Public Vars


hash-set (clj)



(hash-set) (hash-set & keys)
Returns a new hash set with supplied keys. Any equal keys are handled as if by repeated uses of conj.


(ns tesser.simple-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [clojure.test.check :as tc]
            [clojure.test.check [clojure-test :refer :all]
                                [generators :as gen]
                                [properties :as prop]]
            [multiset.core :refer [multiset]]
            [tesser.simple :as s]
            [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
            [clojure.set :as set]))

(defspec fold-spec
  (let [reducer (r/monoid conj hash-set)]
    (prop/for-all [xs flat-ints]
                  (and (is (= (r/fold + xs)
                              (s/fold + xs)))
                       (is (= (r/fold set/union reducer xs)
                              (s/fold set/union reducer xs)))))))
(ns uncomplicate.fluokitten.core-test
  (:use [uncomplicate.fluokitten algo jvm core test utils])
  (:use [midje.sweet :exclude [just]])
  (:require [clojure.string :as s]
            [clojure.core.reducers :as r]))

(monad-law1-left-identity #{} (comp hash-set inc) 6)

(monad-law1-left-identity #{} (comp hash-set +) 6 7 99)

(monad-law3-associativity (comp hash-set inc) (comp hash-set (partial * 10)) #{5 -56 30})

(data-structures-should-preserve-metadata inc + hash-set #{1 2 3} #{4 5 6})

   (bind (apply hash-set (range 1 500)) returning-f) => (apply hash-set (distinct (range 2 501)))

   (bind (apply hash-set (range 1 500)) (apply hash-set (range 1 500))
         (apply hash-set (range 1 500)) returning-f)
   => (apply hash-set (distinct (range 3 1500 3)))
(ns ^:no-doc typed.ann.clojure
  "Type annotations for the base Clojure distribution."
  #?(:cljs (:require-macros [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros]))
  (:require [clojure.core :as cc]
            [typed.clojure :as t]
            #?(:clj [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros])
            #?(:clj typed.ann.clojure.jvm) ;; jvm annotations
            #?(:clj clojure.core.typed))
     (:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashSet PersistentList
                            APersistentMap #_IPersistentCollection
              (java.util Comparator Collection))))

cc/set (t/All [x] [(t/Seqable x) :-> #?(:cljs (t/Set x)
                                        :default (PersistentHashSet x))])
cc/hash-set (t/All [x] [x :* :-> #?(:cljs (t/Set x)
                                    :default (PersistentHashSet x))])
;cc/hash-map (t/All [x y z :..]
;                   (t/IFn [(t/cat z z) :.. z :-> (t/Assoc '{} z :.. z)]
;                          [(t/cat x y) :* :-> (t/Map x y)]))
cc/hash-map (t/All [x y] [(t/cat x y) :* :-> (t/Map x y)])
cc/array-map (t/All [x y] [(t/cat x y) :* :-> (t/Map x y)])
cc/sorted-map (t/All [x y] [(t/cat x y) :* :-> (t/SortedMap x y)])
cc/sorted-map-by (t/All [x y] [[x x :-> t/Int] (t/cat x y) :* :-> (t/SortedMap x y)])
cc/sorted-set (t/All [x] [x :* :-> (t/SortedSet x)])
;;FIXME use t/Comparator for first arg
cc/sorted-set-by (t/All [x] [[x x :-> t/Int] x :* :-> (t/SortedSet x)])
cc/list (t/All [x] [x :* :-> (#?(:clj PersistentList :cljs t/List) x)])
;cc/list* (t/All [x] [x :* (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/NilableNonEmptyASeq x)])
cc/list* (t/All [x] (t/IFn [(t/Seqable x) :-> (t/NilableNonEmptyASeq x)]
                           [x (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq x)]
                           [x x (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq x)]
                           [x x x (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq x)]
                           [x x x x (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq x)]
                           [x x x x x (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq x)]
                           [x x x x x x (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq x)]
                           [x x x x x x x (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq x)]
                           [x x x x x x x x (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq x)]
                           [x x x x x x x x x (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq x)]
                           [x x x x x x x x x x (t/Seqable x) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq x)]))
(ns soac.test.hopscotch
  (:use clojure.test
  (:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r])
  (:import [java.util HashMap HashSet]))

(deftest test-set
  (let [a (prim-hash-set :int)
        b (into #{} (repeatedly 100 #(rand-int 200)))
        c (into a b)]
    (is (every? #(contains? c %) b))
    (is (= b c))))

(deftest test-set-disj
  (let [a (into #{} (repeatedly 100 #(rand-int 200)))
        b (take 30 (shuffle (vec a)))
        d (reduce disj (into (prim-hash-set :int) a) b)
        e (reduce disj a b)]
    (is (= d e))
    (is (empty? (reduce disj (into (prim-hash-set :int) (range 100)) (range 100))))))

(deftest test-overwrite
  (is (== 1 (count (into (prim-hash-set :int) [4 4]))))
  (let [a (-> (prim-hash-map :int :double) (assoc 1 2.0) (assoc 1 3.0))]
    (is (== 1 (count a)))
    (is (== 3.0 (get a 1)))))

(deftest test-boxing
  (is (contains? (conj (prim-hash-set :int) (int 4)) (long 4)))
  (is (== 1 (count (into (prim-hash-set :int) [(long 4) (int 4)])))))

(deftest test-reducers
  (is (->> [1 2 3 4 5] (into (prim-hash-set :int)) (r/reduce +) (== 15)))
  (is (->> [[0 1][2 3][4 5]] (into (prim-hash-map :int :int)) (r/reduce +) (== 15) )))

(deftest ^:performance test-speed
  (let [to-insert (long-array (repeatedly 1000000 #(rand-int Integer/MAX_VALUE)))
        clj-set (do (print "Clojure set insert: ")
                  (time (into #{} to-insert)))
        java-set (do (print "Java set insert: ")
                   (time (let [a (HashSet.)]
                           (doseq [e to-insert] (.add ^HashSet a e))
        imm-set (do (print "Immutable primitive set insert: ")
                  (time (into (prim-hash-set :long) to-insert)))]
    (print "Clojure set lookup: ")
    (time (every? #(contains? clj-set %) to-insert))
    (print "Java set lookup: ")
    (time (every? #(.contains ^HashSet java-set %) to-insert))
    (print "Immutable primitive set lookup: ")
    (time (every? #(contains? imm-set %) to-insert))
    (print "Clojure set removal: ")
    (time (reduce disj clj-set to-insert))
    (print "Java set removal: ")
    (time (doseq [e to-insert] (.remove ^HashSet java-set e)))
    (print "Immutable primitive set removal: ")
    (time (reduce disj imm-set to-insert))
    (print "Clojure set traversal: ")
    (time (doseq [e clj-set]))
    (print "Java set traversal: ")
    (time (doseq [e java-set]))
    (print "Immutable primitive set traversal: ")
    (time (doseq [e imm-set]))))
  (:require [clojure.core.matrix :as cm]
            [ :as cd]
            [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [clojure.test.check :as tc]
            [clojure.test.check.clojure-test :refer :all]
            [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
            [ :as prop]
            [mertonon.generators.aug-net :as aug-net-gen]
            [ :as net-gen]
            [ :as gs]
            [ :as ms]
            [mertonon.test-utils :as tu]))

;; Do not let matrix rows sum to zero because we l1-normalize matrix rows and what's normalization of a zero row anyways
(defspec matrix-rows-do-not-sum-to-zero
  (prop/for-all [matrix-weights net-gen/generate-matrix-weights]
                (let [elem-set (->> matrix-weights ms/weights->matrix :matrix
                                    cm/slices (mapv cm/esum) (apply hash-set))]
                  (every? #(not (zero? %)) elem-set))))