Public Vars


take (clj)



(take n) (take n coll)
Returns a lazy sequence of the first n items in coll, or all items if there are fewer than n. Returns a stateful transducer when no collection is provided.


(ns clojure.test-clojure.reducers
  (:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
            [clojure.test.generative :refer (defspec)]
            [ :as gen])
  (:use clojure.test))

(deftest test-mapcat-obeys-reduced
  (is (= [1 "0" 2 "1" 3]
        (->> (concat (range 100) (lazy-seq (throw (Exception. "Too eager"))))
          (r/mapcat (juxt inc str))
          (r/take 5)
          (into [])))))
(ns frontend.pubsub
  "All mults and pubs are collected to this ns.
  vars with suffix '-mult' is a/Mult, use a/tap and a/untap on them. used by event subscribers
  vars with suffix '-pub' is a/Pub, use a/sub and a/unsub on them. used by event subscribers
  vars with suffix '-ch' is chan used by event publishers."
  {:clj-kondo/config {:linters {:unresolved-symbol {:level :off}}}}
  #?(:cljs (:require-macros [frontend.pubsub :refer [def-mult-or-pub chan-of]]))
  (:require [clojure.core.async :as a :refer [chan mult pub]]
            [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as ap]
            [malli.core :as m]
            [ :as mdp]
            [clojure.pprint :as pp]))

;;; helper macro
(defmacro chan-of [malli-schema malli-schema-validator & chan-args]
  `(let [ch# (chan ~@chan-args)]
       (~'take! [~'_ fn1-handler#]
        (ap/take! ch# fn1-handler#))
       (~'put! [~'_ val# fn1-handler#]
        (if (~malli-schema-validator val#)
          (ap/put! ch# val# fn1-handler#)
          (do (mdp/explain ~malli-schema val#)
              (throw (ex-info "validate chan value failed" {:val val#}))))))))
;; The clojure.core.async namespace contains the public API.
(require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer :all])

;; `close!` a channel to stop accepting puts. Remaining values are still
;; available to take. Drained channels return nil on take. Nils may
;; not be sent over a channel explicitly!

;; In ordinary threads, we use `>!!` (blocking put) and `<!!`
;; (blocking take) to communicate via channels.

;; The `go` macro asynchronously executes its body in a special pool
;; of threads. Channel operations that would block will pause
;; execution instead, blocking no threads. This mechanism encapsulates
;; the inversion of control that is external in event/callback
;; systems. Inside `go` blocks, we use `>!` (put) and `<!` (take).

;; Instead of the explicit thread and blocking call, we use a go block
;; for the producer. The consumer uses a go block to take, then
;; returns a result channel, from which we do a blocking take.

;; We can create a background thread with alts that combines inputs on
;; either of two channels. `alts!!` takes a set of operations
;; to perform - either a channel to take from or a [channel value] to put
;; and returns the value (nil for put) and channel that succeeded:
(ns hoplon.binding
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [binding bound-fn])
  (:require [clojure.core  :as clj]
            [cljs.analyzer :as a]))

(defmacro binding
  "See clojure.core/binding."
  [bindings & body]
  (let [env           (assoc &env :ns (a/get-namespace a/*cljs-ns*))
        value-exprs   (take-nth 2 (rest bindings))
        bind-syms     (map #(:name (a/resolve-existing-var env %)) (take-nth 2 bindings))
        bind-syms'    (map (partial list 'quote) bind-syms)
        set-syms      (repeatedly (count bind-syms) gensym)
        setfn         (fn [x y]
                        {:push! `(fn []
                                   (let [z# ~x]
                                     (set! ~x ~y)
                                     (fn [] (set! ~x z#))))})
        thunkmaps     (map setfn bind-syms set-syms)]
    (a/confirm-bindings env bind-syms)
    `(let [~@(interleave set-syms value-exprs)]
       (hoplon.binding/push-thread-bindings ~(zipmap bind-syms' thunkmaps))
       (try ~@body (finally (hoplon.binding/pop-thread-bindings))))))
  {:no-doc true}
    [manifold.deferred :as d]
    [clojure.core.async :as a]
     [graph :as g]
     [core :as s]]
     [executor :as executor]
     [utils :as utils]])

(s/def-source CoreAsyncSource
  [ch ^AtomicReference last-take]

  (take [this default-val blocking?]
    (if blocking?

      (let [d  (d/deferred)
            d' (.getAndSet last-take d)
            f  (fn [_]
                 (a/take! ch
                          (fn [msg]
                            (d/success! d
                                        (if (nil? msg)
                                            (.markDrained this)
        (if (d/realized? d')
          (f nil)
          (d/on-realized d' f f))

  (take [this default-val blocking? timeout timeout-val]
    (let [d            (d/deferred)
          d'           (.getAndSet last-take d)

          ;; if I don't take this out of the goroutine, core.async OOMs on compilation
          mark-drained #(.markDrained this)
          f            (fn [_]
                           (let [result (a/alt!
                                          ch ([x] (if (nil? x)
                                          (a/timeout timeout) timeout-val
                                          :priority true)]
                             (d/success! d result))))]
      (if (d/realized? d')
        (f nil)
        (d/on-realized d' f f))
      (if blocking?

    (assert (not (nil? x)) "core.async channel cannot take `nil` as a message")

    (if (nil? timeout)
      (.put this x blocking?)
      (assert (not (nil? x)) "core.async channel cannot take `nil` as a message"))
(ns deuce.emacs.indent
  (:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar)])
  (:require [clojure.core :as c]
            [deuce.emacs.buffer :as buffer]
            [ :as data]
            [deuce.emacs.editfns :as editfns])
  (:refer-clojure :exclude []))

  OFFSETS is either nil or a cons cell (HSCROLL . TAB-OFFSET).
  HSCROLL is the number of columns not being displayed at the left
  margin; this is usually taken from a window's hscroll member.
  TAB-OFFSET is the number of columns of the first tab that aren't
  being displayed, perhaps because the line was continued within it.
  If OFFSETS is nil, HSCROLL and TAB-OFFSET are assumed to be zero.

  LINES can optionally take the form (COLS . LINES), in which case
  the motion will not stop at the start of a screen line but on
  its column COLS (if such exists on that line, that is).