))
          (r/mapcat (juxt inc str))
          (r/take 5)
          (into [])))))

(defequivtest test-filter
  [filter r/filter #(into [] %)]
  [even? odd? #(< 200 %) identity])

(deftest test-sorted-maps
  (let [m (into (sorted-map)
                '{1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d})]
    (is (= "1a2b3c4d" (reduce-kv str "" m))
        "Sorted maps should reduce-kv in sorted order")
    (is (= 1 (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
                          (reduced (+ acc k)))
                        0 m))
        "Sorted maps should stop reduction when asked")))
(ns dynamodb-examples
  (:require [clojure.core.async :as a]
            [ :as io]
            [ :as json]
            [ :as aws]))

  (->> ["Forum" "Reply" "Thread"]
       (map #(aws/invoke ddb {:op      :DescribeTable
                              :request {:TableName %}
                              :ch      (a/promise-chan (comp
                                                        (map :Table)
                                                        (map :TableStatus)))}))
       (into #{}))

  (->> ["Forum" "Reply" "Thread"]
       (map #(aws/invoke ddb {:op      :DeleteTable
                              :request {:TableName %}}))
       (into []))
(ns deuce.emacs.doc
  (:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar)])
  (:require [clojure.core :as c]
            [clojure.string :as s]
            [deuce.emacs-lisp :as el])
  (:refer-clojure :exclude []))

  Each substring of the form \\<MAPVAR> specifies the use of MAPVAR
  as the keymap for future \\[COMMAND] substrings.
  \\= quotes the following character and is discarded;
  thus, \\=\\= puts \\= into the output, and \\=\\[ puts \\[ into the output.
(ns deuce.emacs.marker
  (:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar) :as el])
  (:require [clojure.core :as c]
            [deuce.emacs.alloc :as alloc]
            [deuce.emacs.buffer :as buffer]
            [ :as data])
  (:import [ Buffer BufferText Marker])
  (:refer-clojure :exclude []))

(defun marker-buffer (marker)
  "Return the buffer that MARKER points into, or nil if none.
  Returns nil if MARKER points into a dead buffer."
  @(.buffer ^Marker marker))
(ns deuce.emacs.textprop
  (:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar)])
  (:require [clojure.core :as c])
  (:refer-clojure :exclude []))

(defun remove-list-of-text-properties (start end list-of-properties &optional object)
  "Remove some properties from text from START to END.
  The third argument LIST-OF-PROPERTIES is a list of property names to remove.
  If the optional fourth argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), START and END are buffer positions (integers or
  markers).  If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it.
  Return t if any property was actually removed, nil otherwise."

(defun next-property-change (position &optional object limit)
  "Return the position of next property change.
  Scans characters forward from POSITION in OBJECT till it finds
  a change in some text property, then returns the position of the change.
  If the optional second argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
  If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.
  Return nil if the property is constant all the way to the end of OBJECT.
  If the value is non-nil, it is a position greater than POSITION, never equal.

(defun text-property-not-all (start end property value &optional object)
  "Check text from START to END for property PROPERTY not equaling VALUE.
  If so, return the position of the first character whose property PROPERTY
  is not `eq' to VALUE.  Otherwise, return nil.
  If the optional fifth argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), START and END are buffer positions (integers or
  markers).  If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it."

(defun add-text-properties (start end properties &optional object)
  "Add properties to the text from START to END.
  The third argument PROPERTIES is a property list
  specifying the property values to add.  If the optional fourth argument
  OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means the current buffer),
  START and END are buffer positions (integers or markers).
  If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it.
  Return t if any property value actually changed, nil otherwise."

(defun previous-single-char-property-change (position prop &optional object limit)
  "Return the position of previous text property or overlay change for a specific property.
  Scans characters backward from POSITION till it finds
  a change in the PROP property, then returns the position of the change.
  If the optional third argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
  If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.

(defun text-property-any (start end property value &optional object)
  "Check text from START to END for property PROPERTY equaling VALUE.
  If so, return the position of the first character whose property PROPERTY
  is `eq' to VALUE.  Otherwise return nil.
  If the optional fifth argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), START and END are buffer positions (integers or
  markers).  If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it."

(defun put-text-property (start end property value &optional object)
  "Set one property of the text from START to END.
  The third and fourth arguments PROPERTY and VALUE
  specify the property to add.
  If the optional fifth argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), START and END are buffer positions (integers or
  markers).  If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it."

(defun remove-text-properties (start end properties &optional object)
  "Remove some properties from text from START to END.
  The third argument PROPERTIES is a property list
  whose property names specify the properties to remove.
  (The values stored in PROPERTIES are ignored.)
  If the optional fourth argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), START and END are buffer positions (integers or
  markers).  If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it.
  Return t if any property was actually removed, nil otherwise.

(defun next-single-char-property-change (position prop &optional object limit)
  "Return the position of next text property or overlay change for a specific property.
  Scans characters forward from POSITION till it finds
  a change in the PROP property, then returns the position of the change.
  If the optional third argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
  If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.

(defun next-single-property-change (position prop &optional object limit)
  "Return the position of next property change for a specific property.
  Scans characters forward from POSITION till it finds
  a change in the PROP property, then returns the position of the change.
  If the optional third argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
  If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.
  The property values are compared with `eq'.
  Return nil if the property is constant all the way to the end of OBJECT.
  If the value is non-nil, it is a position greater than POSITION, never equal.

(defun text-properties-at (position &optional object)
  "Return the list of properties of the character at POSITION in OBJECT.
  If the optional second argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
  If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.
  If POSITION is at the end of OBJECT, the value is nil."

(defun set-text-properties (start end properties &optional object)
  "Completely replace properties of text from START to END.
  The third argument PROPERTIES is the new property list.
  If the optional fourth argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), START and END are buffer positions (integers or
  markers).  If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it.
  If PROPERTIES is nil, the effect is to remove all properties from
  the designated part of OBJECT."

(defun previous-single-property-change (position prop &optional object limit)
  "Return the position of previous property change for a specific property.
  Scans characters backward from POSITION till it finds
  a change in the PROP property, then returns the position of the change.
  If the optional third argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
  If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.
  The property values are compared with `eq'.
  Return nil if the property is constant all the way to the start of OBJECT.
  If the value is non-nil, it is a position less than POSITION, never equal.

(defun previous-property-change (position &optional object limit)
  "Return the position of previous property change.
  Scans characters backwards from POSITION in OBJECT till it finds
  a change in some text property, then returns the position of the change.
  If the optional second argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
  the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
  If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.
  Return nil if the property is constant all the way to the start of OBJECT.
  If the value is non-nil, it is a position less than POSITION, never equal.
(ns deuce.emacs.character
  (:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar)])
  (:require [clojure.core :as c])
  (:refer-clojure :exclude []))

(defvar translation-table-vector nil
  "Vector recording all translation tables ever defined.
  Each element is a pair (SYMBOL . TABLE) relating the table to the
  symbol naming it.  The ID of a translation table is an index into this vector.")

(defun char-resolve-modifiers (char)
  "Resolve modifiers in the character CHAR.
  The value is a character with modifiers resolved into the character
  code.  Unresolved modifiers are kept in the value."