let (clj)
(let bindings & body)
binding => binding-form init-expr
binding-form => name, or destructuring-form
destructuring-form => map-destructure-form, or seq-destructure-form
Evaluates the exprs in a lexical context in which the symbols in
the binding-forms are bound to their respective init-exprs or parts
See for
more information about destructuring.
(ns clojure.test-clojure.server
(:import java.util.Random)
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all])
(:require [clojure.core.server :as s]))
(defn create-random-thread
(fn []
(let [random (new Random)]
(while (not (.isInterrupted (Thread/currentThread)))
(System/setProperty (Integer/toString (.nextInt random)) (Integer/toString (.nextInt random))))))))
(deftest test-parse-props
(let [thread (create-random-thread)]
(.start thread)
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(is (>= (count
(#'s/parse-props (System/getProperties))) 0))
(finally (.interrupt thread)))))
(ns clojure.test-clojure.reducers
(:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
[clojure.test.generative :refer (defspec)]
[ :as gen])
(:use clojure.test))
(defmacro defequivtest
;; f is the core fn, r is the reducers equivalent, rt is the reducible ->
;; coll transformer
[name [f r rt] fns]
`(deftest ~name
(let [c# (range -100 1000)]
(doseq [fn# ~fns]
(is (= (~f fn# c#)
(~rt (~r fn# c#))))))))
(deftest test-sorted-maps
(let [m (into (sorted-map)
'{1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d})]
(is (= "1a2b3c4d" (reduce-kv str "" m))
"Sorted maps should reduce-kv in sorted order")
(is (= 1 (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
(reduced (+ acc k)))
0 m))
"Sorted maps should stop reduction when asked")))
(defspec reduced-always-returns
(fn [probe to-end]
(let [len (+ probe to-end 1)
nums (range len)
m (zipmap nums nums)]
(reduced-at-probe m probe)))
[^{:tag `gen-num} probe ^{:tag `gen-num} to-end]
(assert (= :foo %)))
(deftest test-fold-runtime-exception
(is (thrown? IndexOutOfBoundsException
(let [test-map-count 1234
k-fail (rand-int test-map-count)]
(r/fold (fn ([])
([ret [k v]])
([ret k v] (when (= k k-fail)
(throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.)))))
(zipmap (range test-map-count) (repeat :dummy)))))))
(deftest division
(is (= clojure.core// /))
(binding [*ns* *ns*]
(eval '(do (ns foo
(:require [clojure.core :as bar])
(:use [clojure.test]))
(is (= clojure.core// bar//))))))
(deftest Instants
(testing "Instants are read as java.util.Date by default"
(is (= java.util.Date (class #inst "2010-11-12T13:14:15.666"))))
(let [s "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.666-06:00\""]
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-date}]
(testing "read-instant-date produces java.util.Date"
(is (= java.util.Date (class (read-string s)))))
(testing "java.util.Date instants round-trips"
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string))))
(testing "java.util.Date instants round-trip throughout the year"
(doseq [month (range 1 13) day (range 1 29) hour (range 1 23)]
(let [s (format "#inst \"2010-%02d-%02dT%02d:14:15.666-06:00\"" month day hour)]
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string))))))
(testing "java.util.Date handling DST in time zones"
(let [dtz (TimeZone/getDefault)]
;; A timezone with DST in effect during 2010-11-12
(TimeZone/setDefault (TimeZone/getTimeZone "Australia/Sydney"))
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string)))
(finally (TimeZone/setDefault dtz)))))
(testing "java.util.Date should always print in UTC"
(let [d (read-string s)
pstr (print-str d)
len (.length pstr)]
(is (= (subs pstr (- len 7)) "-00:00\"")))))
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-calendar}]
(testing "read-instant-calendar produces java.util.Calendar"
(is (instance? java.util.Calendar (read-string s))))
(testing "java.util.Calendar round-trips"
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string))))
(testing "java.util.Calendar remembers timezone in literal"
(is (= "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.666-06:00\""
(-> s read-string pr-str)))
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string))))
(testing "java.util.Calendar preserves milliseconds"
(is (= 666 (-> s read-string
(.get java.util.Calendar/MILLISECOND)))))))
(let [s "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.123456789\""
s2 "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.123\""
s3 "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.123456789123\""]
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-timestamp}]
(testing "read-instant-timestamp produces java.sql.Timestamp"
(is (= java.sql.Timestamp (class (read-string s)))))
(testing "java.sql.Timestamp preserves nanoseconds"
(is (= 123456789 (-> s read-string .getNanos)))
(is (= 123456789 (-> s read-string pr-str read-string .getNanos)))
;; truncate at nanos for s3
(is (= 123456789 (-> s3 read-string pr-str read-string .getNanos))))
(testing "java.sql.Timestamp should compare nanos"
(is (= (read-string s) (read-string s3)))
(is (not= (read-string s) (read-string s2)))))
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-date}]
(testing "read-instant-date should truncate at milliseconds"
(is (= (read-string s) (read-string s2) (read-string s3))))))
(let [s "#inst \"2010-11-12T03:14:15.123+05:00\""
s2 "#inst \"2010-11-11T22:14:15.123Z\""]
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-date}]
(testing "read-instant-date should convert to UTC"
(is (= (read-string s) (read-string s2)))))
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-timestamp}]
(testing "read-instant-timestamp should convert to UTC"
(is (= (read-string s) (read-string s2)))))
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-calendar}]
(testing "read-instant-calendar should preserve timezone"
(is (not= (read-string s) (read-string s2)))))))
(deftest unknown-tag
(let [my-unknown (fn [tag val] {:unknown-tag tag :value val})
throw-on-unknown (fn [tag val] (throw (RuntimeException. (str "No data reader function for tag " tag))))
my-uuid (partial my-unknown 'uuid)
u "#uuid \"550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000\""
s "#never.heard.of/some-tag [1 2]" ]
(binding [*data-readers* {'uuid my-uuid}
*default-data-reader-fn* my-unknown]
(testing "Unknown tag"
(is (= (read-string s)
{:unknown-tag 'never.heard.of/some-tag
:value [1 2]})))
(testing "Override uuid tag"
(is (= (read-string u)
{:unknown-tag 'uuid
:value "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"}))))
(deftest preserve-read-cond-test
(let [x (read-string {:read-cond :preserve} "#?(:clj foo :cljs bar)" )]
(is (reader-conditional? x))
(is (not (:splicing? x)))
(is (= :foo (get x :no-such-key :foo)))
(is (= (:form x) '(:clj foo :cljs bar)))
(is (= x (reader-conditional '(:clj foo :cljs bar) false))))
(let [x (read-string {:read-cond :preserve} "#?@(:clj [foo])" )]
(is (reader-conditional? x))
(is (:splicing? x))
(is (= :foo (get x :no-such-key :foo)))
(is (= (:form x) '(:clj [foo])))
(is (= x (reader-conditional '(:clj [foo]) true))))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"No reader function for tag"
(read-string {:read-cond :preserve} "#js {:x 1 :y 2}" )))
(let [x (read-string {:read-cond :preserve} "#?(:cljs #js {:x 1 :y 2})")
[platform tl] (:form x)]
(is (reader-conditional? x))
(is (tagged-literal? tl))
(is (= 'js (:tag tl)))
(is (= {:x 1 :y 2} (:form tl)))
(is (= :foo (get tl :no-such-key :foo)))
(is (= tl (tagged-literal 'js {:x 1 :y 2}))))
(testing "print form roundtrips"
(doseq [s ["#?(:clj foo :cljs bar)"
"#?(:cljs #js {:x 1, :y 2})"
"#?(:clj #clojure.test_clojure.reader.TestRecord [42 85])"]]
(is (= s (pr-str (read-string {:read-cond :preserve} s)))))))
(deftest reader-conditionals
(testing "basic read-cond"
(is (= '[foo-form]
(read-string {:read-cond :allow :features #{:foo}} "[#?(:foo foo-form :bar bar-form)]")))
(is (= '[bar-form]
(read-string {:read-cond :allow :features #{:bar}} "[#?(:foo foo-form :bar bar-form)]")))
(is (= '[foo-form]
(read-string {:read-cond :allow :features #{:foo :bar}} "[#?(:foo foo-form :bar bar-form)]")))
(is (= '[]
(read-string {:read-cond :allow :features #{:baz}} "[#?( :foo foo-form :bar bar-form)]"))))
(testing "environmental features"
(is (= "clojure" #?(:clj "clojure" :cljs "clojurescript" :default "default"))))
(testing "default features"
(is (= "default" #?(:clj-clr "clr" :cljs "cljs" :default "default"))))
(testing "splicing"
(is (= [] [#?@(:clj [])]))
(is (= [:a] [#?@(:clj [:a])]))
(is (= [:a :b] [#?@(:clj [:a :b])]))
(is (= [:a :b :c] [#?@(:clj [:a :b :c])]))
(is (= [:a :b :c] [#?@(:clj [:a :b :c])])))
(testing "nested splicing"
(is (= [:a :b :c :d :e]
[#?@(:clj [:a #?@(:clj [:b #?@(:clj [:c]) :d]):e])]))
(is (= '(+ 1 (+ 2 3))
'(+ #?@(:clj [1 (+ #?@(:clj [2 3]))]))))
(is (= '(+ (+ 2 3) 1)
'(+ #?@(:clj [(+ #?@(:clj [2 3])) 1]))))
(is (= [:a [:b [:c] :d] :e]
[#?@(:clj [:a [#?@(:clj [:b #?@(:clj [[:c]]) :d])] :e])])))
(testing "bypass unknown tagged literals"
(is (= [1 2 3] #?(:cljs #js [1 2 3] :clj [1 2 3])))
(is (= :clojure #?(:foo #some.nonexistent.Record {:x 1} :clj :clojure))))
(testing "error cases"
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"Feature should be a keyword" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?((+ 1 2) :a)")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"even number of forms" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?(:cljs :a :clj)")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"read-cond-splicing must implement" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?@(:clj :a)")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"is reserved" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?@(:foo :a :else :b)")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"must be a list" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?[:foo :a :else :b]")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"Conditional read not allowed" (read-string {:read-cond :BOGUS} "#?[:clj :a :default nil]")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"Conditional read not allowed" (read-string "#?[:clj :a :default nil]")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"Reader conditional splicing not allowed at the top level" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?@(:clj [1 2])")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"Reader conditional splicing not allowed at the top level" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?@(:clj [1])")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"Reader conditional splicing not allowed at the top level" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?@(:clj []) 1"))))
(testing "clj-1698-regression"
(let [opts {:features #{:clj} :read-cond :allow}]
(is (= 1 (read-string opts "#?(:cljs {'a 1 'b 2} :clj 1)")))
(is (= 1 (read-string opts "#?(:cljs (let [{{b :b} :a {d :d} :c} {}]) :clj 1)")))
(is (= '(def m {}) (read-string opts "(def m #?(:cljs ^{:a :b} {} :clj ^{:a :b} {}))")))
(is (= '(def m {}) (read-string opts "(def m #?(:cljs ^{:a :b} {} :clj ^{:a :b} {}))")))
(is (= 1 (read-string opts "#?(:cljs {:a #_:b :c} :clj 1)")))))
(testing "nil expressions"
(is (nil? #?(:default nil)))
(is (nil? #?(:foo :bar :clj nil)))
(is (nil? #?(:clj nil :foo :bar)))
(is (nil? #?(:foo :bar :default nil)))))
(deftest test-read+string
(let [[r s] (read+string (str->lnpr "[:foo 100]"))]
(is (= [:foo 100] r))
(is (= "[:foo 100]" s)))
(let [[r s] (read+string {:read-cond :allow :features #{:y}} (str->lnpr "#?(:x :foo :y :bar)"))]
(is (= :bar r))
(is (= "#?(:x :foo :y :bar)" s))))
(ns frontend.pubsub
"All mults and pubs are collected to this ns.
vars with suffix '-mult' is a/Mult, use a/tap and a/untap on them. used by event subscribers
vars with suffix '-pub' is a/Pub, use a/sub and a/unsub on them. used by event subscribers
vars with suffix '-ch' is chan used by event publishers."
{:clj-kondo/config {:linters {:unresolved-symbol {:level :off}}}}
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [frontend.pubsub :refer [def-mult-or-pub chan-of]]))
(:require [clojure.core.async :as a :refer [chan mult pub]]
[clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as ap]
[malli.core :as m]
[ :as mdp]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
;;; helper macro
(defmacro chan-of [malli-schema malli-schema-validator & chan-args]
`(let [ch# (chan ~@chan-args)]
(~'take! [~'_ fn1-handler#]
(ap/take! ch# fn1-handler#))
(~'put! [~'_ val# fn1-handler#]
(if (~malli-schema-validator val#)
(ap/put! ch# val# fn1-handler#)
(do (mdp/explain ~malli-schema val#)
(throw (ex-info "validate chan value failed" {:val val#}))))))))
(defmacro def-mult-or-pub
"define following vars:
- `symbol-name`-ch for event publisher.
- `symbol-name`-mult or `symbol-name`-pub for event subscribers.
- `symbol-name`-validator is malli schema validator
def -pub var when `:topic-fn` exists otherwise -mult var"
[symbol-name doc-string malli-schema & {:keys [ch-buffer topic-fn]
:or {ch-buffer 1}}]
(let [schema-validator-name (symbol (str symbol-name "-validator"))
schema-name (symbol (str symbol-name "-schema"))
ch-name (symbol (str symbol-name "-ch"))
mult-or-pub-name (if topic-fn
(symbol (str symbol-name "-pub"))
(symbol (str symbol-name "-mult")))
doc-string* (str doc-string "\nMalli-schema:\n" (with-out-str (pp/pprint malli-schema)))]
(def ~schema-name ~malli-schema)
(def ~schema-validator-name (m/validator ~malli-schema))
(def ~ch-name ~doc-string* (chan-of ~malli-schema ~schema-validator-name ~ch-buffer))
~(if topic-fn
`(def ~mult-or-pub-name ~doc-string* (pub ~ch-name ~topic-fn))
`(def ~mult-or-pub-name ~doc-string* (mult ~ch-name))))))
(def-mult-or-pub sync-events
"file-sync events"
[:event [:enum
[:data :map]]
:topic-fn :event
:ch-buffer (a/sliding-buffer 10))
(ns io.pedestal.http.jetty.container
(:require [io.pedestal.http.container :as container]
[clojure.core.async :as async])
(:import (java.nio.channels ReadableByteChannel)
(java.nio ByteBuffer)
(org.eclipse.jetty.server Response)))
(extend-protocol container/WriteNIOByteBody
(write-byte-channel-body [servlet-response ^ReadableByteChannel body resume-chan context]
(let [os ^org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpOutput (.getHttpOutput servlet-response)]
(.sendContent os body (reify org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback
(succeeded [this]
(.close body)
(async/put! resume-chan context)
(async/close! resume-chan))
(failed [this throwable]
(.close body)
(async/put! resume-chan (assoc context :io.pedestal.impl.interceptor/error throwable))
(async/close! resume-chan))))))
(write-byte-buffer-body [servlet-response ^ByteBuffer body resume-chan context]
(let [os ^org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpOutput (.getHttpOutput servlet-response)]
(.sendContent os body (reify org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback
(succeeded [this]
(async/put! resume-chan context)
(async/close! resume-chan))
(failed [this throwable]
(async/put! resume-chan (assoc context :io.pedestal.impl.interceptor/error throwable))
(async/close! resume-chan)))))))
(ns datahike.http.writer
"Remote writer implementation for datahike.http.server through datahike.http.client."
(:require [datahike.writer :refer [PWriter create-writer create-database delete-database]]
[datahike.http.client :refer [request-json] :as client]
[datahike.json :as json]
[ :as dt :refer [throwable-promise]]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[clojure.core.async :refer [promise-chan put!]]))
(defrecord DatahikeServerWriter [remote-peer conn]
(-dispatch! [_ arg-map]
(let [{:keys [op args]} arg-map
p (promise-chan)
config (:config @(:wrapped-atom conn))]
(log/debug "Sending operation to datahike-server:" op)
(log/trace "Arguments:" arg-map)
(put! p
(request-json :post
(str op "-writer")
(vec (concat [config] args))
(catch Exception e
(-shutdown [_])
(-streaming? [_] false))
(defmethod create-database :datahike-server
[& args]
(let [p (throwable-promise)
{:keys [writer] :as config} (first args)]
;; redirect call to remote-peer as writer config
(deliver p (try (->
(request-json :post
(vec (concat [(-> config
(assoc :remote-peer writer)
(dissoc :writer))]
(rest args))))
(dissoc :remote-peer))
(catch Exception e
(defmethod delete-database :datahike-server
[& args]
(let [p (throwable-promise)
{:keys [writer] :as config} (first args)]
;; redirect call to remote-peer as writer config
(deliver p (try
(-> (request-json :post
(vec (concat [(-> config
(assoc :remote-peer writer)
(dissoc :writer))]
(rest args))))
(dissoc :remote-peer))
(catch Exception e
(ns cortex.nn.impl
"Implementation helpers to aid implementing neural network cortex protocols
or specific neural network layers"
(:require [cortex.nn.layers :as layers]
[clojure.core.matrix.macros :refer [c-for]]))
(defmacro convolution-outer-kernel
[conv-desc & body]
`(let [~'conv-desc ~conv-desc
~'output-width (long (:output-width ~'conv-desc))
~'output-height (long (:output-height ~'conv-desc))
~'num-in-channels (long (:input-channels ~'conv-desc))
~'num-out-channels (long (:output-channels ~'conv-desc))
~'input-width (long (:input-width ~'conv-desc))
~'input-height (long (:input-height ~'conv-desc))
~'input-planar-stride (* ~'input-width ~'input-height)
~'output-planar-stride (* ~'output-width ~'output-height)
~'kernel-width (long (:kernel-width ~'conv-desc))
~'kernel-height (long (:kernel-height ~'conv-desc))
~'output-channel-stride (* ~'kernel-width ~'kernel-height)
~'output-column-stride (* ~'output-channel-stride ~'num-in-channels)
~'stride-y (long (:stride-y ~'conv-desc))
~'stride-x (long (:stride-x ~'conv-desc))
~'pad-x (long (:pad-x ~'conv-desc))
~'pad-y (long (:pad-y ~'conv-desc))
~'min-x (- 0 ~'pad-x)
~'min-y (- 0 ~'pad-y)
~'max-x (+ ~'input-width ~'pad-x)
~'max-y (+ ~'input-height ~'pad-y)
~'kernel-num-elems (* ~'kernel-width ~'kernel-height)]
[~'chan 0 (< ~'chan ~'num-in-channels) (inc ~'chan)]
(let [~'chan-input-offset (* ~'chan ~'input-planar-stride)
~'chan-output-offset (* ~'chan ~'output-planar-stride)]
[~'out-y 0 (< ~'out-y ~'output-height) (inc ~'out-y)]
(let [~'input-rel-y (- (* ~'out-y ~'stride-y) ~'pad-y)]
[~'out-x 0 (< ~'out-x ~'output-width) (inc ~'out-x)]
(let [~'input-rel-x (- (* ~'out-x ~'stride-x) ~'pad-x)]
(defmacro convolution-roll-unroll-inner-kernel
[& body]
`(let [~'chan-conv-offset (* ~'chan ~'output-channel-stride)
~'output-offset (+ (* ~'out-y ~'output-width)
;;positive values for how far out we are into the padding
input-over-x# (max 0 (- (+ ~'input-rel-x ~'kernel-width)
input-over-y# (max 0 (- (+ ~'input-rel-y ~'kernel-height)
;;Negative values for how far before the 0 idx we are.
input-under-x# (min ~'input-rel-x 0)
input-under-y# (min ~'input-rel-y 0)
;;Width of the kernel excluding padding
~'exc-pad-width (max 0 (+ (- ~'kernel-width input-over-x#)
~'exc-pad-height (max 0 (+ (- ~'kernel-height input-over-y#)
~'exc-pad-kernel-num-elems (* ~'exc-pad-width ~'exc-pad-height)]
[~'k-y 0 (< ~'k-y ~'kernel-height) (inc ~'k-y)]
[~'k-x 0 (< ~'k-x ~'kernel-width) (inc ~'k-x)]
(let [~'input-x (+ ~'input-rel-x ~'k-x)
~'input-y (+ ~'input-rel-y ~'k-y)
~'output-conv-addr (+ (* ~'output-offset
(* ~'k-y ~'kernel-width)
~'input-addr (+ (* ~'input-y ~'input-width)
~'input-valid? (and (in-bounds? ~'input-x 0 ~'input-width)
(in-bounds? ~'input-y 0 ~'input-height))
loop-valid?# (and (in-bounds? ~'input-x ~'min-x ~'max-x)
(in-bounds? ~'input-y ~'min-y ~'max-y))]
(when loop-valid?#
(ns hoplon.binding
(:refer-clojure :exclude [binding bound-fn])
(:require [clojure.core :as clj]
[cljs.analyzer :as a]))
(defmacro binding
"See clojure.core/binding."
[bindings & body]
(let [env (assoc &env :ns (a/get-namespace a/*cljs-ns*))
value-exprs (take-nth 2 (rest bindings))
bind-syms (map #(:name (a/resolve-existing-var env %)) (take-nth 2 bindings))
bind-syms' (map (partial list 'quote) bind-syms)
set-syms (repeatedly (count bind-syms) gensym)
setfn (fn [x y]
{:push! `(fn []
(let [z# ~x]
(set! ~x ~y)
(fn [] (set! ~x z#))))})
thunkmaps (map setfn bind-syms set-syms)]
(a/confirm-bindings env bind-syms)
`(let [~@(interleave set-syms value-exprs)]
(hoplon.binding/push-thread-bindings ~(zipmap bind-syms' thunkmaps))
(try ~@body (finally (hoplon.binding/pop-thread-bindings))))))