Public Vars


ensure (clj)



(ensure ref)
Must be called in a transaction. Protects the ref from modification by other transactions. Returns the in-transaction-value of ref. Allows for more concurrency than (ref-set ref @ref)


(ns clojure.core.typed.test.load-test
  (:require [clojure.core.typed.load :as load]
            [clojure.test :refer :all]))

;; ensures evaluation occurs
(deftest evaluation-test
  (is (try (load/typed-load1 "clojure/core/typed/test/typed_load/eval")
           (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
             (-> e ex-data :blame :file #{"clojure/core/typed/test/typed_load/eval.clj"})))))
(ns deuce.emacs
  (:require [clojure.core :as c]
            [deuce.emacs-lisp :as el]
            [deuce.emacs-lisp.globals :as globals])
  (:refer-clojure :only [])
  (:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only [and apply-partially catch cond condition-case defconst define-compiler-macro defmacro
                                 defun defvar function if interactive lambda let let* or prog1 prog2 progn quote
                                 save-current-buffer save-excursion save-restriction setq setq-default
                                 unwind-protect while throw]]

;; Create *Deuce* log buffer first so it won't get selected.
(get-buffer-create "*Deuce*")
;; *Messages* is created by xdisp.c
(get-buffer-create "*Messages*")
;; *scratch* is created by buffer.c
(set-window-buffer (selected-window)
                   (get-buffer-create "*scratch*"))
;; Minibuffer 0 is the empty one, this is either created by frame.c or minibuffer.c
;; Not the leading space for buffers in the minibuffer window. *Minibuf-1* etc. gets created once it gets activated.
;; You can switch to these buffers in a normal window in Emacs and see them change as they're used.
(set-window-buffer (minibuffer-window)
                   (get-buffer-create " *Minibuf-0*"))
;; ensure_echo_area_buffers in xdisp.c creates (at least) two echo areas.
(get-buffer-create " *Echo Area 0*")
(get-buffer-create " *Echo Area 1*")
(ns deuce.emacs.print
  (:use [deuce.emacs-lisp :only (defun defvar)])
  (:require [clojure.core :as c]
            [clojure.string :as s]
            [deuce.emacs.buffer :as buffer]
            [ :as data]
            [deuce.emacs.editfns :as editfns]
            [deuce.emacs.fns :as fns])
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [print]))

  When you bind `print-continuous-numbering' to t, you should probably
  also bind `print-number-table' to nil.  This ensures that the value of
  `print-number-table' can be garbage-collected once the printing is
  done.  If all elements of `print-number-table' are nil, it means that
  the printing done so far has not found any shared structure or objects
  that need to be recorded in the table.")
(ns ^:no-doc typed.ann.clojure
  "Type annotations for the base Clojure distribution."
  #?(:cljs (:require-macros [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros]))
  (:require [clojure.core :as cc]
            [typed.clojure :as t]
            #?(:clj [typed.ann-macros.clojure :as macros])
            #?(:clj typed.ann.clojure.jvm) ;; jvm annotations
            #?(:clj clojure.core.typed))
     (:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashSet PersistentList
                            APersistentMap #_IPersistentCollection
              (java.util Comparator Collection))))

cc/reduce (t/All [a c] (t/IFn 
                         ;Without accumulator
                         ; default
                         ; (reduce + my-coll)
                         [[a a :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] (t/NonEmptySeqable a) :-> a]
                         [(t/IFn [a a :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] [:-> a]) (t/Seqable a) :-> a]
                         ; default
                         ; (reduce + 3 my-coll)
                         ; (reduce (fn [a b] a) (reduced 1) nil) 
                         ; ;=> (reduced 1)
                         [[a c :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] a (t/Seqable c) :-> a]))
cc/transduce (t/All [a b c] (t/IFn [(t/Transducer a a) (t/Reducer a a) (t/Seqable a) :-> a]
                                   [(t/Transducer b c) (t/IFn [c :-> c] [c a :-> (t/U c (t/Reduced c))]) a (t/Seqable b) :-> a]))
cc/reduce-kv (t/All [a k v] [[a k v :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] a (t/Option (t/Associative k v)) :-> a])
cc/reductions (t/All [a b] (t/IFn [[a a :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] (t/NonEmptySeqable a) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq a)]
                                  [(t/IFn [:-> a] [a a :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)]) (t/Seqable a) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq a)]
                                  [[a b :-> (t/U (t/Reduced a) a)] a (t/Seqable b) :-> (t/NonEmptyASeq a)]))
cc/reduced (t/All [x] [x :-> (t/Reduced x)])
cc/unreduced (t/All [x] (t/IFn [(t/Reduced x) :-> x]
                               [(t/U x (t/Reduced x)) :-> x]))
cc/ensure-reduced (t/All [x] [(t/U x (t/Reduced x)) :-> (t/Reduced x)])
cc/completing (t/All [a b] [(t/IFn [:-> b] [b a :-> (t/U b (t/Reduced b))])
                            [b :-> b]
                            :-> (t/Reducer a b)])
(ns ^:no-doc typed-test.clj.ext.clojure.core__let
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [clojure.core.typed :as t]
            [typed.clj.checker.parse-unparse :as prs]
            [typed.clj.checker.test-utils :refer :all]))

(deftest let-tag-test
  (is-tc-e (let [a "a"]
             (.startsWith a "b")))
  (is-tc-e (let [a (let [foo 1] "a")]
             (.startsWith a "b")))
  ;; ensure inferred :tag is not propagated to final expansion.
  ;; this would otherwise fail to expand, complaining about primitive
  ;; type hints on locals.
  (is-tc-e (let [foo 1])))