str (clj)
(str x)
(str x & ys)
With no args, returns the empty string. With one arg x, returns
x.toString(). (str nil) returns the empty string. With more than
one arg, returns the concatenation of the str values of the args.
(deftest division
(is (= clojure.core// /))
(binding [*ns* *ns*]
(eval '(do (ns foo
(:require [clojure.core :as bar])
(:use [clojure.test]))
(is (= clojure.core// bar//))))))
(deftest Instants
(testing "Instants are read as java.util.Date by default"
(is (= java.util.Date (class #inst "2010-11-12T13:14:15.666"))))
(let [s "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.666-06:00\""]
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-date}]
(testing "read-instant-date produces java.util.Date"
(is (= java.util.Date (class (read-string s)))))
(testing "java.util.Date instants round-trips"
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string))))
(testing "java.util.Date instants round-trip throughout the year"
(doseq [month (range 1 13) day (range 1 29) hour (range 1 23)]
(let [s (format "#inst \"2010-%02d-%02dT%02d:14:15.666-06:00\"" month day hour)]
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string))))))
(testing "java.util.Date handling DST in time zones"
(let [dtz (TimeZone/getDefault)]
;; A timezone with DST in effect during 2010-11-12
(TimeZone/setDefault (TimeZone/getTimeZone "Australia/Sydney"))
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string)))
(finally (TimeZone/setDefault dtz)))))
(testing "java.util.Date should always print in UTC"
(let [d (read-string s)
pstr (print-str d)
len (.length pstr)]
(is (= (subs pstr (- len 7)) "-00:00\"")))))
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-calendar}]
(testing "read-instant-calendar produces java.util.Calendar"
(is (instance? java.util.Calendar (read-string s))))
(testing "java.util.Calendar round-trips"
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string))))
(testing "java.util.Calendar remembers timezone in literal"
(is (= "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.666-06:00\""
(-> s read-string pr-str)))
(is (= (-> s read-string)
(-> s read-string pr-str read-string))))
(testing "java.util.Calendar preserves milliseconds"
(is (= 666 (-> s read-string
(.get java.util.Calendar/MILLISECOND)))))))
(let [s "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.123456789\""
s2 "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.123\""
s3 "#inst \"2010-11-12T13:14:15.123456789123\""]
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-timestamp}]
(testing "read-instant-timestamp produces java.sql.Timestamp"
(is (= java.sql.Timestamp (class (read-string s)))))
(testing "java.sql.Timestamp preserves nanoseconds"
(is (= 123456789 (-> s read-string .getNanos)))
(is (= 123456789 (-> s read-string pr-str read-string .getNanos)))
;; truncate at nanos for s3
(is (= 123456789 (-> s3 read-string pr-str read-string .getNanos))))
(testing "java.sql.Timestamp should compare nanos"
(is (= (read-string s) (read-string s3)))
(is (not= (read-string s) (read-string s2)))))
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-date}]
(testing "read-instant-date should truncate at milliseconds"
(is (= (read-string s) (read-string s2) (read-string s3))))))
(let [s "#inst \"2010-11-12T03:14:15.123+05:00\""
s2 "#inst \"2010-11-11T22:14:15.123Z\""]
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-date}]
(testing "read-instant-date should convert to UTC"
(is (= (read-string s) (read-string s2)))))
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-timestamp}]
(testing "read-instant-timestamp should convert to UTC"
(is (= (read-string s) (read-string s2)))))
(binding [*data-readers* {'inst read-instant-calendar}]
(testing "read-instant-calendar should preserve timezone"
(is (not= (read-string s) (read-string s2)))))))
(deftest UUID
(is (= java.util.UUID (class #uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000")))
(is (.equals #uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"
#uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"))
(is (not (identical? #uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"
#uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000")))
(is (= 4 (.version #uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000")))
(is (= (print-str #uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000")
"#uuid \"550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000\"")))
(deftest unknown-tag
(let [my-unknown (fn [tag val] {:unknown-tag tag :value val})
throw-on-unknown (fn [tag val] (throw (RuntimeException. (str "No data reader function for tag " tag))))
my-uuid (partial my-unknown 'uuid)
u "#uuid \"550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000\""
s "#never.heard.of/some-tag [1 2]" ]
(binding [*data-readers* {'uuid my-uuid}
*default-data-reader-fn* my-unknown]
(testing "Unknown tag"
(is (= (read-string s)
{:unknown-tag 'never.heard.of/some-tag
:value [1 2]})))
(testing "Override uuid tag"
(is (= (read-string u)
{:unknown-tag 'uuid
:value "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"}))))
(binding [*default-data-reader-fn* throw-on-unknown]
(testing "Unknown tag with custom throw-on-unknown"
(are [err msg form] (thrown-with-msg? err msg (read-string form))
Exception #"No data reader function for tag foo" "#foo [1 2]"
Exception #"No data reader function for tag bar/foo" "#bar/foo [1 2]"
Exception #"No data reader function for tag bar.baz/foo" "#bar.baz/foo [1 2]")))
(testing "Unknown tag out-of-the-box behavior (like Clojure 1.4)"
(are [err msg form] (thrown-with-msg? err msg (read-string form))
Exception #"No reader function for tag foo" "#foo [1 2]"
Exception #"No reader function for tag bar/foo" "#bar/foo [1 2]"
Exception #"No reader function for tag bar.baz/foo" "#bar.baz/foo [1 2]"))))
(defn roundtrip
"Print an object and read it back. Returns rather than throws
any exceptions."
(binding [*print-length* nil
*print-dup* nil
*print-level* nil]
(-> o pr-str read-string)
(catch Throwable t t))))
(defn roundtrip-dup
"Print an object with print-dup and read it back.
Returns rather than throws any exceptions."
(binding [*print-length* nil
*print-dup* true
*print-level* nil]
(-> o pr-str read-string)
(catch Throwable t t))))
(deftest preserve-read-cond-test
(let [x (read-string {:read-cond :preserve} "#?(:clj foo :cljs bar)" )]
(is (reader-conditional? x))
(is (not (:splicing? x)))
(is (= :foo (get x :no-such-key :foo)))
(is (= (:form x) '(:clj foo :cljs bar)))
(is (= x (reader-conditional '(:clj foo :cljs bar) false))))
(let [x (read-string {:read-cond :preserve} "#?@(:clj [foo])" )]
(is (reader-conditional? x))
(is (:splicing? x))
(is (= :foo (get x :no-such-key :foo)))
(is (= (:form x) '(:clj [foo])))
(is (= x (reader-conditional '(:clj [foo]) true))))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"No reader function for tag"
(read-string {:read-cond :preserve} "#js {:x 1 :y 2}" )))
(let [x (read-string {:read-cond :preserve} "#?(:cljs #js {:x 1 :y 2})")
[platform tl] (:form x)]
(is (reader-conditional? x))
(is (tagged-literal? tl))
(is (= 'js (:tag tl)))
(is (= {:x 1 :y 2} (:form tl)))
(is (= :foo (get tl :no-such-key :foo)))
(is (= tl (tagged-literal 'js {:x 1 :y 2}))))
(testing "print form roundtrips"
(doseq [s ["#?(:clj foo :cljs bar)"
"#?(:cljs #js {:x 1, :y 2})"
"#?(:clj #clojure.test_clojure.reader.TestRecord [42 85])"]]
(is (= s (pr-str (read-string {:read-cond :preserve} s)))))))
(deftest reader-conditionals
(testing "basic read-cond"
(is (= '[foo-form]
(read-string {:read-cond :allow :features #{:foo}} "[#?(:foo foo-form :bar bar-form)]")))
(is (= '[bar-form]
(read-string {:read-cond :allow :features #{:bar}} "[#?(:foo foo-form :bar bar-form)]")))
(is (= '[foo-form]
(read-string {:read-cond :allow :features #{:foo :bar}} "[#?(:foo foo-form :bar bar-form)]")))
(is (= '[]
(read-string {:read-cond :allow :features #{:baz}} "[#?( :foo foo-form :bar bar-form)]"))))
(testing "environmental features"
(is (= "clojure" #?(:clj "clojure" :cljs "clojurescript" :default "default"))))
(testing "default features"
(is (= "default" #?(:clj-clr "clr" :cljs "cljs" :default "default"))))
(testing "splicing"
(is (= [] [#?@(:clj [])]))
(is (= [:a] [#?@(:clj [:a])]))
(is (= [:a :b] [#?@(:clj [:a :b])]))
(is (= [:a :b :c] [#?@(:clj [:a :b :c])]))
(is (= [:a :b :c] [#?@(:clj [:a :b :c])])))
(testing "nested splicing"
(is (= [:a :b :c :d :e]
[#?@(:clj [:a #?@(:clj [:b #?@(:clj [:c]) :d]):e])]))
(is (= '(+ 1 (+ 2 3))
'(+ #?@(:clj [1 (+ #?@(:clj [2 3]))]))))
(is (= '(+ (+ 2 3) 1)
'(+ #?@(:clj [(+ #?@(:clj [2 3])) 1]))))
(is (= [:a [:b [:c] :d] :e]
[#?@(:clj [:a [#?@(:clj [:b #?@(:clj [[:c]]) :d])] :e])])))
(testing "bypass unknown tagged literals"
(is (= [1 2 3] #?(:cljs #js [1 2 3] :clj [1 2 3])))
(is (= :clojure #?(:foo #some.nonexistent.Record {:x 1} :clj :clojure))))
(testing "error cases"
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"Feature should be a keyword" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?((+ 1 2) :a)")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"even number of forms" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?(:cljs :a :clj)")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"read-cond-splicing must implement" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?@(:clj :a)")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"is reserved" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?@(:foo :a :else :b)")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"must be a list" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?[:foo :a :else :b]")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"Conditional read not allowed" (read-string {:read-cond :BOGUS} "#?[:clj :a :default nil]")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"Conditional read not allowed" (read-string "#?[:clj :a :default nil]")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"Reader conditional splicing not allowed at the top level" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?@(:clj [1 2])")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"Reader conditional splicing not allowed at the top level" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?@(:clj [1])")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? RuntimeException #"Reader conditional splicing not allowed at the top level" (read-string {:read-cond :allow} "#?@(:clj []) 1"))))
(testing "clj-1698-regression"
(let [opts {:features #{:clj} :read-cond :allow}]
(is (= 1 (read-string opts "#?(:cljs {'a 1 'b 2} :clj 1)")))
(is (= 1 (read-string opts "#?(:cljs (let [{{b :b} :a {d :d} :c} {}]) :clj 1)")))
(is (= '(def m {}) (read-string opts "(def m #?(:cljs ^{:a :b} {} :clj ^{:a :b} {}))")))
(is (= '(def m {}) (read-string opts "(def m #?(:cljs ^{:a :b} {} :clj ^{:a :b} {}))")))
(is (= 1 (read-string opts "#?(:cljs {:a #_:b :c} :clj 1)")))))
(testing "nil expressions"
(is (nil? #?(:default nil)))
(is (nil? #?(:foo :bar :clj nil)))
(is (nil? #?(:clj nil :foo :bar)))
(is (nil? #?(:foo :bar :default nil)))))
(deftest eof-option
(is (= 23 (read-string {:eof 23} "")))
(is (= 23 (read {:eof 23} (clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader.
( ""))))))
(require '[clojure.string :as s])
(deftest namespaced-maps
(is (= #:a{1 nil, :b nil, :b/c nil, :_/d nil}
#:a {1 nil, :b nil, :b/c nil, :_/d nil}
{1 nil, :a/b nil, :b/c nil, :d nil}))
(is (= #::{1 nil, :a nil, :a/b nil, :_/d nil}
#:: {1 nil, :a nil, :a/b nil, :_/d nil}
{1 nil, :clojure.test-clojure.reader/a nil, :a/b nil, :d nil} ))
(is (= #::s{1 nil, :a nil, :a/b nil, :_/d nil}
#::s {1 nil, :a nil, :a/b nil, :_/d nil}
{1 nil, :clojure.string/a nil, :a/b nil, :d nil}))
(is (= (read-string "#:a{b 1 b/c 2}") {'a/b 1, 'b/c 2}))
(is (= (binding [*ns* (the-ns 'clojure.test-clojure.reader)] (read-string "#::{b 1, b/c 2, _/d 3}")) {'clojure.test-clojure.reader/b 1, 'b/c 2, 'd 3}))
(is (= (binding [*ns* (the-ns 'clojure.test-clojure.reader)] (read-string "#::s{b 1, b/c 2, _/d 3}")) {'clojure.string/b 1, 'b/c 2, 'd 3})))
(deftest namespaced-map-errors
(are [err msg form] (thrown-with-msg? err msg (read-string form))
Exception #"Invalid token" "#:::"
Exception #"Namespaced map literal must contain an even number of forms" "#:s{1}"
Exception #"Namespaced map must specify a valid namespace" "#:s/t{1 2}"
Exception #"Unknown auto-resolved namespace alias" "#::BOGUS{1 2}"
Exception #"Namespaced map must specify a namespace" "#: s{:a 1}"
Exception #"Duplicate key: :user/a" "#::{:a 1 :a 2}"
Exception #"Duplicate key: user/a" "#::{a 1 a 2}"))
(deftest namespaced-map-edn
(is (= {1 1, :a/b 2, :b/c 3, :d 4}
(edn/read-string "#:a{1 1, :b 2, :b/c 3, :_/d 4}")
(edn/read-string "#:a {1 1, :b 2, :b/c 3, :_/d 4}"))))
(deftest invalid-symbol-value
(is (thrown-with-msg? Exception #"Invalid token" (read-string "##5")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? Exception #"Invalid token" (edn/read-string "##5")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? Exception #"Unknown symbolic value" (read-string "##Foo")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? Exception #"Unknown symbolic value" (edn/read-string "##Foo"))))
(defn str->lnpr
(-> s ( (clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader.)))
(deftest test-read+string
(let [[r s] (read+string (str->lnpr "[:foo 100]"))]
(is (= [:foo 100] r))
(is (= "[:foo 100]" s)))
(let [[r s] (read+string {:read-cond :allow :features #{:y}} (str->lnpr "#?(:x :foo :y :bar)"))]
(is (= :bar r))
(is (= "#?(:x :foo :y :bar)" s))))
(deftest t-Explicit-line-column-numbers
(is (= {:line 42 :column 99}
(-> "^{:line 42 :column 99} (1 2)" read-string meta (select-keys [:line :column]))))
(are [l c s] (= {:line l :column c} (-> s str->lnpr read meta (select-keys [:line :column])))
42 99 "^{:line 42 :column 99} (1 2)"
1 99 "^{:column 99} (1 2)")
(eval (-> "^{:line 42 :column 99} (defn explicit-line-numbering [])" str->lnpr read))
(is (= {:line 42 :column 99}
(-> 'explicit-line-numbering resolve meta (select-keys [:line :column])))))
(ns clojure.test-clojure.server
(:import java.util.Random)
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all])
(:require [clojure.core.server :as s]))
(deftest test-validate-opts
(check-invalid-opts {} "Missing required socket server property :name")
(check-invalid-opts {:name "a" :accept 'clojure.core/+} "Missing required socket server property :port")
(doseq [port [-1 "5" 999999]]
(check-invalid-opts {:name "a" :port port :accept 'clojure.core/+} (str "Invalid socket server port: " port)))
(check-invalid-opts {:name "a" :port 5555} "Missing required socket server property :accept"))
(ns clojure.test-clojure.reducers
(:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
[clojure.test.generative :refer (defspec)]
[ :as gen])
(:use clojure.test))
(deftest test-mapcat-obeys-reduced
(is (= [1 "0" 2 "1" 3]
(->> (concat (range 100) (lazy-seq (throw (Exception. "Too eager"))))
(r/mapcat (juxt inc str))
(r/take 5)
(into [])))))
(deftest test-sorted-maps
(let [m (into (sorted-map)
'{1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d})]
(is (= "1a2b3c4d" (reduce-kv str "" m))
"Sorted maps should reduce-kv in sorted order")
(is (= 1 (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
(reduced (+ acc k)))
0 m))
"Sorted maps should stop reduction when asked")))
(ns frontend.pubsub
"All mults and pubs are collected to this ns.
vars with suffix '-mult' is a/Mult, use a/tap and a/untap on them. used by event subscribers
vars with suffix '-pub' is a/Pub, use a/sub and a/unsub on them. used by event subscribers
vars with suffix '-ch' is chan used by event publishers."
{:clj-kondo/config {:linters {:unresolved-symbol {:level :off}}}}
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [frontend.pubsub :refer [def-mult-or-pub chan-of]]))
(:require [clojure.core.async :as a :refer [chan mult pub]]
[clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as ap]
[malli.core :as m]
[ :as mdp]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
(defmacro def-mult-or-pub
"define following vars:
- `symbol-name`-ch for event publisher.
- `symbol-name`-mult or `symbol-name`-pub for event subscribers.
- `symbol-name`-validator is malli schema validator
def -pub var when `:topic-fn` exists otherwise -mult var"
[symbol-name doc-string malli-schema & {:keys [ch-buffer topic-fn]
:or {ch-buffer 1}}]
(let [schema-validator-name (symbol (str symbol-name "-validator"))
schema-name (symbol (str symbol-name "-schema"))
ch-name (symbol (str symbol-name "-ch"))
mult-or-pub-name (if topic-fn
(symbol (str symbol-name "-pub"))
(symbol (str symbol-name "-mult")))
doc-string* (str doc-string "\nMalli-schema:\n" (with-out-str (pp/pprint malli-schema)))]
(def ~schema-name ~malli-schema)
(def ~schema-validator-name (m/validator ~malli-schema))
(def ~ch-name ~doc-string* (chan-of ~malli-schema ~schema-validator-name ~ch-buffer))
~(if topic-fn
`(def ~mult-or-pub-name ~doc-string* (pub ~ch-name ~topic-fn))
`(def ~mult-or-pub-name ~doc-string* (mult ~ch-name))))))
(ns core-async.alt
(:require [clojure.core.async :as a]
[clojure.string :as str]))
;; no unresolved symbol warnings
;; namespace clojure.string is loaded from cache, so invalid arity
(a/alt!! [c t] ([v ch] (str/join "\n" [ch v] 1))
x3 x4) ;; unresolved symbols
(ns cortex.nn.impl
"Implementation helpers to aid implementing neural network cortex protocols
or specific neural network layers"
(:require [cortex.nn.layers :as layers]
[clojure.core.matrix.macros :refer [c-for]]))
(defmacro convolution-outer-kernel
[conv-desc & body]
`(let [~'conv-desc ~conv-desc
~'output-width (long (:output-width ~'conv-desc))
~'output-height (long (:output-height ~'conv-desc))
~'num-in-channels (long (:input-channels ~'conv-desc))
~'num-out-channels (long (:output-channels ~'conv-desc))
~'input-width (long (:input-width ~'conv-desc))
~'input-height (long (:input-height ~'conv-desc))
~'input-planar-stride (* ~'input-width ~'input-height)
~'output-planar-stride (* ~'output-width ~'output-height)
~'kernel-width (long (:kernel-width ~'conv-desc))
~'kernel-height (long (:kernel-height ~'conv-desc))
~'output-channel-stride (* ~'kernel-width ~'kernel-height)
~'output-column-stride (* ~'output-channel-stride ~'num-in-channels)
~'stride-y (long (:stride-y ~'conv-desc))
~'stride-x (long (:stride-x ~'conv-desc))
~'pad-x (long (:pad-x ~'conv-desc))
~'pad-y (long (:pad-y ~'conv-desc))
~'min-x (- 0 ~'pad-x)
~'min-y (- 0 ~'pad-y)
~'max-x (+ ~'input-width ~'pad-x)
~'max-y (+ ~'input-height ~'pad-y)
~'kernel-num-elems (* ~'kernel-width ~'kernel-height)]
[~'chan 0 (< ~'chan ~'num-in-channels) (inc ~'chan)]
(let [~'chan-input-offset (* ~'chan ~'input-planar-stride)
~'chan-output-offset (* ~'chan ~'output-planar-stride)]
[~'out-y 0 (< ~'out-y ~'output-height) (inc ~'out-y)]
(let [~'input-rel-y (- (* ~'out-y ~'stride-y) ~'pad-y)]
[~'out-x 0 (< ~'out-x ~'output-width) (inc ~'out-x)]
(let [~'input-rel-x (- (* ~'out-x ~'stride-x) ~'pad-x)]
(defmacro convolution-roll-unroll-inner-kernel
[& body]
`(let [~'chan-conv-offset (* ~'chan ~'output-channel-stride)
~'output-offset (+ (* ~'out-y ~'output-width)
;;positive values for how far out we are into the padding
input-over-x# (max 0 (- (+ ~'input-rel-x ~'kernel-width)
input-over-y# (max 0 (- (+ ~'input-rel-y ~'kernel-height)
;;Negative values for how far before the 0 idx we are.
input-under-x# (min ~'input-rel-x 0)
input-under-y# (min ~'input-rel-y 0)
;;Width of the kernel excluding padding
~'exc-pad-width (max 0 (+ (- ~'kernel-width input-over-x#)
~'exc-pad-height (max 0 (+ (- ~'kernel-height input-over-y#)
~'exc-pad-kernel-num-elems (* ~'exc-pad-width ~'exc-pad-height)]
[~'k-y 0 (< ~'k-y ~'kernel-height) (inc ~'k-y)]
[~'k-x 0 (< ~'k-x ~'kernel-width) (inc ~'k-x)]
(let [~'input-x (+ ~'input-rel-x ~'k-x)
~'input-y (+ ~'input-rel-y ~'k-y)
~'output-conv-addr (+ (* ~'output-offset
(* ~'k-y ~'kernel-width)
~'input-addr (+ (* ~'input-y ~'input-width)
~'input-valid? (and (in-bounds? ~'input-x 0 ~'input-width)
(in-bounds? ~'input-y 0 ~'input-height))
loop-valid?# (and (in-bounds? ~'input-x ~'min-x ~'max-x)
(in-bounds? ~'input-y ~'min-y ~'max-y))]
(when loop-valid?#
(:require [schema.core :as schema]
[ :as s]
[clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as async-prot])
(:import (clojure.lang IDeref)))
(defprotocol TrapperkeeperApp
"Functions available on a trapperkeeper application instance"
(get-service [this service-id] "Returns the service with the given service id")
(service-graph [this] "Returns the prismatic graph of service fns for this app")
(app-context [this] "Returns the application context for this app (an atom containing a map)")
(check-for-errors! [this] (str "Check for any errors which have occurred in "
"the bootstrap process. If any have "
"occurred, throw a `java.lang.Throwable` with "
"the contents of the error. If none have "
"occurred, return the input parameter."))
(init [this] "Initialize the services")
(start [this] "Start the services")
(stop [this] [this throw?] "Stop the services")
(restart [this] "Stop and restart the services"))
(ns deuce.emacs.doc
(:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar)])
(:require [clojure.core :as c]
[clojure.string :as s]
[deuce.emacs-lisp :as el])
(:refer-clojure :exclude []))
(defvar internal-doc-file-name nil
"Name of file containing documentation strings of built-in symbols.")
(defun Snarf-documentation (filename)
"Used during Emacs initialization to scan the `etc/DOC...' file.
This searches the `etc/DOC...' file for doc strings and
records them in function and variable definitions.
The function takes one argument, FILENAME, a string;
it specifies the file name (without a directory) of the DOC file.
That file is found in `../etc' now; later, when the dumped Emacs is run,
the same file name is found in the `doc-directory'."
(defun substitute-command-keys (string)
"Substitute key descriptions for command names in STRING.
Each substring of the form \\[COMMAND] is replaced by either a
keystroke sequence that invokes COMMAND, or \"M-x COMMAND\" if COMMAND
is not on any keys.
Each substring of the form \\{MAPVAR} is replaced by a summary of
the value of MAPVAR as a keymap. This summary is similar to the one
produced by `describe-bindings'. The summary ends in two newlines
(used by the helper function `help-make-xrefs' to find the end of the
Each substring of the form \\<MAPVAR> specifies the use of MAPVAR
as the keymap for future \\[COMMAND] substrings.
\\= quotes the following character and is discarded;
thus, \\=\\= puts \\= into the output, and \\=\\[ puts \\[ into the output.
Return the original STRING if no substitutions are made.
Otherwise, return a new string, without any text properties."
(defun documentation-property (symbol prop &optional raw)
"Return the documentation string that is SYMBOL's PROP property.
Third argument RAW omitted or nil means pass the result through
`substitute-command-keys' if it is a string.
This differs from `get' in that it can refer to strings stored in the
`etc/DOC' file; and that it evaluates documentation properties that
aren't strings."
(defun documentation (function &optional raw)
"Return the documentation string of FUNCTION.
Unless a non-nil second argument RAW is given, the
string is passed through `substitute-command-keys'."
(let [m (meta (el/fun function))]
(str ((if raw identity substitute-command-keys) (:doc m))
(cons 'fn (or (map #(% '#{&optional &rest}
(symbol (s/upper-case %)))
(:el-arglist m))
(first (:arglists m)))))))